It took Zhang He more than a month to refine all the dozens of medicinal materials into the Foundation Building Pill.

But what he really needed was only one high-grade foundation pill. As for the low-grade ordinary foundation pill, he got 85 pills.

Mei Yingxue had previously warned him that it is best to use top-grade foundation building Dan to build the foundation.

Although low-grade foundation building Dan is relatively cheap, the success rate is low, and if foundation building fails, it will damage the foundation of training.

Some injuries are irreversible and irreversible for life.

Zhang Heke was not sure that he would not fail with a low-grade foundation pill, so he saved these dozens of elixir and vowed to refine a high-grade foundation pill.

Fortunately, he succeeded. In the penultimate furnace, a high-grade Kidney-Building Pill appeared.

After refining all the foundation building dan materials, I do not plan to open the furnace for alchemy for the time being. Next, I should practice to the tenth level of Qi training as soon as possible, and then prepare to build foundations.

Zhang He put away the alchemy furnace and walked outside the alchemy room. After three years of growth, the sweet potatoes in the spiritual field in the courtyard have matured even if the spiritual spring water in the space has not been poured.

He found a **** from behind the door and carried it into the spiritual field to dig.

He dug out more than 500 catties of sweet potatoes in half an acre of spiritual fields, all of which were cooked by him and dried into dried sweet potatoes.

He has already experimented, this kind of sweet potato can also be dried into dried sweet potato, which is easy to store and more convenient to eat.

Except for a small part of the harvested sweet potato vines, which are used for cutting planting, there are still several hundred kilograms left.

These sweet potato vines also have a strong spiritual energy. Zhang He also fried some of them, and they tasted very good.

He can't eat so much himself, but he can sell it, but sweet potato vines can also be grown and propagated, so it's even more uneconomical to sell them as ordinary spiritual materials.

After thinking about it for a while, he has already thought of a solution.

Set up a large pot in the kitchen, throw these sweet potato vines in and steam them, then take them out, put them on a charcoal fire with a wooden rack, and dry them on a small fire.

The dried sweet potato vines are taken to the zombie mill and ground into powder.

During the grinding process, he found that zombies are also very interested in this sweet potato vine with aura. It turns out that zombies not only like **** food, but also food with aura.

These sweet potato vine powder can be mixed into some food later, not only for immortal cultivators, but also for the training of warriors.

After dealing with these sweet potato vines, he left the small courtyard on the top of the mountain.

Now it is the autumn harvest season again, and the Qifeng Mountain Sweet Potato Base has 5,000 mu of arable land based on its expansion over the years.

It is already a limit to be able to expand to this number. After all, he is only one town, and there is only so much wasteland here.

This 5,000 mu of arable land is estimated to be able to harvest 20 million catties of sweet potatoes this year, and these sweet potatoes alone can fully feed the town's residents.

Therefore, Zhang He never needed to squeeze tenants to make a fortune.

In recent years, the land rent in other villages and towns has risen one after another, but the land rent in Heishui Town has remained unchanged at 50%.

30% of the 50% of the land rent collected was to be handed over to the City Lord's Mansion, and Zhang He still had the remaining 20%.

He didn't use the 20% for enjoyment, but used it all for the infrastructure construction of Heishui Town.

After these three years of construction, the water network of Heishui Town has finally been completed. Now, there must be a canal drawn from the Heishui River within 200 steps of any piece of farmland.

At this time, Zhang He had already arrived at Heishui Town on horseback. On the periphery of Heishui Town, the prototype of a city wall appeared.

At present, the foundation of the city wall has been dug, and piles of bricks and stones are stacked next to the foundation. Some craftsmen hold the yardstick above the stone foundation and start laying the first layer of bricks on the periphery.

This is a big project. With the current manpower, it will take at least two or three years to complete it.

Heishui Town is very popular nowadays. There are more than 15,000 tenant farmers in the town, plus thousands of migrant workers, it is already a large town with a population of 20,000.

The original street has long been unable to meet the daily transactions of so many people, so now a cross street has been added.

In addition to the shops on both sides of the street, there are many small processing factories in the town.

There is a zombie mill that provides the most basic services. These zombies work tirelessly in Heishui Town, working day and night. It has been seven or eight years now, and Zhang He has not been paid a penny except for feeding grass.

In addition, there are factories that make tofu, oil factories that press soybean oil, and breweries.

The output of ordinary water wine brewed in Heishui Town is very high, but the sales volume is not high, because the small Dehua City really can't sell much.

Zhang He also occasionally asked the guards to send some to Zhaoling City for sale, because their wines didn't have many features, and they couldn't sell much.

As for the distinctive high-grade liquor, it was sold by Peach Blossom Fairy, and it has nothing to do with Zhang He or the whole of Heishui Town.

Zhang He had never seen Fairy Peach Blossom herself, let alone this woman.

Besides these factories, there is also a large school in the town.

The school is a new thing for the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it has never been seen before.

The poor do not need to go to school, they can count and write their own names are considered talents.

As for rich people, they will invite people to do home tutoring and teach some practical words. Most of them will not delve too deeply, because reading is really useless in this world.

Zhang He has lived here for more than ten years, and he has never seen literary works such as poetry.

Because the Great Zhou Dynasty did not have scientific examinations and did not advocate these things, no one would be proud of them.

Naturally, this school was established under the leadership of Zhang He himself.

For the tenants, all the children over the age of three in the family are laborers, and naturally they are reluctant to send them to the school to learn the culture of Nao Shizi.

It is enough to be able to write your own name when you read and write. Too much learning is a waste.

When the school first started, even though tuition was free, it still only recruited one student.

Niu Huahua, the little girl of the blacksmith, didn't want to learn to blacksmith, so she sneaked out of the house. After only half a day of school, she was dragged back by the blacksmith's wife's ear.

"If you don't strike the iron well, what book do you read!"

There was no other way. In the end, Zhang He could only tempt him with profit. Every child who came to the school would be given three grains of miscellaneous grains every day.

All of a sudden, the school was full of Almost all the children in the town came, and they all fell in love with learning. It was impossible to drive them away with a stick.

As a last resort, the school had to be expanded, and finally more than 20 teaching buildings were built.

There are not enough teachers. They are temporarily recruited from the **** team. Anyway, they have already studied, and now they can all read.

There are no textbooks, Zhang He is compiling them now.

The first lesson of the textbook "My family lives in Heishui Town".

The second lesson "I Love Blackwater Town".

The third lesson "Students are from Heishui Town".

Lesson 4 "The Merciful Young Master Zhang".

The fifth lesson, "Master Zhang, the wise and martial artist".

Lesson 6 "Master Zhang's...".

Lesson Seven……

When writing these textbooks, Zhang He also blushed and felt disgusted.

He would like to introduce some ideas that the people are the masters of the country, but this is obviously not in line with this era.

In such a world where individuals can have great power, it is almost impossible to want everyone to be equal. It is impossible for the strong in the dominant position to think about being equal to the weak all day long, bending down to serve the weak, without this awareness.

Instead of letting them die by imagining some unrealistic things, I might as well give these ordinary people a chance to become strong, and see if they can grasp it.

The school he established is a place for cultivating talents, but the premise must be his own talents. He can't cultivate them through hard work, and in the end they become enemies.

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