Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3017 Three Pillars

Diao Guangdou and Song Ci are just like Wang Anshi and Sima Guang in the Northern Song Dynasty, and they have different positions that have existed since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Just like the legal and illegal factions, is it more important to protect the interests of members within the law, or to regulate the behavior of everyone? I'm afraid there won't be an answer.

At least in the Southern Song Dynasty era of Diao Guangdou and Song Ci, there was no answer. Diao Guangdou must have believed that the interests of scholar-bureaucrats should be protected first. This is human nature. Song Ci believed that the emperor was guilty of the same crime as the common people when he broke the law. Regardless of whether it was a relative or a leader, as long as he broke the law, he had to deal with it openly. This was how he treated his father-in-law.

Even if the father-in-law's case was just an accident, a crime is a crime. It only depends on the behavior and not on the subjective thoughts.

Therefore, it is difficult to tell the winner in their duel. Even in modern times, the illegal faction and the legal faction still coexist, and neither side has disappeared.

As the investigation deepened, Maoli and the others learned more about Diao Guangdou. This man was very cunning and cruel.

Diao Guangdou was also a member of the illegal faction. In his view, only the scholar-bureaucrat class was considered human, and other common people were not human.

Obviously, although Diao Guangdou and Di Renjie are both members of the illegal sect, their methods are completely different. Di Renjie's illegal faction mainly protects those poor people who cannot achieve their demands through the law, while Diao Guangdou only protects scholar-bureaucrats within the scope of the law, and others are not considered human beings.

It can be said that what Di Renjie wants to protect happens to be what Diao Guangdou wants to harm, but both of them are illegal. They all believe that the law is nothing more than recognition.

"That's why I don't agree with Di Renjie." Song Ci investigated a lot of things and still believed that the illegal faction would only make the situation worse.

"What are you talking about?" Mauli asked.

Song Ci told Maori: "There are two factions in our detective team, one is the illegal faction and the other is the legal faction. They are distinguished based on the ancient Legalism of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period." He told Maori the philosophy of the illegal faction, and The philosophy of Dharma school.

Mao Li called it complicated. He didn't expect the detective to have such an idea?

Conan also didn't expect that this was not just a duel between detectives and criminals, but also a duel between detectives. He didn't expect this. It turns out that the detective also has a different stance.

"The illegal faction represented by Di Renjie believes that the law is nothing more than human relationships. But looking at what Diao Guangdou did, he did not take the law seriously and only protected the interests of corrupt officials because the corrupt official system is too big to fail. , so he can do bad things with peace of mind, and even blame everything on human nature." Song Ci said angrily: "So the illegal faction should not exist."

Unfortunately, the legal sect is actually the weakest party, because there are many illegal sects, not only in the Central Plains, but also in the West. Religion is a typical illegal sect. People within the religion are brothers and sisters, but people outside the religion are heretics and deserve to die.

A religion is an illegal sect, and illegal sects and illegal sects are also antagonistic because they have different systems of protection.

Therefore, there are many illegal sects and very few legal sects.

The legal sect is weak in power, because the legal sect seems to protect everyone's interests, but it cannot favor anyone's interests. The emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people. It is a good ideal, but if everyone is guilty of the same crime, who will support it?

Some people say that of course the people support it. It's a pity that the people are sorry. They want to support the law that is good for them and the law that favors them.

If it is not biased towards oneself, then the weak will prey on the strong, and the common people will certainly not have the advantage. Just like common drug prices, pharmaceutical companies sell high-priced drugs, no problem. It’s no problem if the patient can’t take the medicine. If he doesn’t have money, doesn’t it mean he doesn’t have the medicine?

If patients are not favored, then patients who have no money should be eliminated. This is the law of the jungle. But the problem is that even the animal kingdom has the habit of protecting the weak, because life cannot always remain strong. Lions and tigers also have their infancy that needs protection, let alone humans.

If the law of the jungle is really completely eaten by the strong, then human beings will be close to extinction, because the weak will continue to be eliminated, but the weak will not disappear. The strong will continue to weaken and become weak, and finally the strong and the weak will be eliminated together.

At this time, illegal factions like Di Renjie need to take action, and they must favor the sick and the weak.

But there are also people like Diao Guangdou who prefer scholar-bureaucrats. Another example is He Shen, who once said that disaster relief should first save officials, and that victims of disasters are not counted as human beings. From his point of view, this is absolutely true, because both he and Diao Guangdou's illegal faction favored scholar-bureaucrats.

Therefore, both the illegal faction and the legal faction have flaws. The illegal faction needs to fight with the illegal faction, and they also need to fight with the legal faction. But overall, there are still more illegal sects and fewer legal sects.

Because the legal school protects everyone, it means it protects no one and has few supporters. It sounds nice that the emperor commits the same crimes as the common people, but the emperor can just lie down and do nothing and be cared for, but the common people have to run around and work hard, and are more likely to make mistakes on the road or on the construction site than the emperor.

The emperor can stay away from the criminal environment, but the common people cannot stay away. Therefore, even if they are guilty of the same crime, the emperor is still at peace, and only the common people will commit suicide.

Therefore, Di Renjie believes that people with extenuating circumstances should be given the opportunity to make mistakes. As long as they can correct themselves, it is good. He is lenient to the people and strict to the officials.

Diao Guangdou and He Shen were on the other hand, strict with the weak and relaxed with the strong. They do not allow the weak to make mistakes, but the strong can make mistakes at will.

In short, the confrontation between the legal faction and the illegal faction was very fierce, and Diao Guangdou's provocation also angered Conan.

Conan will never let Diao Guangdou go, because he is really hateful. Now he is going all out to investigate the old case ten years ago, found more clues, and finally obtained the evidence.

With the evidence, it is time to find Diao Guangdou.

Diao Guangdou also knows that Song Ci will definitely find him, but nothing will change. Human nature determines everything. The world has not changed, and he is still the winner.

"You are really as noble as before." Diao Guangdou said that Song Ci still looked so annoying: "It's like you are the only good person in the world and everyone else is a despicable villain." He believed that if Song Ci is different from everyone else, he should reflect on it yourself, rather than changing the world.

Could it be that I am different from the world, or that the world is wrong? Can I be above the world? Diao Guangdou believed that Song Ci must be wrong, and the world would never be wrong.

As a minority, the Legalists are not wrong, but they do have few supporters. If the emperor and the common people were compared together, the emperor would have a huge advantage, so the common people would definitely need a law that favors them. The legal school may allow the emperor and the common people to have equal opportunities, but the advantage of the emperor cannot be erased. Even if the opportunities are equal, the common people are still inferior to the emperor.

Therefore, Song Ci, a staunch legalist, is indeed incompatible with the world, but it does not mean that he is wrong. The world needs legalists to check and balance the illegal ones. The birth of the Dharma School naturally has its own reasons and its own space. It appeared because it was necessary.

The illegal faction comes and goes, and everyone has a point, so we need a rational voice like the legal faction. In short, since it exists, it makes sense, but it is a pity that the positions are different. After all, we have to stand on opposite sides to fight, and confrontation requires strength and more people to support oneself. So the impartial theory of the Legal School is at a disadvantage.

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