Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 103: : slave trader

Li Le hugged Lin Yin and watched quietly.

Sun Ling, who was still above the restaurant, couldn't stand it any longer. Her figure was dissolved in the night and in the realm of souls. Holding the ghost sniper rifle will personally find a townsman, drag him into the corner, and aim the gun at the man's forehead.

"What are you doing?"

The townspeople are not afraid of the muzzle, but their expressions are a little dazed. When asked, they will answer anything: "feeding."

"What to feed?" Sun Ling's eyes widened, looking a little fierce.


"what is that?"

"A child is a child. A mother's child."

"What is mother?"

"A mother is a mother...she wakes up, we're going to feed the baby, and then there will be more siblings."

Sun Ling only felt that there was an incomprehensible strange aura in this person's words. She was hesitating whether to shoot and silence her mouth when she heard the townsman ask back:

"Do you want to be our siblings too?"

A gunshot broke the silence of the night.

Sun Ling, who hadn't shot yet, raised his head and headed towards the place where the gunshots came from.

is out of town.

"You will become our brothers and sisters, you will." The townspeople didn't seem to notice the gunshots that broke the calm of the night, and they were still chattering at Sun Ling.

Sun Ling shot.

The ghost is silent.

The townspeople died, and a chubby white parasite burrowed out of their nose.

Her face was a little pale, and she didn't know if she was frightened or because she felt a little troublesome to kill.

The townspeople looked like they were brainwashed, not the mastermind, and had a lot to ask. should not be killed.

Frightened, a little impulsive.

In terms of murder, Sun Ling will not show mercy to bandits and criminals, but he will always be soft-hearted towards gray figures whose position is unclear, and tends to make everything clear before making a move.

This is a law enforcement habit.

However, all the killings were killed, and Sun Ling could only start destroying the corpses. As expected of a criminal policeman, he is quite skilled at doing these things. Once the body was burned, there was no trace of the surrounding area, and nothing was left.

But whether someone disappeared or died in the town, it was the outsiders who were the first to suspect.

It's hard to do, go back and discuss it with Li Le.

Li Le watched calmly as the black robes threw the living people into the pit, Lin Yin kept shaking in his arms, obviously scared to the extreme.

It's not that she hasn't seen blood or murder. But this kind of horror hidden under ordinary things is not something Lin Yin can bear. Was Lin Wei also involved in this? What exactly are the townspeople feeding?

The last offering was thrown into the pit.

Kacha Kacha, flesh and blood flying. Everything was quiet, as if nothing had happened that night.

"Okay. It should be over." Li Le said.

Lin Yin grabbed Li Ledu's hand and refused to let go.

"If your sister is coming back like this, we can't explain it." Li Le patted her head and took out a chocolate from his pocket: "I'll pretend to be asleep later, and pretend nothing happened. Don't worry, I'll do it for you. With the mental power mark, you can come anytime if you have a problem - by the way, remember not to eat indiscriminately."

Chocolate, a high-calorie food, is quite suitable for emergency supplementation. Therefore, the Linhai base also made a batch of cocoa beans, so as not to disappear like a lollipop.

Very sweet and sweet, the sweet and greasy chocolate melted in Lin Yin's mouth.

She calmed down and released Li Le's hand. Then Li Le kissed her on the forehead and turned the window to leave.

"Huh..." Lin Yin lay down and used her mental power to fall asleep quickly.

the next morning. When Lin Yin opened her eyes, Lin Wei was sleeping soundly beside her, and saliva could still be seen from the corners of her mouth. I can't tell that I went out last night.

The square in the center of Changhong Town is flat, and there is no problem at all.

Looking at the face and sleeping posture of her cousin who was the same as a few years ago, Lin Yin really suspected that she was dreaming last night. She took out the tarot cards and asked a question in her mind.

Is this really my sister?

4 of Wands, upright.

Because the question she asked this time can be answered by whether or not, there is no need to interpret the card, the upright position means approval, and the reverse position means denial.

So Lin Yin felt a little relieved, and then looked at Lin Wei with a complicated expression.

Lin Wei turned over and murmured a few times, obviously not getting enough sleep. When Lin Yin slept with her when they were young, they would only get up at noon the next day because of chatting until the middle of the night.

Before the end of the world, he would definitely hug Lin Wei and continue to sleep.

But now, not anymore.

"Hmm~" Lin Wei seemed to sense something and waved her hands in the air.

In the town, it seems that some townspeople are missing and it seems that the matter has not been discovered for the time being. Mayor Zhu almost flattered someone to bring breakfast and drinking water to Li Le and Sun Ling.

However, Li Le did not eat. Sun Ling didn't eat either. Even Jiang Feibai didn't say anything.

Pan Mengui stopped while eating, a little puzzled and a little uneasy: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Li Le shrugged, "You can eat it, we need someone to study whether this thing can be eaten. Maybe it's ok?"

"I..." Pan Mengui hesitated.

Finally he sighed and continued to move his mouth. Anyway, I have eaten so much, what else can I do?

When Li Le and Sun Ling started to eat the food taken from the car, Lin Yin rushed in from the door and grabbed Li Le's arm: "Li Le, what should I do!"

"Cold salad." Li Le, who swallowed the food hastily and threw a compressed biscuit to Lin Yin, sighed: "We can only leave the place as soon as possible, and we can't take your sister away, and study slowly on the way."

Even in Suhu City, which is full of problems, the problems in Changhong Town are so big that Li Le has a headache.

Based on what he saw and what Lin Yin and Sun Ling saw, Li Le estimated that there was a very strong alien species underground in Changhong Town. Most of the townspeople have some kind of religious worship.


Of course, he didn't care too much about this town. Anyway, there is only one person who can be considered a fourth-level combat power. And there are no heavy weapons, Li Le said that he can solve the whole town alone. It mainly depends on whether the raised monster is strong or not.

The food in the mouth is chewed and swallowed.

There was a commotion at the town gate and car horns honked.

From the scolding from the vehicle, the noisy human voice, the sound of walking, and the sound of chains. Li Le's rich experience can tell that this is a convoy of slave traders.

Moreover, Changhong Town is obviously the unloading point where they often trade. Even this batch of goods has been negotiated a long time ago, otherwise they will not all get off the bus at one time.

"Now I know where the people who fed them last night came from." Li Le finished his breakfast calmly.

However, Lin Yin recalled the blood and minced meat last night, and suddenly lost her appetite at all.

**Please collect** ah.

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