This practice lasted a few hours. When the universe turned around, Lu Chen kept using his spiritual power, carefully sensing the spiritual power movement in his body at this time.

However, due to the reversal of the universe, the attack would directly attack the spiritual core, even if it was swept by a low-level giant, Lu Chen could not keep practicing like this.

"Ye Fan and the others should have enough rest, it's time to set off." After that, Lu Chen returned to the camp.

Ye Fan and the others were still resting, but Lu Chen found that there were two dark red pills and a note on the lawn where he was resting.

[Anonymous brother, this is the spiritual blood tonic pill, which can help you repair the spiritual core. 】

Only Jiu'er still called Lu Chen the "Anonymous Brother". It seems that Jiu'er left him the pill.

Lu Chen looked at Jiu'er who was sleeping, this girl...

After taking the pill, Lu Chen relived the feeling of previous training, and it took more than an hour before he knew it.

Linglong and the others also woke up, and the four of them went back on the road, deepening along the human family line.

After walking not far, the front was blocked by a mountain range.

The mountain is huge, completely blocking the road ahead, and can't see the edge at a glance. It is hundreds of meters high. Even on the surface, it is a huge mountain.

"Is this going to cross this mountain?" Ye Fan asked.

Linglong thought for a while, and said, "The surface corresponding to this place should be a "line of sky". If I guess it is correct, this should correspond to the surface of the earth, and it is also a place where treasures are bred. We better find the entrance first. "

"What is a thin line of sky?" Jiuer asked curiously.

"Xianzu ruins on the surface, this area is also blocked by mountains, but there is a very hidden path. The path passes through the mountain. There are countless forks, but they can all lead to the opposite side. However, the passage can only accommodate one person. That's why it got its name." Linglong said.

"The previous medicinal garden was somewhat different from the surface, but it was still the medicinal garden in essence, so I think there may be other roads through it."

Lu Chen frowned, "What treasure is there in the sky?"

"Treasure chest!" Linglong said.

"Treasure chest?" Lu Chen asked puzzledly, "Can a treasure chest be born here? This is the seventh heaven."

Linglong explained, "The treasure chest was not conceived, it should be left by the ancestors as bait. There are many elemental elves in the ruins of the ancestors, and the most in the line of heaven are earth spirits. They will collect heaven and earth auras and seal them. When making spiritual films, spiritual films of fallen immortals will also be collected."

"Spirit tablets are also things with spiritual power. After the immortal falls, his spiritual tablets will use teleportation charms to escape by themselves and fall everywhere in the seventh heaven, but the earth spirits can block the teleportation charms for the first time, and then collect the spiritual tablets. Let them escape and put these relics in the treasure chest."

"I don't know how many people have opened the treasure chest on the surface. However, there are still spiritual tablets in the treasure chest. The earth spirits do not attack the treasure hunters, but are constantly filling them. This seems to be their mission."

"Of course, it depends on luck how many spiritual films are in the treasure chest you opened. It is normal for some people to encounter empty chests."

Jiu'er frowned, "Sister Linglong, you said the treasure chest is a bait, and the earth spirits don't attack people. That is to say, there are many institutions in the front line of the sky?"

"Yes, no one is too much spiritual film. Since everyone comes to the Xianzu site to hunt for treasures, they will naturally not skip the sky. The sky is narrow and the room for dodge is very small. It is undoubtedly the best choice for organizing institutions. ."

Linglong said, "There is an unwritten rule on the first-line sky on the surface. To enter the first-line sky, each team must be separated by more than 100 meters. This is to prevent others from touching the organs and hurting themselves."

Lu Chen was very thankful that Mu Sheng had brought Linglong down, and her knowledge reserve could make the team more effective!

Spirit films are a resource that everyone desperately needs, so this ray of sky must be broken.

Several people hurriedly separated to find the entrance.

Not long after, Ye Fan shouted from a distance, "The entrance is here!"

The width of this entrance is only about three meters. If one considers avoiding agencies, it is indeed too crowded to walk alone.

"Everyone, be careful, especially pay attention to the operation of the universe! You follow me." After that, Lu Chen led the team into the horizon.

Walking on the path and looking up, there was only a long and narrow gap left above his head, and I felt a little depressed.

Just a few steps away, Ye Fan behind the palace exclaimed, "Master, how come the road behind is blocked!"

Everyone hurriedly looked behind them.

Sure enough, they walked more than 20 meters, but about 20 meters behind them, the rock walls on both sides merged, completely sealing the escape route!

"What's going on?" Lu Chen frowned.

"I don't know. This kind of situation has never happened before in the sky." Linglong was also surprised.

Jiu'er said, "There is still a difference between the ground and the surface. Perhaps this is a unique phenomenon here. You can only move forward, not backward!"

Fortunately, everyone did not encounter any organs now. Taking advantage of temporary safety, Lu Chen stopped first.

Ye Fan said, "If we can't go back, then I think it would be better for us to go away separately. There must be a lot of treasure chests here, and it would be too bad for us to pass once."

Lu Chen looked at several people and said, "What do you think?"

Linglong nodded, "I agree."

Jiu'er also nodded, "Treasure hunting on the surface, isn't it also a true immortal who takes the doorman to hunt for treasure, we should also have the ability to protect ourselves."

Linglong said, "If you really can't pass, remember to run up!"

Lu Chen was a little worried at first, but considering that everyone needed spiritual films and the other three were not weak, he couldn't always take care of them, so he nodded and said, "Well, let's go together first. When you reach the fork in the road, they will separate treasure hunting, and everyone will leave a sound transmission. If you encounter danger, you can search in time."

About fifty meters in front are safe, there is no mechanism and no treasure chest, but the rocks will merge automatically 20 meters behind them.

Not long after, there were seven forks in front of Lu Chen.

"Everyone, choose one."

Linglong went directly to the nearest fork on the right. Jiu'er chose the one on the left. Ye Fan looked around, then looked at Lu Chen, "Master, you can choose one for me. I am not very lucky. ."

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing, "No one is the same, anyway, no one has been here. As long as you can avoid the mechanism, don't you have a hand to earn a spiritual film?"

Ye Fan was right after thinking about it, and walked the far right.

"Master, I'm leaving." After that, Ye Fan rushed into the entrance.

Lu Chen waited for a while, and found that the rock walls behind the three passages had begun to merge, and the three of them had begun to explore deeply.

After looking at the remaining four fork roads, Lu Chen chose one at random and got in.

After walking 20 meters forward, there was a rumbling sound behind him, the entrance was closed, and now Lu Chen had no way out.

After walking a few steps, Lu Chen suddenly found a stone tablet with four words written on it.

[Ultimate difficulty]

The fighting spirit that Lu Chen had just ignited suddenly froze.

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