Divine Desert Island Survival System

four hundred and forty seven

Pick up the 2-meter-long iron wire, clamp the iron wire with two crushed stones, only need to clamp half a centimeter, and then desperately fold the iron wire back and forth in half, and get a half-centimeter-long iron wire in a few strokes . Because the iron wire has been soaked in seawater for a long time, the interior has long been corroded by the salt and alkali in the sea. Even if it is severely corroded, it is still an iron wire, and it cannot be shaken by manpower.

It is difficult for flesh and blood to go head-to-head with steel. Fortunately, human beings are very intelligent. Two stones are like pliers, and they can easily get half a centimeter of iron wire.

"Make the best use of everything!" Zhao Yunxiang put down the stone in satisfaction, and then began to smash the half-centimeter-long iron wire. He needed to smash the iron wire into iron pieces.

The iron wire was severely corroded, and had long lost its viscosity and hardness. After being hit, a lot of rust powder fell from the iron wire, but it still obtained a piece of iron sheet as thin as a cicada's wing and full of pits.

As early as 300,000 years ago, Australopithecus was born on the earth. These primates evolved graspable fingers, similar to the current gorillas, baboons, monkeys, etc., which are all distant and close relatives of human beings.

The evolution of species is miraculous. Different living environments and habits give rise to different species. Gorillas are powerful and can easily bend steel bars.

Human beings are weak, because they were weak. As early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, their intelligence developed, and they knew how to use tools and combine them to make tools. Only because of this, human beings became the masters of all creatures on the earth, and dominated the life and death of many creatures.

The battery fire is still in progress!

Cut the battery's ambush with a shell. It is really difficult to cut a thin iron sheet with this thing, but the battery is seriously damaged, and the gap caused by the leakage may be able to take advantage of it.

The cutout appears, and the black substance inside the battery and the metal circular shaft in the center can be clearly seen.

The negative electrode of the battery is damaged, and then the prepared iron sheet is inserted into it, and a short circuit will occur. The short circuit of electric energy will concentrate the heat on a certain point. Zhao Yunxiang's iron sheet is a very good heat conductor. body.

Because of its small size and thinness, the short-circuit power is gradually turning into heat. Fingers that have been touching the iron sheet can clearly feel the iron sheet heating up!

"Yes!! Yes!! Keep it up! Keep it up!"

Zhao Yunxiang smiled happily, with tears rolling in his eyes, as if to say, I am too difficult!

He slowly picked up the tinder, and gently leaned against the hot iron piece. He was so nervous that he even held his breath, and he was just paying close attention to the reaction of the iron piece colliding with the tinder.

Blue smoke is rising!

A spark appeared!

A flame is beating!

The tinder was swallowed, Zhao Yunxiang still didn't dare to take a breath, he was afraid that his exhalation would blow out the flame, and he was quickly operating with his hand, slowly putting a thin wooden stick the size of a match on the tinder.

The tinder gradually ignites the thin wooden stick, and the fire gradually stabilizes until the flame sizzles, and the slightly wet stick is gradually ignited amidst the thick smoke.

The fire was successfully sparked, and the moisture in the wet stick was evaporated by the flames, turning into choking smoke.

Zhao Yunxiang was finally willing to breathe, he was choked up slightly, tears streaming down his face, the tears were probably choked by the thick smoke.

The dilapidated and blackened cans are full of green plants. There are foxtails and ghost needles that have been crushed by stones. Because the ratio is unknown, Zhao Yunxiang put them in at a ratio of 1:1.

"Gudu, Gudu..."

Zhao Yunxiang made a pot lid out of plantain leaves, and just put it on the canned iron pot. The loose leaf under the pot was changed to a low heat and simmered slowly. This is medicinal soup, and it probably takes a while to cook.

While cooking the medicinal soup, Zhao Yunxiang planned to find some food. He originally planned to go to the reef area to catch marine iguanas today.

This kind of reptile is like a dead dog without the temperature of the sun, and it is generally rewarding to catch marine iguanas before the sun rises.

It stands to reason that the sun should have risen at this time, but today is cloudy, the gray sky has already covered the sun, the air is very humid, and the temperature is around 10 degrees.

People who are sick need to supplement their nutrients.

Enjoy a delicious char-grilled lizard meat, followed by a steaming pot of lizard soup seasoned only with sea water.

It's delicious just thinking about it!

Seasoning is a good thing, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, natural, five-spice powder are all good, but the most important thing is salt, as long as you add salt, the taste of any food will be improved several levels.

Walking on the beach, Zhao Yunxiang blew his nose again, and the nose turned white. This is not a good sign. He prefers yellow nose to white, because yellow nose means that his condition is improving.

"I hope that after drinking the medicine, you can turn into a lump of yellow snot, yellow shit!" After Zhao Yunxiang said this, he felt sick, so he could only go to the beach to wash his hands and wipe the sticky dirt from his hands. wash off.

Last night, he made a trap by the sea. He thought he could catch some seafood to eat, but looking at the scene at this moment, the trap was probably washed away by the heavy rain last night.

Sure enough, at the place where the reef joined the beach, there were still a few thin sticks embedded in the sand, and the rest were swept away by the sea. As for the palm leaves covered in the trap, they were found on the beach.

The trap no longer exists, let alone catch any seafood, but I found my lost lighter in the reef area. This useless lighter, the friction roller has disappeared, and its value is almost zero.

Stuffing the worthless lighter into his pocket, Zhao Yunxiang walked towards the reef area. Above the reef area, there lived a group of marine iguanas. These large lizards as long as 1 meter were a good source of protein.

Although the marine iguana is not good-looking and can be described as a creature from hell, its meat is absolutely delicious, and it should taste like chicken!

Climbing up the rough reef and standing in front of a rocky cliff, Zhao Yunxiang did not see the marine iguanas he expected, and those guys did not crawl on the reef.


All are about 10 meters below the cliff, where there is a prominent reef area, where these intelligent marine iguanas hide to hide from predators from land and sea.

The marine iguanas found Zhao Yunxiang. The eyes of these guys are very good. It may be out of caution. The marine iguanas crawled towards the sunken reef in groups. Although they crawled very slowly, these guys completely Avoided Zhao Yunxiang.

"Hehe..." Zhao Yunxiang had a bitter look on his face, "These guys are really smart, maybe you need a noose to catch them?"

The cliff is at a high altitude, and there are no trees here to shelter the wind and rain. After standing here for a long time, I can only feel the biting sea breeze. Zhao Yunxiang came down from the reef area decadently.

He doesn't know what to do, maybe he will be hungry today, or go back and try the soft plantain heart?

"Hey~!" Zhao Yunxiang sighed, "If I could, I really don't want to eat those soft plantain hearts, especially the ones that have been left overnight and become black and pungent after being washed by the rain."

The plantain hearts harvested yesterday were not eaten, nor were they preserved properly, so that they could not be swallowed.

Just when Zhao Yunxiang was struggling, he saw something on the beach ahead.

"That is?"


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