Game development giant

Chapter 4 Wang Xiuqin

The game development process is boring and complicated. Li Yuanhang is the only one, and he has to do all the work by himself. When the program is almost done, he shifts his focus to the art.

As a game producer, Li Yuanhang has been involved in programming, design and art. Among them, he is the most proficient in programming, and design is the master planner after a few years. He is the only one in art. Weak link.

In his previous life, Li Yuanhang didn't need him to go out in person for most of the time. Naturally, the master beauty and art artists did it for him. Now he has no choice but to bite the bullet and go to battle himself.

Fortunately, "Plague Company" requires very few art resources, and there is only one map. You can also be lazy and directly modify the 3D version of the world map to get it done.

Li Yuanhang also made adjustments to the more criticized places in the previous life. For example, on the map of "Plague Company" in the previous life, Qiongdao and Wanwan were actually sunk by land, and the two countries on a certain peninsula were unified.There are no roads or railways in the whole world. Many countries inexplicably have no airports or ports. The largest South America has only three ports and one airport, and the polar bear has only one port and one airport...

Of course, half of the reason for this is that developers need to balance gameplay, and the other half is the limitation of mobile phone performance at that time, so Li Yuanhang needs to consider comprehensively before making a choice.

Fortunately for the map, what is more difficult is the drawing of the pathogen, as well as the icons of various symptoms, transmission routes and special abilities. With Li Yuanhang's limited art skills, it is really impossible to draw the icons he imagined.

There is no other way. The only thing left is to find someone to help. Li Yuanhang did not go to an outsourcing platform to find outsourcing. After all, he has been in a game company for two years, and he still knows a few people with good art. It is okay to ask them to help. .

Taking out his cell phone, Li Yuanhang flipped through the saved phone number, and quickly found a number marked "Sister Qin" and dialed it.

The call was quickly connected, and a woman’s doubtful voice came to mind in the receiver: "Li Yuanhang? Why did you suddenly remember to call me today? Is there anything wrong?"

Li Yuanhang was not polite, and directly explained his intentions: "Sister Qin, is the company busy recently? If you have free time, can you help me draw a set of about 100 icons?"

The name of this "Sister Qin" is Wang Xiuqin, who is a senior art artist of Fengshou Entertainment, who has worked for Li Yuanhang for two years, and is especially good at drawing original paintings of characters.Because they live in two neighboring communities, they often share cars to and from get off work, so even if they do not belong to the same project group, the relationship between the two is relatively familiar.

Wang Xiuqin sighed and said: "It's not that you don't know the speed of the front. Two project teams were abolished half a month ago. Our art team has also laid off a lot of people. Now in addition to the 4th and 7th project teams, In addition to normal operations, people who have not been laid off have been merged into these two project teams. In addition, there have been no new projects recently launched, so I just want to be busy but can’t get busy..."

"If Mr. Zhou hadn't let his cronies toss around, how could it not be where it is today."

Fengsu Mutual Entertainment is Li Yuanhang's first job after all, and he has been working for two years. There is still some feeling in his heart. Hearing Wang Xiuqin's words, he couldn't help but feel the current situation of his old club.

"Who said no?" Wang Xiuqin changed the subject and asked: "By the way, Li Yuanhang, where are you high now? Why don't you look for outsourcing these icons?"

Li Yuanhang said: "Sister Qin, this is a small game that I thought about by myself. Now I have just made the big frame, and even if these icons are completed, it is more than half completed."

Wang Xiuqin asked with interest: "You made the game by yourself? Okay, I will have a rest tomorrow. You can come to my house and tell me the needs of these icons, and I will take the time to draw them for you."

Li Yuanhang was overjoyed and said: "Then I will trouble Sister Qin. Can I come over at ten o'clock tomorrow morning?"



The next day, Li Yuanhang got up and shaved off his beard that had not been cleaned for half a month. The hair that was messy like a chicken coop was also neatly trimmed, and then he put on a set of clean clothes and went out.

After having breakfast at a stall outside the complex, Li Yuanhang went to a nearby department store and bought a large plush teddy bear for Wang Xiuqin's daughter. After seeing that the time was almost up, he walked to the complex where Wang Xiuqin lived.

Wang Xiuqin's home, Li Yuanhang, visited once. The last time she had her birthday, several colleagues had arranged to come together to give her a gift. After registering at the gate of the community, he went straight to her door.

After ringing the doorbell, Wang Xiuqin quickly opened the door. She looked at the plush teddy bear in Li Yuanhang's hand and said politely: "Li Yuanhang, you come here. What else can you bring? Come in."

Li Yuanhang stuffed the teddy bear in Wang Xiuqin's hand and said with a smile, "I just brought Xiao Qian a little gadget, it's nothing."

After putting on the slippers, Li Yuanhang followed Wang Xiuqin to the living room. Wang Xiuqin made a cup of tea for Li Yuanhang, put some fruits on the coffee table, and shouted into the bedroom: "Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian, come out."

"Mom, what's the matter?" A little girl with powder makeup and Yuzhuo came out of the bedroom. It was Wang Xiuqin's daughter, Shen Yuqian. She saw the teddy bear on the sofa at a glance, and rushed over to hug her. What a cute little bear, mom, is this a gift you gave me?"

Wang Xiuqin smiled and said, "I didn't buy this little bear. It was given to you by this uncle. But thank you Uncle Li?"

Shen Yuqian put down the teddy bear, looked at Li Yuanhang with curious eyes, and then walked up to him generously: "Thank you, Uncle Li for giving me the little bear. I like it very much."

"What a well-behaved child," Li Yuanhang said, touching Shen Yuqian's head, "Since you like it, I can rest assured."

Wang Xiuqin said, "Xiaoqian, I have work matters with your Uncle Li, so go back to the room and do your homework."

Shen Yuqian obediently said: "Good mom, I'm going back to do my homework." She said that she hugged the teddy bear and returned to the bedroom. After walking a few steps, she turned her head back and smiled sweetly at Li Yuanhang.

Li Yuanhang looked around and found that there was no one else except Wang Xiuqin's mother and son. He curiously asked: "Sister Qin, is Brother Shen not at home?"

Wang Xiuqin's face was gloomy for a moment: "He has something to go out. By the way, what type of icons do you want me to draw? Are there any specific requirements?"

Li Yuanhang took out a stack of design concept drafts that he had completed and handed it to Wang Xiuqin: "Sister Qin, these are some of my design drafts. Do you see any problems?"

Wang Xiuqin took the design draft and looked through it carefully. After reading it for a while, she showed a little puzzled expression on her face. Without raising her head, she asked: "Li Yuanhang, what kind of game are you playing? What about disease-related icons?"

Li Yuanhang said: "It is a small game where bacteria and viruses infect humans, so that people can increase their awareness after playing."

"It turned out to be like this," Wang Xiuqin did not continue to ask. She continued to read the design draft silently, then closed the design draft and looked up at Li Yuanhang: "I understand your request. Today I happen to be fine. You see if it fits out."

Li Yuanhang asked: "Sister Qin, how much money do you need to finish the painting?"

Wang Xiuqin asked, "When do you want these pictures?"

Li Yuanhang thought for a while: "It would be the best if it can be completed in one and a half months."

Wang Xiuqin said: "If it's a month and a half, I need to ask two people for help. Let's do it, one icon is 100 yuan, and a picture book of a pathogen is 500. You want 106 icons in total, and I don't want any of them, even if you are 12 thousand. Right."

Li Yuanhang knows that this price is already very, very favorable. If you are looking for outsourcing, the money is far from enough. He gratefully said: "Sister Qin, thank you so much. I will transfer the ten thousand yuan to you after I return. "

Wang Xiuqin said: "Everyone is a friend. You can tell me what you say. The money is not in a hurry. It's the same when I finish drawing and you are satisfied." Then he stood up and said, "Don't go busy. Let's watch TV for a while. I will go to the kitchen to prepare lunch. After having lunch together, I will start drawing in the afternoon."

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