“Yes, the host, the Saiyan Primeval Bloodline, also known as the Ancestor Bloodline, is the kingly bloodline that circulates among the Saiyan royal family, and is an invincible warrior who exceeds the Ancestral Bloodline, once this bloodline is activated, the host will become the real king of this universe!” The system responded quickly.

Reg looked at it carefully and felt that among these three, the first two were acceptable, and although the primeval bloodline of the third was very attractive and immune to all attacks, it was necessary to accumulate a certain primeval value, I believe that this primeval value should not be so easy to obtain.

“The king system randomly gives the host a skill as a meeting gift, is it drawn?”

“Extract!” Reg nodded slightly.

“Skills are being extracted… Please later…”

“Congratulations to the host for acquiring the cosmic breathing skill and making cellular improvements…”

Reg was slightly stunned.

Cosmic breathing?

So, even if you leave the planet in the future, you can survive in space?

Like Frieza and Sharu and Majin Buu?

“Attention, expect to arrive on planet Vegeta in three minutes!”

“Uh, there are still three minutes to get to Planet Vegeta…” Reg looked at the vast space outside the spaceship, and wanted to open the door to breathe, and then asked, “System, what is my combat power now?” ”

“The host’s combat power is currently 1000 basic combat power, and the hidden combat power is 3 million.”

“Basic combat power is the combat power that the detector can detect, right? And hidden combat effectiveness is a combat effectiveness that can be improved by exploding gas, am I right? Reg asked with a smile.

“Yes host.”

“Good, then I’ll go to Planet Vegeta to have fun.” Reg is smiling and has a combat power of 3 million, in this era, there is really no opponent to be afraid of except for the current Cosmic Emperor Frieza.

It can be seen from this that this guy named Reg has worked hard to cultivate, and he has not worked hard in the past seven years.

“The spaceship of the cosmic emperor Frieza, is near the planet Vegeta, and I hope that the host will be low-key, and with the current strength of the host, it is still a little inappropriate to fight Frieza.” The system responded.

“You are the king system, you should challenge the king, not choose to retreat.” Reg said to the system with a smile.

“Ding, the mission is on, defeat Frieza, randomly get a skill, and increase the Taikoo value by 1 point.”

“Oh? Swire value? How many points can completely activate the primeval bloodline? Reg quickly asked.

However, the system did not answer this question, but responded with silence.

Reg didn’t think about it that much.

Beat Frieza?

Reg remembered that Frieza’s combat power was 120 million, and at present, unless he transformed into a Super Saiyan and increased his basic combat power by 50 times, that is, 150 million combat power, he could abuse Frieza.

Otherwise, 3 million combat power would not be enough in front of Frieza.

“Beware of the host, there will be a passage of Frieza’s spaceship ahead!” The system suddenly gives a prompt.

“Oh? Is it? Reg smiled slightly, although he acted very calmly, but his heart was vigilant.

That’s Frieza, the Universe Emperor Frieza, who has just crossed over and has not fully adapted to this physical situation, so it’s better not to fight this guy.

Sure enough, Reg saw Frieza’s huge spaceship in the next moment.

Frieza’s spaceship is much larger than Reg’s small spaceship, and in front of Frieza’s spaceship, Reg’s spaceship is like an ant meeting an elephant.


Reg’s spaceship passed by the giant ship suspended in space and headed straight for the planet Vegeta in front of it.

However, Reg is not nervous this time, with the cosmic breathing skill, even if the spaceship is destroyed, it can survive in the universe, what is there to be afraid of?

In the midst of the huge spaceship, Frieza holds a goblet with a little red wine in it.

Frieza’s tail wagged slightly, glancing at the miniature spaceship that streaked past his eyes.

“Your Excellency Frieza, the computer shows that there is a Saiyan on that spaceship! Combat effectiveness is about 1000! “There is a little brother who prays.

“Oh? Is the combat effectiveness only 1000? It’s really scumbag. Frieza smiled softly and took a sip of red wine.

“Your Excellency Frieza, that spaceship is too rude, when passing by Your Excellency’s spaceship, it has no intention of slowing down, shall we sink it?” A younger brother asked.

“No need, anyway, when that guy from King Bei has his birthday, I will destroy all the Saiyans one by one, and he has now gone to planet Vegeta, but I have searched for them one by one in the vast universe.” Frieza smiled and said, “In the past two years, King Bei’s guy has sent Saiyans to other planets. ”

“Attention, about to arrive on Planet Vegeta, about to arrive on Planet Vegeta!” The computer’s beep sounded again.

Reg glanced outside, and what appeared in front of him was a huge red planet, believing that this planet should be the planet Vegeta of the Saiyan.

PS: This Frieza is good, if you cover your face… Hehe, I have a bold idea… Ask for flowers by the way

Say important things three times!

Say important things three times!

Say important things three times!

The island owner solemnly promised: If this book is a eunuch, rotten end, live broadcast this female version of Frieza!

The island owner solemnly promised: If this book is a eunuch, rotten end, live broadcast this female version of Frieza!

The island owner solemnly promised: If this book is a eunuch, rotten end, live broadcast this female version of Frieza!

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