Fire And Flame

Chapter 3 - Laura and Lily

Ten years passed,

The fifteen-year-old Laura was now solving her maths questions. Her study table was right in front of the large glass window. She turned off her lamp and pushed the curtains aside to let the sun rays light her room.

At a very young age, she started to work hard for her better future and her promise to her father that she would earn enough to let him not leave her again and again. Her career and her future plans were always at the forefront of her life. She was independent, smart and more m.a.t.u.r.e than the children of her age. She was now the elder sister to her younger brother. She took responsibility for her younger brother to help her mother. She tried to help her mother as much as she could.

Her best friend, Lilly, who was her neighbor always complained of her not playing with her.

"LAURA! COME DOWN I SAID," Lily screamed as she saw Laura studying.

Laura sighed at hearing Lily scream. She slid the window open…

"What!? Have you completed your homework yet, Lily?" Laura shot daggers through her eyes at Lily.

"It's Saturday, Laura! We got two days to complete it. Now come down right now," Lily crossed her arms and pouted.

"Lily, mom, and dad aren't here. I have to look after Joseph." Laura couldn't help but frown.

"Okay then… see ya, Laura." Lily sulked as she turned around to leave.

"WAIT!" Laura shouted.

"Why don't you come inside? We can play and look after Joe!" Laura had only one best friend and loved her unconditionally. They both grew up together and coincidentally, they shared the same birthday. Their mothers eventually became each other's best friend as well.

"Yay! I'm coming!" Lily rushed towards the main door.

Laura carefully climbed down the stairs. Lily was patiently waiting on the other side of the door.

Laura unlocked the door and was about to welcome Lily home when she saw Lily jump into the house like a rabbit.

"Why are you so clumsy? I waited for so long outside! Now tell me where is Joe?" Lily was always excited. The reason why Laura loved her company so much.

"One question at a time, Lily. First, I was climbing down the stairs and safety is important. Second, Joe is sleeping. Do not shout." Laura emphasized the last three words.

"Why do you always make him sleep, Laura? I never get a chance to play with him." Lilly pouted.

"What do you mean? He's only four years old, Lily. You silly girl," Laura sighed at her best friend's childish behavior.

"Whatever… what are we going to do now?" Lily was growing impatient.

"I solve the math problems and you look at me," Laura spoke.

"Laura! Why do you study so much?" Lily complained.

"I give you fifteen minutes to complete your homework. Go, fast fast fast!" Lily ran up the stairs to see Joseph.

"Calm down! Don't run," Laura carefully climbed the stairs.

Lily went straight to Laura's room. Her brother was sleeping peacefully on her bed.

"Laura, if this continues… I'm going to shift all my belongings to your room and stay with you. I never get the chance to play with your brother. Or maybe I should ask Kiara aunty to call me next time," Lily continued complaining.

"And you always study. How are you even my best friend? What will you do studying this much at this very young age?" Lily pouted.

"I want to become a successful person in my life, Lily." Laura didn't mind her rantings as she walked towards her table and started solving maths.

"And yes, do not expect me to show you the answers this time."

"Let me bring my books with me," Lily knew that she won't be able to complete the homework on her own. She rushed to her house and came back with a bag full of copies and books.

Laura was shocked by seeing the bag.

"But, we only got fifteen problems as homework. Why did you bring your school bag?" she was confused and tried to remember if she missed any homework.

"Uh… yes, I have a lot to do. Don't you remember? We have to submit our science report on Monday." Lily stammered while speaking.

Laura gave her a hollow stare.

"Lily, the submission date was last Monday." she crossed her arms and raised her left eyebrow.

"WHAT?" Lily gasped in horror. This made little Joe turn his side.

"Quiet!" Laura whispered.

"But, why didn't you tell me, Laura?"

"I made two reports… one for me and the other for you. Did you check your mail?" Laura answered obediently.

As soon as Laura said this, Lily immediately took out the phone out of her pajama's pocket and started refreshing the mail.

"What will I do now? HELP ME, LILY!!" Lily freaked out at the thought of her teacher calling her mother for not completing her homework.

"Quiet! Nothing can be done now. Mail the report right now."

"Hang on for a second… there you go! I sent it." Lily face broke into a wide smile.

The two best friends started doing their homework and completed within two hours.

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