After Zhang He successfully refined a high-grade foundation pill, it took another half a year to break through to the tenth level of Qi training.

However, he was not in a hurry to enter the Foundation Establishment stage, because he discovered a little secret in himself.

In the past, he always felt that his mana seemed to be a little deeper than that of a cultivator of the same rank, and he seemed to be able to surpass the same rank in various aspects such as spiritual awareness.

Because he has been cultivating the advanced level all the time, his mana, consciousness and other aspects are slowly increasing, and he can't see where these extra parts come from.

Now that he has trained to the tenth level of Qi training, it is reasonable to say that he has reached the limit of his training, and his mana and consciousness cannot be increased any more.

However, after he had reached the tenth level of Qi training, he realized that his mana, consciousness, and physical strength were still slowly increasing.

After repeated verification, he finally found that the reason for all this was the nameless cultivation method he learned on earth before he crossed.

Before cultivating immortals, his physique was different from ordinary people because of this exercise to strengthen his body.

So much so that whether he practiced martial arts or immortal arts, he was faster than others and acted like a genius.

The function of this exercise is to strengthen the body.

Strictly speaking, increasing the basic mana, strengthening the consciousness, and strengthening the physical strength should also be regarded as the scope of strengthening the body.

Because of this discovery, he doesn't need to rush to build a foundation for the time being, because his Qi training period should not have reached the limit.

Moreover, in the past few years, the zombies or demons that Zhang He has been guarding against have not appeared in the Lu country, so there is no need to be particularly urgent to break through to the foundation.

So after he practiced the tenth level of Qi, he continued to practice this nameless exercise to strengthen his body and enhance his overall quality in all aspects.

It's just that this practice seems to have no end, no end. He has been practicing for six years in a row, and his spiritual consciousness and mana are still slowly increasing at the original speed.

Even if he eats a lot of sweet potatoes or medicinal herbs, the growth rate will not speed up by one point. As long as he keeps practicing, he will always grow at that rate.

And it is a kind of growth in all aspects of the body. All the functions of the body increase in a proportion, and are never biased towards any aspect.

It is indeed a practice to strengthen the body!

He suspects that if he continues like this, his lifespan will be exhausted, and he may not be able to practice this method to the end, and he does not know if this nameless method can prolong his life?

"Forget it, let's build a foundation!"

Seeing that he is almost thirty, I heard that being too old will affect the success rate of foundation building. I don't know if it is true or not.

You can't just keep the Qi training period and consume it.

On this day, Zhang He made some preparations and sat alone in the secret room. According to the foundation-building method in the "Thick Soil and Longevity Technique", he ran the exercises three times in a row.

Then he took out the high-grade Jidan that had already been prepared and threw it into his mouth.

Such an expensive top-grade Zhuji Dan has no taste, no sweetness, and no fragrance. It is not as delicious as Ling sweet potatoes.

A high-grade Foundation Establishment Pill was swallowed, and it instantly transformed into a special mana, which expanded and expanded in Zhang He Dantian...

A month later, the door of the training room slowly opened, and Zhang He walked out of the training room with a fresh air.

At this time, if a cultivator who knew how to look at the Qi technique took a look, he would find that Zhang He's cultivation was only at the seventh level.

However, Zhang He was not discouraged at all. This was exactly the effect he wanted.

He had already successfully established the foundation ten days ago, and now he is an expert at the foundation-building stage, at least in this Dehua County, he is considered one of the best.

It's just that now he doesn't need to reveal his foundation-building cultivation. He is a small landowner in Heishui Town, and he has the seventh-layer Qi cultivation, which is already a special existence among landowners.

Zhang He walked out of the small courtyard on the top of the mountain and left Qifeng Mountain on horseback. Now he really wants to try his own strength after building the foundation.

He rode all the way out of Heishui Town, found a deserted valley, and put on Peach Blossom Fairy's outfit, and only then did he reveal his foundation-building stage.

First of all, he wanted to try flying with an imperial weapon, which is a method that only immortal cultivators above the foundation establishment can master.

Fairy Peach Blossom only has a middle-grade magical shield in her hand, which she bought in Suifeng City last time. It seems that she can only fly with a shield this time.

A wooden shield appeared in Fairy Peach Blossom's hand. With the input of mana, the shield gradually became larger and floated quietly in the air.

Fairy Peach Blossom jumped up and stood on the shield. With a move of her divine sense, the shield slowly lifted into the sky.

After flying to several floors, Fairy Peach Blossom looked down and was a little afraid of heights, so she quickly lowered her shield.

After such a lift, he found that while flying upwards, he could feel a pulling force on the ground.

With his current cultivation level, it is relatively easy to fly three to five feet high, but it will be a little harder to go up.

When I first learned to fly with an imperial weapon, I was nervous and excited. After all, I learned to fly, which is completely different from flying.

He controlled the shield to fly slowly in the valley to adapt to this flying state, and was familiar with the flying technique of the imperial artifact.

After half a day, Fairy Peach Blossom was able to fly freely with her shield, but she was a little dizzy even if she flew too high and too fast, and it took some time to get used to it.

Then he landed on the ground and put away his shield.

After the "Thick Soil and Longevity Technique" reaches the foundation-building stage, there are still several unique spells that can be practiced.

Most earth-based exercises are good at defense. There is an earth-wall technique recorded in the "Thick Earth Longevity Technique" At this time, Fairy Peach Blossom silently recited the technique to the ground, and after two or three breaths, from A wall of earth rose slowly from the ground.

This earth wall is about ten feet long, wide and high, and about one foot thick.

And this earth wall can also be controlled by his mind to move forward, backward, and sideways.

Fairy Peach Blossom took out a Lei Lingcao seed and blasted it against the wall, only a little powder fell.

The second time he threw out ten Thunder Spirit Grass seeds at the same time, and after a huge bang, he only blasted a three-inch deep hole on the earth wall.

Fairy Peach Blossom checked the defensive power of the earth wall and was very satisfied with it, but she just started practicing now, and the speed of casting spells is too slow.

The casting time of two or three breaths was enough for the enemy to dismember him several times.

Casting time requires continuous practice to improve spellcasting proficiency.

Next, he tried the soil cone technique again. He raised a soil cone that was only about ten feet long from the ground, and stabbed the chrysanthemum from the bottom to the top. It was sinister and vicious.

In addition, there is an earth escape technique, which is an essential method for escaping and saving lives.

With this technique, one can escape into the ground and walk through the ground like a fish in water.

However, when he first entered Foundation Establishment, these spells still need to be practiced, and the casting time of the spells is too long to be of any use in actual combat.

In the following period, Fairy Peach Blossom would ride to this barren valley every day to practice spells.

Because of his relatively strong consciousness, the progress is relatively fast.

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