Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2810 Family Discord

Humanity won, the devil failed. However, this victory did not seem to make any difference to ordinary people, because the devil was still by their side, and they did not receive direct benefits from the victory.

So everyone didn't think this victory was worth celebrating, or even considered it a victory.

In fact, the situation has changed. At least the demons are not so arrogant anymore. The demons in the world are also polite to humans and do not like to scare people as before. Moreover, some criminals found that they had signed contracts with demons in the past. These demons were afraid that they would not do bad things thoroughly, so they always instigated them to do more bad things. But now the criminals can't find the devil at all. Even if they find the devil, they still try to persuade the criminals to turn around and do bad things.

Is this a demon? Are these the demons who are afraid of chaos in the world? Where's the devil's guts? Why do the demons seem to abandon evil and do good, and become good babies?

Humans know that there was a war, but the changes in the demons after the war were still so great that even those who were related to the demons could not accept it.

Of course, the ancient demons will not give up easily. They will look for opportunities to continue playing games with humans. The devil did not want to change. Although he had indeed entered troubled times, his habitual thinking could not be changed at once.

To be honest, it is really difficult to change one's thinking. Duran only had to experience many worlds before he could repeatedly jump between different thoughts and adopt a flexible moral bottom line.

The devil has historical baggage, and it won't change easily. Since he doesn't change, the demon hunter will continue hunting. Anyway, the demon trading market has opened.

In the post-apocalyptic world, we are doing business and building at the same time.

The doomsday world is once again full of vitality, but for Ikari Yuantang, this is not what he expected because he has not changed his thinking. He does not accept Ikari Wei's existence in the form of Unit-1. Although he knows that his wife is inside, the wife he needs is not like this.

Picking and choosing is unseemly. Dulan knew that his hard persuasion could not convince Ikari Yuantang, but he still insisted on going his own way and wanted to complete the plan.

"The past will never change." Dulan really doesn't know what to do with this kind of stubborn person. He will only accept love as defined by himself. This desire for dominance is no weaker than that of Machima.

But Machima is a demon, and her nature is to dominate. But Ikari Yuantang is a human being, so why does he have to let love become what he imagined?

He even goes against his wife's wishes for the sake of perfect love in his imagination. The wife obviously does not support the human completion plan and supports her son to restart the timeline and find a more satisfactory solution. Ikari Yuantang didn't care about this at all.

In fact, Shinji Ikari's last choice was to create a world without EVA and apostles, an ordinary world. He was neither a savior nor a driver. He said goodbye to his parents and faced the ups and downs of society. Is it better than the human completion plan? No one can tell.

In fact, the ordinary world is definitely not good, at least for the island country, because with the apostles, the value of the island country is huge. Without the apostles, the island country can only be a second-rate country. As an island country, the upper limit of development is strictly limited. Even if we desperately open summer camps, bury coal in the sea, and import timber, it will be useless.

Because small countries can easily encounter the collapse of rituals and music, that is, they can be surpassed by big countries. When the Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Zhou's advantage was so huge that he was eventually surpassed by Qi, Jin, Chu, and Qin. This was because these four countries had a large space for development, and their upper limit of development was much greater than that of Emperor Zhou. .

Emperor Zhou was trapped in the middle and could not develop at all. Therefore, four of the five hegemons emerged from the four peripheral countries, and the last hegemon of the Song Dynasty had a very high level of success.

Therefore, the starting point is not decisive at the beginning. What is really decisive is the development space. Zhou Tianzi has a good hand, but in the end he still cannot surpass the countries with development space in the four directions.

Small countries really don't have much room for development. Even if they lead in technology for a while, they will eventually be replaced by big countries with a lot of room for development.

So if Shinji Ikari restarts an ordinary world, it may seem good, but in fact it may not necessarily be better than the ending of total annihilation. Of course, this is purely from the perspective of a small country, not from the perspective of all mankind.

From the perspective of all mankind, being ordinary is definitely more beneficial to big countries. Just like in the Spring and Autumn Period, the four overlords dominated the country, but they still had to abide by the Zhou rites, which meant that the overlord's profits would definitely be greater than those of the Zhou emperor, so pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in ordinary times was the best way.

In short, Duran is actually not sure which one is happier for Shinji Ikari: restarting ordinary life or continuing to play the game of fighting monsters. After all, the ordinary world was restarted in the final theatrical version, and there was no ending for Shinji Ikari. I don’t know whether he was happy or not.

Now Denji and Agni are quite happy. Although Agni did not avenge his sister, what he gained was a more orderly world. Of course, to maintain order, sacrifices were inevitable.

Of course, some people may say that an order that requires people to make sacrifices might as well be destroyed. For example, in "Saving Private Ryan", is it worth it for a group of people to die to save one person?

Of course it's worth it, because "Saving Private Ryan" protects the rules of respect for personal life. Not saving means abandoning the rules, and saving means protecting the rules. If you give up one person, rituals and music will collapse; if you sacrifice a group of people, order will be maintained.

To protect the rules, someone must sacrifice, and someone must bear the burden and move forward. Because this rule can benefit more people. Private Ryan is the flag of American imperialism and democracy. If the flag falls, it will be over. In order to uphold the flag, sacrifices are inevitable.

Therefore, order must involve sacrifice, and there is no order that is not established and maintained through sacrifice. Those who say that order that requires sacrifices to maintain is not as good as not having it, obviously have a hole in their brains, and do not understand that order does not fall from the sky and then everyone maintains it together, but that order is established through sacrifice, order is maintained through sacrifice, and eating He enjoys the dividends of order but does not want to contribute to maintaining order. It is not that he destroys order, but that order kicks him out to fend for himself.

Agni has gained order, and then he has to pay the cost of maintaining order. If his sister and other children like her can live in order, Agni will definitely be happy.

Denji and Agni were finally happy, leaving only Shinji Ikari. The current problem for Shinji Ikari is the conflict between his parents. As for whether to restart the world or not, he can accept it under Dulan's education. But the parents, Ikari Yuantang and Ikari Wei, have not yet reached an agreement. Ikari Yuantang insists on rescuing Ikari Wei, but Ikari Wei feels that only using Unit 1 can protect his son. After all, the world is so dangerous and he is an apostle. There are demons, well-wishers, and all kinds of humans with malicious intentions. What would my son do if there was no Unit 1? In troubled times, who will protect the happiness of his son, and who will leave a way out for mankind? Just rely on Ikari Yuantang, an irresponsible father?

If parents have such big differences, it is natural that a son will not be happy.

Ikari Yuantang only needs a little love from his family, but Ikari Wei thinks about the whole world. It’s no wonder that Ikari has joined seele a long time ago. After all, the situation is huge. Ikari Yuantang has to go through the back door to enter, which shows that Ikari Yuantang is really not as good as his wife. Although he has a way of playing tricks and tricks, he is not even the slightest bit worse than Ikari in terms of overall situation.

Ikari only has the kindness that I am for everyone, while Ikari Yuantang has the determination that everyone is for me.

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