Game development giant

Chapter 14 Mobilization Conference

A few days after Zhang Yunhai joined the company, Wang Xiuqin also resigned from Fengsu Huyu and officially joined Shinhwa Studio.

After the main program and main art were in place, Li Yuanhang threw the resumes that had accumulated hundreds of copies to them, and asked them to find their own subordinates.

Li Yuanhang is not idle either. He is not only the producer of the studio, but also the chief planner, so he not only has to recruit the planner himself, but also an administrative logistics staff.

Recruitment lasted for more than half a month, and employees began to recruit one after another.

In the past two weeks, Li Yuanhang asked the artists to update the art resources for "Plague Company". The planners racked their brains to design new mobile games according to the plan provided by Li Yuanhang, and the programmers were working hard to familiarize themselves with the castrated version of the fantasy. World game engine.

The current fantasy game engine is only a super streamlined version, roughly equivalent to the performance of the previous U3D, and it will not attract too many people's attention.

Competitive games tell us: wretched development, don't worry!

Our ancestors also taught us: We must not reveal our wealth!

Even the little devil knows this truth: enter the village quietly, don't shoot.

Therefore, all the subsystems that Li Yuanhang does not need at present are castrated. It is more than enough to develop mobile games only. Fortunately, this engine is very easy to learn and does not require a lot of learning costs. Zhang Yunhai has already mastered it these days. This engine.

With all the employees in place, Li Yuanhang held the first meeting of the staff of Mythology Studio in the meeting room changed from the living room. The number of participants plus Li Yuanhang himself totaled 14 people.

"Welcome, I won't say much. Some of you guys started working on the first day, some have been here for half a month, some are my colleagues at Fengsu, and some are the first time I see you. Come to me, so I'll introduce myself first."

Li Yuanhang sat in the middle of the left side of the conference room, and all the employees were seated on both sides to the right. Among them, four or five of them were laid off by Fengsu Huyu a while ago. They chose to join after being introduced by Zhang Yunhai and Wang Xiuqin. Shinhwa Workshop.

"My name is Li Yuanhang. I am the game producer of Shinhwa Network and the owner of Shinhwa Network. I hope that in the days to come, everyone will create more and better games together. All of you here will become millions and tens of millions. Even a billionaire!"

There was a burst of warm applause, but judging from their expressions, almost no one believed his words except for a few young people who had just walked out of the ivory tower.

Li Yuanhang didn't expect him to raise his arms. The younger brothers came one after another. Many years of work experience in the previous life told him that no matter how he painted flatbread and instilled spiritual chicken soup, it was not as practical as giving some benefits.

Boss Ma from the previous life concluded it well. There were two reasons for employees to leave their jobs. One was that the money was not in place, and the other was that they were wronged.

Li Yuanhang doesn’t want the team he’s working so hard to build, so he should give enough money now, and then gradually improve the working environment and benefits. When other companies dig people, his own employees will also have to weigh it carefully. Can you get the current treatment after you quit.

So Li Yuanhang directly began to talk about salary and benefits: "You have already understood salary before joining the job. I will not say more about basic salary, five social insurance and one gold, year-end bonus, holiday bonus, employee birthday and wedding red envelopes. Let’s talk about everyone’s benefits and dividends."

Hearing Li Yuanhang talk about the benefits related to his own interests, everyone listened carefully.

"The first is project dividends. For every successful development of a game, the first month's profit is less than 1 million, your project dividend ratio is 5%; if the profit is above 1 million and less than 5 million, the project dividend ratio is 8%; profit Above 500 and below 10 million, the dividend ratio is 12%...and so on, the highest dividend ratio for this project is 30%, and the dividend for each project can be up to three consecutive months."

"The second is the option incentive system. I promised to use 15% of the shares as the option pool. All employees who have worked for more than one year can buy shares in the studio at a price lower than the market price. Of course, everyone based The number of shares that can be purchased varies depending on the position and time of service for the company."

For executives like Wang Xiuqin and Zhang Yunhai, Li Yuanhang had already promised a certain amount of options before they joined the company. Wang Xiuqin spent 100,000 to subscribe for 5% of Shinhwa Studio and became a shareholder of the studio.

The benefits mentioned by Li Yuanhang are very common among game manufacturers. The difference is that some bosses will faithfully distribute the money according to this ratio, while some bosses will try to deduct the dividends, and just give them some money.

Li Yuanhang never intends to make a fuss about dividends, not only that, he also intends to give his employees additional benefits.

Li Yuanhang's gaze swept across all the people present in the conference room. He smiled and continued: "Let me talk about the last benefit. I call it the year-end dividend. You can also regard it as part of the year-end bonus. "

"As long as each game is still on sale and operation, 30% of the net profit in December each year will be distributed as a year-end dividend to all personnel involved in the development, including Meihe operations, and you will share this dividend equally. In other words, The longer you stay in the company, the more you participate in the development and operation of games, and the greater the number of year-end dividends, and this dividend is not capped."

"If there is only one person working for the development and operation of a certain game, then he will exclusively enjoy the year-end dividend of this game. For example, if someone develops ten games for the company, then he will get the ten games every year. Year-end dividends, I believe this dividend will be very substantial."

Everyone got excited, and they couldn't help but breathe a bit heavy. If Li Yuanhang hadn't been slanderous, as long as they could develop a few explosive games, the year-end dividends would be quite objective.

In the past, no matter how long they worked, the salary might not be much higher than that of the newcomers, and sometimes even the newcomers were paid more than the old employees, and they couldn't help but get angry.

It’s good to come to Shinhwa Studio now. The longer you work and the more games you make, the more dividends you will get.

New employees can only watch them earnest dividends!

Before, I couldn't even think about it!

Even Zhang Yunhai and Wang Xiuqin didn’t know that Li Yuanhang actually offered this kind of benefits. In the future, as long as the games they make are decent, this year-end dividend will continue, and I’m afraid the studio people will not be able to drive them away. Up.

Li Yuanhang smiled and looked at the surprised and ecstatic expressions of the employees, and nodded secretly. Under the reward, these people quickly formed a cohesive force, and the effect was almost immediate.

In the future, when they want to quit, they have to carefully measure it. After all, after quitting, they will not receive the annual dividends. If the welfare benefits are not good on Shinhwa Network after quitting, wouldn't they have to regret it? Green?

Li Yuanhang concluded: "In short, as long as your ability is worthy of your income and you are willing to follow me, I will be very happy to share the feast of wealth with you!"

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