Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 104: : Father

When it came to the slave trade, Sun Lingxian couldn't sit still.

As a police officer, she hated two things in her life, one is drug trafficking and the other is selling people.

The former squeezes money from people's energy, while the latter squeezes money directly from people, which is quite hateful, quite hateful. Moreover, these two crimes often co-occur with vicious (harmonious) incidents such as the murder of Qiangjian, and there will also be organized confrontations with the People's Union police.

Many of Sun Ling's comrades-in-arms died at the hands of these people.

Li Le didn't show any expression, right? One-third of the people in the apocalypse have come into contact with him. He also had the experience of giving prisoners of war to slave traders in exchange for money.

But like this professional slave trader, everyone can be killed.

Most of the people in the last days are gray, but these slave traders are the deepest black.

"Go back and drive, Lin Yin will find your cousin. Fei Bai and Sun Ling come with me." Although Li Le didn't care about the slave trader, he thought it would be good to take this opportunity to have a showdown with Changhong Town.

Sun Ling grabbed the gun and glanced at Li Le with some doubts. Isn't this guy with such a sense of justice?

Mayor Zhu and the priest met the slave trader at the town gate.

"Why are you late?" The priest's expression was a little displeased. "It was agreed that the handover took place last night. Why did you come today? And during the day?"

Facing the anger of the big customer, the slave trader did not have the arrogance and ferocity he had when facing the slaves. He bowed his head and smiled and said, "Last night, a group of stupid sheep rioted, a little effort wasted... In this way, I will give you ten sheep for nothing this time. ,how?"

He called the slaves sheep, perhaps to reduce the psychological pressure of doing this kind of business.

Treating people as commodities is already inhuman spiritually.

"Riot..." The priest narrowed his eyes, remembering the sound of gunfire last night and the people missing in the town, as well as those outsiders who had entered the town.

Something is wrong.

He put his hand on the ring on his chest and quietly began to pray to his mother. The slave trader did not dare to ask or urge him, so he just waited for him.

In fact, the slave trader is in a bad mood right now. He could not wait to kill the little girl in the car who incited the slaves to rebel first, but unfortunately, the big boss asked him by name, and he didn't even dare to kiss Fang Ze. In case the incomplete goods cause the evolutionary boss to get angry, one hundred names are not enough to compensate.

It's better here, all the disabled and deformed people with crooked melons and cracked dates are accepted. It doesn't matter whether you're dying from a fight, or you're half-starved or seriously ill, it doesn't affect the price at all. It's just that there are more rules, and the delivery time requirements are particularly strict.

In the car, Yang Qixin, whose neck was locked by a chain and a collar, was still thinking about how to get out.

It's a pity that after last night, everyone who was willing to work with him died. The guard who might have fallen in love with him also died.

Strengthener, is it really that powerful?

And the leader who suppressed all slaves with one knife and one shot, nodded and bowed in front of the black-robed priest.

I heard the guards say before that the place we're going to today is called—

Bug Town.

Fortunately, what is needed here is only a large amount of low-end goods, and the destination to be sent to is still far away.

still have a chance.

In fact, Yang Qixin doesn't reject relying on the strong, but she can't accept being a slave who can only function on the bed. Then when the other party gets tired of playing one day, they throw themselves away.

There is nothing in my hand that can resist...

Do you have to wait until the guy has his hands before trying to find a way to leave? It is also possible, albeit at a higher price, to obtain more information.

There are a lot of things to know after coming out of the shelter.

I don't know what happened to my father in Linhai City? And brother, before the end of the world, he was a division commander in Beihua Continent. Now those who hold military power should be doing well, right?

As for the father who was a captain at sea, Yang Qixin estimated that he was in a bad way, and it would be difficult for the navy to continue without industrial supplies.

So Yang Qixin made up her mind for the time being, and when she regained her freedom, she would find a way to go west to meet her brother.

There was a gunshot from outside the car.

The priest was splattered with blood, but his expression was still full of compassion.

Li Le has always said that when he shoots, he shoots, and he never makes a mess. The red blood splashed on the black priest's robe, quickly penetrated, and then melted into the black.

"Several guests, what do you mean?" The priest looked calm.

"Don't talk about it." Li Le shrugged: "I know you have hidden power, you can't just be a strengthener, but I think as long as I don't go too far, you don't want to conflict with me."

The priest narrowed his eyes and seemed to want to get angry: "What do you want to say?"

"One, I'm going to take Lin Wei from your town." Li Le raised three fingers: "Second, we're going to take these slaves away."

The priest waited for him to say the third point, but saw Li Le think about it for a while, then bent three fingers back: "It's mainly about these two points, I haven't thought about the rest."

"The strong do have the ability to do whatever they want." The priest calmed down and smiled:

"But in front of me, are you really a strong man?"

His exposed skin was quickly covered in a metallic lustrous insect exoskeleton. The right hand extends the blade, and the eyes are prominent, like a mantis.

Mental power set off a storm.

Li Le fired, but the bullet was split in half by the bronze mantis claws.

The priest smashed the mental storm in an instant, and the claws were under his command at a speed that others could not see at all.

In the blood soaring, Li Le calmly drew his knife, turned sideways, and stabbed it out. At the same time, the goblin in his hand aimed at the priest's chest, mobilized blood and spiritual power, and opened fire.

The beauty's knife block blocked the priest's serrated claws, and Qin Qin made two crisp sounds of metal colliding.

Then, bullets exploded between Li Le and the priest. The huge thrust plowed the ground out of the pit. The priest's clothes were not broken, but people were blasted out, and they didn't know if they were alive or dead.

"If there are more people like you, I'll feel very troublesome." Li Le's legs were slightly bent, and he looked around with a relaxed expression.

Mayor Zhu stood between the two, at a loss.

The priest stood up again, the blood on his clothes disappeared quickly, as if he was not injured, but his face was pale: "I promise you the second condition, but it belongs to the mother's believers, you can't take it away."

"Tsk." Li Le frowned, "Your maliciousness hasn't been shown to me yet, and I don't want to do anything, but some people are different..."

As soon as the words fell, a shot hit the priest in the forehead, shot him to the ground, and the blood rushed into the sky.

"Even if I'm willing to let go, she won't go with you."

The priest got up, the skin covered with the exoskeleton again: "We can't leave the cradle of the mother."

Pan Mengui came in a rhino car.

Jiang Feibai held a gun in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth, his expression focused like a long-time veteran. He stayed beside Sun Ling, occasionally spit out a few swear words that didn't fit his character.

Lin Yin took Lin Wei to the town gate.

The two sides confronted each other, speechless for a moment. Only the naked slaves shivered in the cold March wind.

ps is the third update today, please collect it.

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