Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3016 Strong Enemy

Dulan was paying attention to Diao Guangdou's movements, and Diao Guangdou issued a challenge, and the content of the challenge was a large number of unjust, false and erroneous cases.

One of the cases is related to Maori. Back then, he was a police detective and caught a prisoner. But now Song Ci is re-investigating these old cases and finds that many of them have been tampered with.

Then I came to the Maori Detective Agency and asked about the situation that year.

When Conan returned home, he was surprised to find that Song Ci was at the detective station, and the expressions on his and Uncle Maoli's faces seemed to indicate that they had encountered some problem.

"Are you saying that all the evidence we investigated back then has been tampered with?" It's hard for Mao Li to imagine this, but the other party is a big celebrity, and he won't joke about this kind of thing.

"Yes, not just this case, but a large number of cases that year were tampered with."

Conan was shocked when he heard that something like this had happened. Wasn't he arresting the wrong person? This is too serious, how could this happen? To be honest, he couldn't imagine that a large number of cases had been tampered with.

"Anyway, I ask Mr. Maoli to recall the situation as much as possible." Song Ci said with serious eyes.

"Okay." In fact, it happened ten years ago, and Mao Li didn't remember it very clearly, but he still racked his brains to think about it.

Conan couldn't help but listen. He could never stand by and watch this kind of thing happen. He must also restore the truth and solve the unjust, false and wrong cases ten years ago.

All of this is naturally the masterpiece of Diao Guangdou, who did a lot of things back then.

Du Lan thought that Diao Guangdou was Hong Guoguo's provocation. It seemed that he had a deep grudge against Song Ci. Can it not be too deep, because the existence of Song Ci can prove that his path is not the only one, and it is simply intolerable.

"You didn't cause it?" Dinisha said that Duran was the instigator. When the two were about to show off, why did it seem like it had nothing to do with them? "Do you support Song Ci's inhumanity, or do you support Diao Guangdou's complicity?"

Du Lan said: "I support both, and I don't support either." It can be said that listening to your words is like listening to your words.

Dinisha was not surprised. She knew that her husband must be a flexible person and use different methods in different circumstances.

For example, the first to get the moon near the water is the first to get the moon, and the rabbit will not eat the grass next to the nest. There is also a good horse who never turns back to eat grass, and a prodigal son who never turns back for gold...

Our ancestors have long made it clear what methods should be used in different environments. Different environments should have different actions. Even if the actions are completely contradictory, they are appropriate in that environment.

Therefore, when studying anything, you must look at the environment at that time. Only by understanding the environment can you understand the choice.

Song Ci began to peel off the cocoon, and Mao Li naturally couldn't stand by and watch. If he made a mistake, he must correct it. Conan also comes to help.

This time Song Ci was not fighting alone, but there was a group of people who accepted the views of the Legal School and were willing to help. They all believe that it is necessary to maintain the sublimity of the law, and they cannot be merciful even when facing their own relatives.

The matter was very complicated, but Conan and the others worked together to slowly clarify their ideas. Conan realized that someone was deliberately manipulating the matter to mislead the police. This kind of person is really evil.

Slowly investigating, Diao Guangdou was discovered, and his existence was learned from the witnesses at the time.

A person who walks in the gray area, a person who takes money to do things. He can exonerate the guilty and make the innocent suffer unjustly.

"Damn it!" As the investigation deepened, Mouri Kogoro was almost furious, because his case was not an isolated case, and there were many cases where the truth had been concealed.

For example, in a previous car accident case, the person who was arrested was not driving at all at the time. He only surrendered after receiving money from Diao Guangdou.

This kind of confusing right and wrong really raises people's blood pressure.

Conan was also very angry. He didn't expect that there would be such a person who would let the guilty escape and the innocent go to jail. I never thought that there would be such a person and such a business in this world? ! He was also gritting his teeth, feeling only darkness in front of his eyes.

"That person just wants to prove that there is no so-called black and white in this world, only gray. The so-called white is just not black enough and does not exist at all." In his previous life, he had a duel with Diao Guangdou. Song Ci already understood his personality very well. If you are truly despicable, you must prove that the whole world is a despicable asshole.

Duran said that despicability and greatness do not conflict. Despicability creates greatness, and greatness tolerates despicability. People like Diao Guangdou have very limited food, drink, housing and transportation on weekdays. It can be said that they have dedicated everything to corrupt officials and only need to obtain a protective umbrella. For this corrupt official faction, it is only because of Diao Guangdou's selfless dedication that it becomes bigger and stronger.

Just like the black organization needs gin, they all dedicate their light and heat to others, and they only need a way out.

They are despicable, but to the dark forces as a whole, they are great.

Just looking at who they are delivering benefits to, it is obvious that they all choose to deliver benefits to a few people instead of delivering benefits to the common people.

In the eyes of the common people, they are naturally despicable, but in the eyes of the black organization, they are great.

"Do you know this Diao Guangdou?" Maoli asked.

Conan also looked at Song Ci curiously, at the person with the same name as the author of "The Collection of Redress of Wrongs".

But Song Ci didn't want to mention the past, which was a dynasty with only black and no white. Diao Guangdou finally proved the darkness of human nature with his own life.

The entire corrupt official group is so big that even the emperor is powerless to fail. After all, the emperor ruled the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, not with the common people.

Wang Anshi's reform in the Northern Song Dynasty has proven that the consequences of going against the scholar-bureaucrat group are very serious, and even the emperor cannot solve it. This is what is called the collapse of the system.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with safeguarding the interests of nurses and doctors and maintaining social stability. Unfortunately, the cost is getting higher and higher, and it continues to absorb social energy. In the end, all the social energy goes to maintaining nurses and doctors. What about others?

Scholar-officials are definitely needed, but they must not be allowed to suck up all the energy. Wang Anshi's reform was due to lack of energy.

The situation of the Northern Song Dynasty was very embarrassing. It was unable to obtain benefits from the north and could not defeat the Liao Kingdom which implemented the bicameral system. The scholar-bureaucrats needed a lot of energy to maintain, so they had no choice but to reform.

But the reform is to move the interests of the scholar-bureaucrats, so how can it be done? Besides, the reform still needs to be implemented by scholar-bureaucrats. No matter how good Wang Anshi's law is, it will be useless.

Hence the famous saying, "Your Majesty governs the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, not with the common people." This is correct. How can Wang Anshi's reforms be implemented if the scholar-bureaucrats do not cooperate?

When a country is first founded, the country has more energy at its disposal, so everyone can show off their talents and achieve their goals. When a country enters decline, the country's energy has basically been dispersed, so there is no budget to do anything, and talents are too talented to make a meal without rice. Everyone is dedicated to their duties, but the country continues to decline.

The Southern Song Dynasty, where Song Ci lived, was experiencing a process of decreasing energy. Although the Southern Song Dynasty had the right to mint coins, money was not printed casually.

If printing money at will can solve the problem, the Southern Song Dynasty, Spain, and the Sun Never Set could all obtain the right to mint money, but in the end they were all finished. Even during the Three Kingdoms era, Shu and Wu relied on coinage to make money, but in the end they were defeated by Wei.

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