Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 330 Game Production

If these problems occur.

Then the playability of the game will be drastically reduced.

It will also generate resentment from players.

In order to prevent such problems from appearing.

The line design of the narration must be in place.

The lines of "Stanley's Fable" are very well designed.

It can be said to be a real communication with the players.

And there is the existence of Q Bao.

Let Q Bao interact directly with players.

Problems with words.

Fang Yuan didn't need to worry about these.

Instead, we have to think about how to limit Q Bao's conversation content and actions.

Fang Yuan could remember when he played "Plants vs. Zombies" against Q Bao before.

Q Bao can secretly modify the game data in the background.

I also discovered this problem after playing for a while.

It can be said that Fang Yuan is the only one who can limit Q Bao.

In front of him, Q Bao will not mess around.

But it's different for players.

And the original setting of this game is.

If the player violates the "narration" too much, or even wants to tease the "narration", the game may be restarted, or even closed directly, preventing you from continuing to play.

Fang Yuan couldn't be sure, if it was really Q Bao who was leading the game.

Will Q Bao be fooled?

Trying to use input methods to abuse players.

Because this is one of the game settings.

And this game must limit Q Bao.

Let Q Bao understand what things can be done and what things cannot be done.

Beyond that, as a "narration-led" first-person adventure game.

How to make this game more meaningful.

Fang Yuan also had to consider it.

The scene of the game, branch lines, and easter eggs are all a big test.

How to add some new content or make some new easter eggs on the basis of the original.

It does not destroy the original game, which is also a difficulty.

And the "narration-led" first-person adventure game has only one ending.

Then this game is too boring.

After players have played it once, it is difficult to have fun playing it again.

Even after seeing other game anchors or friends playing through customs.

I am interested in this game, and I will lose interest in playing it again in an instant.

And the diversity of endings.

This allows players to try out different ways to play.

Because everyone's choice is different.

The way you play is different, the ending will be different.

So after someone sees someone else playing this game, you will try it.

Just to see what the end result is.

Every game has a different ending.

It will also give you different insights.

The core of the game "Stanley's Fables" is not to let players play the game happily.

It's not about fighting wits with the narrator, carefully preventing myself from being brainwashed by the narrator, and making various choices wisely.

As for molesting the narrator, that is not recommended.

If you disobey the narrator too much, he will be angry.

Even close the game directly.

When Fang Yuan played games in his previous life.

I like to check the strategy and gameplay of the game first.

Do a detailed understanding.

But it is also because after understanding the gameplay of the game, it caused a dilemma.

Just like a man with a beard.

He doesn't pay attention to whether he puts his beard under the quilt or outside the quilt when he sleeps.

Until one day a bear child asked curiously,

"Grandpa, may I ask if you put your beard inside or outside the quilt when you sleep?"

The old man couldn't answer either.

When I sleep, I also think.

Is the beard placed inside the quilt or outside the quilt?

That night, the old man suffered from insomnia.

So when Fang Yuan was playing this game.

also fell into doubt.

If you haven't read the strategy, you haven't watched other players' gameplay.

So will you follow the narration's prompts, or will you choose not to follow the narration's prompts?

When making a choice to obey or not to obey.

Is it affected by viewing the strategy?

Fang Yuan played several different endings in the end.

After trying different endings and thinking about it for a long time.

Fang Yuan understood.

This game also wants players not to play this game.

No matter how you play, you think you are molesting the narrator.

Or maybe you thought you had the best ending.

In fact, you are not playing a game at all.

Instead, it was played by this game.

When you are playing a game.

The game is not playing you.

Stop the game in your hand and go for a walk.

Go back to real life, that's what you should do.

Although the game conveys such a concept.

But Fang Yuan can choose not to accept it.

Players can also choose not to accept.

After establishing these ideas,

Fang Yuan reorganized "Stanley's Fable" from beginning to end in his mind.

Restoring the game little by little.

The various scenes in the game are written in detail.

Also added some new ideas.

With Fang Yuan's current strength of the company,

This game is not difficult in terms of production.

After Fang Yuan wrote out the relevant information.

Then hand it over to Jiang Xinyu, let Jiang Xinyu arrange personnel.

However, the idea of ​​the game did not come out in an instant, like a spring of water.

It's an accumulation bit by bit.

While the game is in production.

Fang Yuan sometimes thinks of an idea or an Easter egg or a creative idea.

will let them in.

And if employees have new ideas, they can also try to join them.

The core content of the game cannot be changed.

Game design is something that cannot be modified at will.

The first person is his own idea.

There is no absolute right or wrong.

But what you say is what I say.

Add everything.

The game has become a four different.

So every employee can make suggestions.

But Fang Yuan will do the final check to decide whether the added content is appropriate.

Although it may not be adopted in the end.

The production time given by Fang Yuan is also very loose, as long as it can be produced before July.

Let the person responsible can try slowly.

But more people can be involved.

You can also experience the fun of making games.

Maybe these game ideas and game ideas, can't be used on this game.

But in other games, it may be very suitable.

Naturally, it can be added to new games and become a bonus item for the game.

These thoughts and ideas will accumulate little by little.

Become a very important asset of the company.

Just like in MOBA type games.

There are many successful heroes.

As soon as it went online, it won the likes of a large number of players.

There are also some unique support mechanisms that will make players feel novel.

But the production of these heroes is not something that the designer thought of with a snap of his head.

In addition to borrowing (copying) these heroes.

There are also some usual ideas and creativity.

Even some abandoned schemes will come back to the designer's eyes one day.

Thought it was a good idea.

At this time, it was inside Houlang Company.

We are doing the most primitive accumulation.

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