
Reg’s spaceship successfully landed in the Saiyan ship base.


The miniature spaceship hatch opens.

Reg stretched his body, from now on, he is the great prince of the Saiyan, since he has come to the Dragon Ball world, this world is about to be grasped by himself!

As soon as Reg came out of the spaceship, he was surrounded by people.

“Whose kid are you? Get named! ”

The guys were dressed in Saiyan armor and held laser guns in their hands, aiming at Reg’s body.

“Is this planet Vegeta? Nice environment. Reg smiled and glanced at the dozen or so people who surrounded him.

“Since you know that this is the planet Vegeta, the little fart should know that this is the planet of the Saiyan Fighting Nation, and trespassing into the territory of the Saiyans without permission will be severely punished!” One of the guards at the head shouted at Regg, and after saying this, he ordered his men, “Arrest me!” Before King Pei’s birthday, detain first! ”

The Saiyans are a fighting people and do not show mercy to Reg because he is a child.

After all, Saiyans are born with strong fighting power, and small babies can fight, not to mention Reg, a seven-year-old child.


Several guards came up with weapons.

“Aren’t you wearing detectors?” Don’t you know what my combat power is? Reg asked with a smile.

“We have long investigated clearly, your combat power is 1000, on the planet Vegeta, such a little combat power… Hmph, just seek your own death! The guards at the head looked disdainful, although his combat effectiveness was only a little over 1,000.

“Oh? My current combat power is not only 1000… You’re unlucky and should have worn a detector with you. Reg smiled.

“Less nonsense, if you don’t want to die, just come with us!” The guards at the head shouted sharply.


Reg directly blasted out his breath instantly.

Suddenly, with Reg as the center, a stormy air flow was set off around it.


The next moment, these guards were blown directly into the sky and fell down heavily.

“Bang bang!”

Suddenly, these dozen guards, one by one, fell on all fours and eight forks, vomiting blood in their mouths.

The combat effectiveness of these guards is not very high, it is only a little more than 1,000, and it is not a little bit different from Reg.

“You you you… Who are you, exactly? The guard at the head looked at Reg with a hooded look and asked, and when he saw the tail behind Regg, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Go back and tell King Beta that the king of planet Vegeta is back.” Reg glanced from a distance at the Saiyan Palace that stood on top of the mountain.


Reg flew up and kicked the guard headed by him on the spot.

The guards cut an arc in the sky and shot quickly in the direction of the palace.


At this moment, the figure in the sky shook, and a bald man grabbed the guards flying towards the palace, and quickly flew towards this side.

Reg fixed his eyes and saw that the image of this bald man was a little like Naba.

However, this product is much older than Naba.

“A bunch of waste, even a person with a combat power of 2,000 can’t deal with it!” The bald man watched Reg press the detector, and reprimanded these subordinates, and then looked at Reg coldly, “Little brat, give you a chance, kowtow in front of me and confess, I can give you a pain, otherwise… Hmph, you should know what the consequences of breaking into Planet Vegeta without permission will be. ”

“Combat effectiveness 2000? Isn’t it 1000? Could it be a detector failure? ”

Several guards had cold sweat on their faces, and they felt a little incredible.

“Naba is your son, right?” Reg asked lightly.

“How do you know?” The bald man was stunned for a moment.

“Actually, I’ve always been curious about what it would be like for you and your son to transform into Super Saiyan.” Reg said with a smile.

Where did that round know the Super Saiyan and scratched his head.

There was a brief silence.

“Little fart dares to tease me! Find death! The round shouted angrily, and as he said this, he rushed towards Reg.

Within three meters of Regg, Na Lun suddenly stretched out his big hand and grabbed Reg’s neck, obviously trying to pinch Reg’s neck.

Reg just stood there without blinking.

Immediately afterwards, Reg directly slapped the head of that round.


Suddenly, the round that was about to catch Reg suddenly knelt in front of Reg in front of everyone.

“Even if you kneel down for me to confess my mistake, I will not forgive you.” Reg said with a smile.

“The soul is faint, it’s not that I want to kneel, what kind of weird power… In making me…” That round of hatred made his pupils bloodshot.

“Bang!” Reg didn’t fly up and kicked the wheel.


At the same time that the round flew out, blood spurted out wildly from his mouth.

When the goods landed, his face turned white, another mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body was shaking, and he didn’t even seem to have the strength to stand up.

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