Linglong didn't say that the fork road was still difficult, but Lu Chen still knew the words on the stele.

He succeeded in choosing the most difficult one.

"Ahem, it's nothing. The danger is proportional to the benefit. This is the ultimate difficulty for me, but the benefit must be considerable!" Lu Chen comforted himself.

Although he thought so, Lu Chen was still careful...

At this moment, Lu Chen rushed to his feet to shake violently, and then a loud noise came from behind him.

He hurriedly turned his head, the two rock walls behind him were quickly merging, and moved towards him!

Originally, the rocks merged and kept a distance of about 20 meters, but at this time, the rock wall was squeezed crazily, and it was time to catch up with Lu Chen.

"Damn! Pass, it's too much! I'm here for treasure hunting, not for parkour!" Before he finished speaking, the rock wall had already pressed over, Lu Chen's eyes widened, where he dared to complain, hurried to Run ahead!

As a result, I just ran without two steps. I don't know where it touched the mechanism. Dozens of sharp sword auras penetrated directly from the wall!

Lu Chen's eyes were round, and he had to use his displacement skills to dodge at this time!

"Move quickly!"

Lu Chen's speed skyrocketed, but the direction was the opposite!

"Damn it, give me a reversal at this time!"

There is no doubt that this rock wall is definitely not a normal rock wall. If it is really suppressed, there may be any consequences!

The rock walls on both sides merged crazily, and there was a loud noise. Although Lu Chen avoided the sword aura by moving quickly, the result was not much better. Now he rushed over there!

Life and death are at stake, Lu Chen suddenly used a trick to "listen and listen"!

Hearingly listened to him by pulling the opponent in front of him, but because the universe was reversing at this time, after using it now, a huge thrust directly pushed Lu Chen back!

Lu Chen didn't have time to think, got up and ran!

Unexpectedly, listening to the ears saved Lu Chen's life!

But just two steps after running, a sword energy tens of meters wide came oncoming!

"This sword energy is so powerful!" Lu Chen hurriedly jumped up, and the sword energy swept across Lu Chen's feet and hit the rock wall!

With a loud bang, the sword energy blasted directly on the closed rock wall behind Lu Chen. As a result... the rock wall was not damaged!

When Lu Chen saw this scene, his eyes almost didn't come out.

This time can fully prove that this mountain is very strange! Such a powerful blow did not even hit a piece of gravel!

At the same time, it also means that if Lu Chen is squeezed by the rock wall, he may not be able to escape!


Jiu'er had just obtained the first treasure chest with 200 spiritual tablets in it. He frowned at this moment when he heard the rumbling noises around him.

She immediately took out the sound transmission note and asked, "What's the matter? Who is in danger?"

Not long after, Linglong sent a response, "Jiu'er, everything is normal here. I have already got the first treasure chest."

After waiting for a while, Ye Fan also responded, "Sister Jiu'er, there is no danger, hahaha, I am rich, I have two treasure chests, and I haven't encountered a mechanism, a total of 350 spiritual films!"

The only one who has no news is Brother Wuming.

"Could it be Brother Wuming?" Jiu'er frowned, but Wuming didn't reply, but he didn't ask for help. I don't know how.

After thinking about it, Jiu'er decided to continue searching for the treasure chest. After all, Brother Wuming is not normal.

If someone compares the progress of the four people in the sky, you will find that Lu Chen's progress is simply far ahead!

At the same time, Lu Chen was frantically running for his life.

"Treasure chest!" Lu Chen watched as there was a wooden chest in the corner beside him. This was already the seventh treasure chest he had seen.

However, the rocks behind him were merging faster and faster, only three or four meters away from Lu Chen, plus Lu Chen almost stepped on the trap, how could he have time to open the treasure chest!

Seeing that the rock wall behind him was about to catch up, Lu Chen listened to the rock wall with ears.

However, a suction force came, and he did not draw the mountain, but sent himself over!

However, after discovering this, instead of panic, Lu Chen was overjoyed.

"It's the turning of the universe!" Lu Chen widened his eyes and quickly opened the symbiosis between gods and demons. He stepped on the rock wall with one foot and used his strength to launch nine steps in the void, suddenly rushing nearly a hundred meters!

On the way, the agency made up for it, and Lu Chen directly blocked the virtual defense, and finally had a moment of respite.

There was a wooden box next to the grass not far away, and Lu Chen rushed to open the treasure box.

There is a thick stack of spiritual tablets, let alone a thousand! Lu Chen had no time to count, put away the spiritual film and continued to flee.

When the universe was turning, Lu Chen didn't pay attention to these organs at all, and the rock wall behind him couldn't catch up with him at all. He finally had time to collect the treasure chest.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen collected four treasure chests, each of which contained thousands of spiritual films!

"There is still one in front! That box is so big!" Lu Chen rushed forward in surprise.

Before Lu Chen approached, the ground around the treasure chest suddenly collapsed, and four figures sprang from the ground!

After these four "people" appeared, the pit on the ground was automatically repaired, and the four stood on all sides of the treasure chest.

The four of them are obviously not living creatures, but like carved statues, but they are not like the guards before. The surface rock falls off during the battle, and they are always in the form of rocks.

Lu Chen widened his eyes, "No, it's a puppet?!"

The four rock puppets stopped there and sealed the road. Then the four puppets slapped the ground at the same time. Behind them, about seventy or eighty meters in front of Lu Chen, the rocky walls were merged!

Lu Chen's eyes are round!

The road ahead was blocked by these four rock puppets!

He hurriedly glanced behind him, there are about two hundred meters left, and the rocks are about to merge here!

In other words, he only has a few seconds!

"Damn it, what a broken road!" Lu Chen said angrily, "Give me to die! Quick Shadow Gun!"

While the world is still turning right now, Lu Chen must quickly kill the puppets and seize the treasure chest. Maybe if you kill them, the road ahead will be unblocked.

The two rock puppets stood on the shoulders of their companions like arhats, and the four simultaneously carried a gray spirit shield.

"Joint Technique·Swire Earth and Rock Shield!"

The four-sided spirit shields were directly merged into one side, and Lu Chen shot a six-shot speed gun from the front!

There was a loud sensation, and Lu Chen was shocked to discover that the spiritual power he used in the attack had been absorbed by the Primordial Earth and Rock Shield, and then dispersed to the ground, the rock wall...

"Using the earth and mountains to dissolve my rapid shadow gun attack!" Lu Chen was shocked. This was the first time anyone could block his six rapid shadow gun!

After the four rock puppets took the speed gun, the four slapped the rock wall at the same time.

Lu Chen only felt that the light above his head dimmed, and when he raised his head again, the line of sky was actually blocked by the rock!

He now has no chance to escape from above!

The four puppets were expressionless, and quickly fought into a line. The three behind slapped their palms on the back of the one in front, passing spiritual power at once.

Until the first one moves!

"Prime Earth Rock Knife·Earth Slash!"

The ground in front of them swelled quickly, and a big golden knife rose directly from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the golden knife swung fiercely, and a sword gas that occupied the entire passage was slashed towards Lu Chen!

Seeing this unavoidable stab, Lu Chen's eyes were cracked and his brain almost stopped working!

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