The strengths and weaknesses of demons and humans have been reversed, and the situation has changed. However, the sun is still rising and setting, and the earth is still rotating and revolving, so history is not over.

And as long as history continues, strength and weakness will continue to change and rise and fall. This is the lesson of history.

Just like many science fiction works, there will be technological archeology. Ancient civilizations that developed first can always bring all kinds of incredible technologies to mankind. However, the greatest wealth left by the first-mover civilization to mankind is not technology, but their ending. The first-mover civilizations have basically declined. Even if their technology is very powerful, it cannot save their defeat. At most, it can make their defeat less embarrassing.

The ancient saints in "Warhammer" and the humans in the golden age are indeed powerful in technology, but their decline is even more worthy of vigilance.

The same goes for Harbinger in Halo. The Protheans in "Mass Effect" are a bit special. They were harvested before they reached their full development, but their destruction still serves as a warning to future generations.

There is also the Great God Civilization in "Three-Body". Even if it is already a Great God Civilization, it still adheres to the Dark Forest and constantly eliminates latecomer civilizations with potential. However, even such new Great God Civilizations will continue to emerge. As a result That is, a war breaks out between the Great God Civilization and the Great God Civilization, and they both end up dead for dimensionality reduction.

Therefore, the lesson of history is that it is impossible to prevent the reversal of strength and weakness. Even if the process may take hundreds of thousands or millions of years, the result will not change, and there is no eternal strength. Although various forces want to desperately maintain their own strength, they are still unable to prevent late-developing civilizations from surpassing themselves.

That’s why Taoists say that strength is easy to break, and that weakness should be used to overcome strength. This is because it is too difficult to maintain strength.

The devil has suppressed mankind for tens of thousands of years, but in the end it still failed to prevent mankind from overtaking in corners and reversal of strength. It's a little too early for the demons. After all, humans are weak chickens anyway. How come they suddenly have the ability to hunt demons overnight? What a surprise.

The devil needs to find a reason, and if he can't find one, he will find someone to take the blame. The media demon has become the best demon to take the blame because he used to speak freely. But he firmly believes that he has done his best. After all, he has been working hard to make people question science and constantly weaken human development.

Humanity cannot but develop. Without development, there will be no new demons. However, it cannot continue to develop. If it continues to develop, it will develop technology to defeat demons. Therefore, the media demon has been secretly interfering with humans, promoting the uncertainty of technology, making humans not believe in technology, and making humans give up their most powerful tools. It has always been very successful, and people in many countries no longer believe in technology. So he doesn't think he should take the blame for this unprecedented rout.

The demons quarreled, and this defeat hit them harder than ever. Humans are just ants, but the demons were defeated by humans. Doesn't it mean that demons are worse than ants? It is difficult for a devil who is used to arrogance to learn a lesson, admit that thirty years are in Hedong and thirty years are in Hexi, and that one's strength is not eternal.

After admitting that he is weak, if he wants to regain his strength, then the devil must learn from humans. Then he must let go of the devil's standards and learn from human standards. In this process, he must follow the lead of humans. Demons can't stand this kind of anger. They have never abided by human standards and are not used to it. Especially for the ancient demons. In the past, they always kept their word in hell, and the little demons could only listen to them. If they gave up their standards, wouldn't the little demons have to completely listen to humans?

This is very detrimental to the ancient demon.

The demons still lack the spirit of learning and still do not understand the cruelty of history.

It is definitely difficult to give up your own standards, but as long as you can learn, it is possible to restore your standards in the future.

Of course, the process of giving up standards and restoring standards will definitely be difficult, and the restored standards will not be exactly the same as before, but this is the price of failure. You have to admit when you lose, you have to stand firm when you are beaten, and you have to pay the price when you lose. Just like humans in the past, humans cannot defeat the devil, so they can only listen to the devil's mercy. They must satisfy the devil at a high price and must cede territory for peace.

Although it seems that humans and demons are a win-win situation, humans rely on the power of demons to maintain their international status on earth, and demons also seem to play a role.

But in fact, signing a contract with the devil is beneficial to small countries, but it is simply a burden to big countries. After all, there are no demons, and the great powers still have the advantage, but they have to pay more costs because of the existence of demons.

Dulan observed the devil and thought that it was time for the devil to change. If the devil did not make changes, it would not be able to get up after its decline.

Many civilizations were strong for a while, but failed to rise after their decline, because they could not let go of their dignity and did not understand the principle of softness over strength. If you don’t understand that history will never end, it is impossible to maintain strength. When you are strong, you must be prepared for danger in times of peace, and when you are weak, you must wait for the opportunity. This is the principle of a lasting civilization.

Whether demons can get up depends on whether they are willing to learn from humans and endure the humiliation.

Of course, what some civilizations pursue is not necessarily lasting. After all, it is very tiring to last all the time. The pursuit of having fun when you are at your strongest is the style of most civilizations. If you don't do whatever you want when you are strong, then why be strong? If you have to exercise self-restraint when you are strong, and you need to exercise self-restraint when you are weak, then isn’t civilization powerful in vain?

Then it can only be said that the pursuits are different. After my death, I will care about the floods, or the predecessors will plant trees and future generations will enjoy the shade. The goals pursued by these two ideas are different. One is to feel good for a while, the other is to have long-term peace and stability. What a civilization should aim for depends on its philosophy.

Philosophy is also about ideas and ideas. Only when you have ideas can you consider how to allocate resources, and follow this idea to complete the goal step by step.

The philosophies of demons and humans are definitely different. The philosophy of demons is very rubbish. They act first and think later. There are so many human philosophies, and every civilization has different philosophical thoughts.

For example, monotheistic religions, their philosophy is that God is eternal, and life is only a moment, so at this moment they must work hard to get close to God and strive to go to heaven after death. Therefore, when they allocate resources, they must give priority to things that can help them go to heaven. work.

The Buddhist philosophy is emptiness and believes that everything is illusion, so form is emptiness and emptiness is form. When arranging resources, you should do subtraction and reduce your own resources little by little.

The philosophy of capitalism is to pursue profit, and profit is the most important, so they must give priority to making money, and achieving monopoly is the ultimate goal of all capital.

The philosophy of the I Ching is about change, so there will be the idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace, preparing for war and famine, and thinking about the times of poor harvests when there is a good harvest.

So whatever philosophy there is, there will be resource arrangements. And resource arrangement determines whether it is a good time or long-term peace and stability. When the results become history, they will affect philosophy, and so on, and finally promote human development.

The devil has now entered a historical stage. If he wants to think about changing his thinking, it is impossible to change anything simply by finding a scapegoat. However, it is difficult to change the way of thinking. Usually, human beings will slowly change after a hundred years of troubled times. The devil didn't know if there would be troubled times, but Dulan was still looking forward to it.

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