Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 374: Evacuate

Rob was a mid-stage earth spirit enhancer, hence his [Stone Skin] was strong enough to resist the three-headed creature's paws and bites. However, it didn't mean that he didn't feel any pain. On the contrary, the ex-football player was hurting all over his body as he continued to dodge and handle the attacks the huge three headed monster threw at him.

The man gave his best to really attract the monster's attention. But in the end, he was still a human who didn't have inexhaustible stamina. His body gradually became slower as he gasped for breath, wounds began to appear on his body.

Then suddenly, when he was about to be struck by the creature's massive paw, a spear suddenly appeared out of nowhere and pierced the creature's back, saving his life. Turning his eyes in the direction where the spear came, Rob saw it was Glen his little brother.

Not far from him, Dan and Chris were seen running shoulder to shoulder, just like a football offensive formation. The duo charged forward and pushed the monster from the sides. The three people apparently had come to help because they heard how Rob decided to distract the unexpected Cerberus by himself.


The creature was pushed forcibly and flipped off the ground by the two people. And taking advantage of the chance they themselves had created, the two quickly stabbed the lightning rod in their hands into the creature.


Rob was having a hard time holding the beast down. It was a damn good time that his brother had come. Lightning crackled madly as the Cerberus bathed in a literal thunder bath. Unfortunately it was not enough, as the monster quickly stood up and turned raging mad at its attackers.

On the other hand, the three brothers stirred and attacked the three-headed dog away from the entrance stairs simultaneously. Their continuous attack succeeded in taking its attention away from the advancing group of evacuators. 

"Move now! We will hold this beast!" 

The evacuation team hastened their pace when they heard that. They quickly walked past where the battle was ongoing and went into the room toward the backyard. What was left was the Grogs brothers fighting the Cerberus.

The moment the evacuation team emerged from the backdoor without his brothers, Gordie Grogs who came to the back with the two armored cars knew that something had gone south with the mission. The frantic shouting and worried look on their faces confirmed that something big was happening down there.

"What's going on down there?" asked Gordie as he stopped one of the soldiers in the evacuation team.

"Cerberus! The Grogs are fighting it!"

"Holy f*cking shit!" Gordie cursed vehemently. The eldest brother of Grogs immediately rushed down making his way towards the location of the fight. It was clear that he was really worried about his brothers' safety.

The baseball player readied his baseball bat as he sped in the direction of the area. He arrived later only to catch his third brother, Glen barreled toward him.


"Glen, are you alright?" Gordie said frantically. He knew full well that in his line of work their life was at stake. But still, he couldn't help but feel worried about his brother.

"You are here Gordie! Let's join the fight!" Glen said while he once again picked up the spear and helped the others.

Gordie joined in and swung his metal bat at the three-headed manner. The tier 2 bat that looked like a baseball bat was specially created to suit his fighting style.

Receiving continuous attacks from the newcomer, the Cerberus decided to back down to the far end of the room. The growl that reverberated in the room clearly indicated that the brothers really did well in pissing the beast off

Their teamwork improved even better when Rob began to shout orders and coordinated their attacks. As a result, the Cerberus got even more overwhelmed by the Grogs brothers' assault on it.

Rob, Dan, and Chris charged head-on toward the three-headed dog with Rob being the fastest and holding the heads down simultaneously. The dog seemed to snap up from the lull of the battle. It tried to swat the annoying human holding its snouts using its paw. But the five brothers really were too strong for it.

Finally, after countless bashes and punches in the head, the dog body went limp. It was still alive but barely. The Grogs decided to back off and prepared for the last ultimate attack. However, as they readied their final assault on the beast, the dog did what every normal dog does when it faced mortal danger. It barked loudly. In fact, it sounded more like a howl.

The three brothers felt something off with the dog barks. It was a high pitched one that sounded desperate. Gordie couldn't help but feel the shiver run down his spine. This kind of bark was something that made them dread for what was about to come. 

At the same time, a voice came through Gordie who still has his earpiece on.

[Team B, Lieutenant Erick, what's your status! Over!]

Gordie the eldest decided to answer

"HQ, Lieutenant Erick is KIA but the package is secured. We are ready to evacuate"

[I am sorry about the lieutenant, but Team B you must evacuate immediately. Multiple bogies are on your way, thousands to be exact]

The group looked at each other as they knew what that meant. Considering the fact that the Cerberus had just howled, they all could clearly tell that every hellhound in the area was being called upon toward their location.

"Damn! Everyone, let's get outta here!"

Everyone concurrently agreed with the suggestion and quickly headed towards the two armored cars. However, they found out that the transport was full. Hence the fighter had to jump and stand guard on top of the armored car.

Just a hundred meters they were driving, hundreds of hellhounds were already seen chasing after them. 

Looking at their current situation, Gordie decides to order the men to start using their special assault rifles.

"Fire at Will!! Fire at will!"

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