Fire And Flame

Chapter 2 - Captain

"Dad, don't leave me. I become sad. Momma becomes sad when you leave," the little girl cried hugging her father.

"Laura, Daddy needs to go for money. I'll get you many gifts when I return. You're my brave daughter. Don't cry..." Her father wiped tears off her cheeks and kissed her cheek.

"Laura has money! Wait." Laura ran to her room.

Her father stayed there, sitting on the floor. His heart ached at the thought of leaving his family behind. But duty calls.

After a while, he noticed Laura running towards him with something big in her hands.

"See Daddy! Laura has money. We can use this..." saying this, she threw her piggy bank which shattered into pieces.

"LAURA!" it was too late to stop her. Looking at the scattered coins, he deliberately collected them into a pile.

"Laura, keep saving money. When Daddy will become `old, he will use your money. Okay?" he raised his hands asking for a hug.

"Daddy needs to go, Laura. Take care of Momma. After I leave, you're the head of the house. Be strong." He struggled to contain his emotions. Feeling helpless, he stood up, lifting Laura in his arms.

Looking at them from a distance, Laura's mother, Kiara's heart sank deep within her body. She struggled to act strong, but she failed bitterly as a single drop of tear rolled down her right cheek.

Laura's father, Captain Lauren Williams, is one of the most renowned captains of the country. It was time for him to leave his family. Having no consistent time zones for a seafarer, he never tried to set the correct time on his watch. This was the only way he could feel that he was still near his family. Looking at the wall hanging clock, he set the exact time on his watch.

Laura and her mother looked at the distancing figure from behind. For the last time, Lauren turned around to say his final goodbye. His heart ached looking the crying face of his daughter and the emotionless face of his wife. She had always been strong enough to handle everything in his absence. He very well knew that she was trying to hide her emotions and not to cry in front of him… not to make him sad.

His biggest fear was when his family would need him, he might not be around.


Two months passed…

Laura was getting ready for school. Her mother was busy packing tiffin for her.

"Laura, breakfast is ready! Come fast," she called out for Laura while filling a glass of water.

"Yes, Momma..." Laura ran out of her room and hopped on to the dining chair.

"Cornflakes again..." Laura frowned upon seeing the bowl of milk and cornflakes.

"No complaining, Laura. It's healthy," Kiara started making Laura's hair.

"What's for tiffin, Momma?" Laura's mouth was full while she tried to speak.

Tying her silky shiny hair into a sleek ponytail,

"Bread and cutlet," Kiara started packing Laura's school backpack.

After a few minutes, both drove off to the school.

On arriving at her school, Laura noticed a father holding his daughter's hand on their way to the main school gate. Laura's smile quickly turned into a frown. She longed for her father to be near her and hold her hands like the rest.

"Momma, when is father coming?" Laura looked up at her mother.

"Soon, Laura." Kiara's face gave a gentle smile.

"I'll come to pick you up from school."

"Okay, Momma. I love you." Laura smiled widely, revealing her small white teeth.

"Love you the most, Laura." Kiara bent down to give her a kiss.

"Take care."

"Bye, Momma!"

Months passed as Laura patiently waited for her father to return.

One day, Laura was busy drawing her favorite cartoon figure. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Laura quickly stood up and ran towards the door. She hurriedly unlocked the door with her little fingers.

"Who is it?" Laura was about to look up when she heard a recognizable voice.

"Laura, how many times do I have to say that not to open the door without knowing who is there on the other side?"

Laura couldn't understand what was happening. She looked up to see a familiar figure but couldn't believe her own eyes. She rubbed her eyes twice before looking at the towering figure.

She hesitantly touched the man on his legs… she was very short compared to the tall man standing in front of her.

"Dad?" she whispered…

"Hahaha! Laura, my baby. It's me! Your dad!" Lauren laughed at the adorable confused face of his daughter.

"Dad!" Laura shrieked. She exploded into tears.

She had waited too long to see her father this time. She tightly hugged his leg.

Lauren picked her up in his arms and pecked her many times on her face.

"Who is it, Laura?" both heard Kiara speak.

"Momma! It's Dad! Come here quick." Laura was very excited.

Kiara stopped in her tracks and watched at the father-daughter pair standing at the main entrance.

"Lauren?" she narrowed her eyes, trying to focus on the man standing in front of her.

She rushed towards him to give him a tight hug. Both hugged Laura tightly.

"All of a sudden?" Kiara couldn't find enough words to speak.

"Yes, I tried to contact you. But, the service was unreachable. The ship needs maintenance now. So, I'm home for the next four months." Lauren kissed Kiara on lips.

"Daddy, go take a rest for a while. And Momma, you go cook some delicious food for daddy." Laura ordered them.

"Okay, Ma'am." Lauren saluted.

Kiara laughed seeing Lauren salute Laura. Laura was too short and barely reached till Lauren's t.h.i.g.hs.

"Go get fresh… I'll prepare something for you."

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