Game of Gods

Chapter 204: History of the Scarlet Castle

When coming out of the alchemy room, you can see that the unlucky professional is still feeling the hundred ways of death of the old goblin.

Hmm, it's been 92 times.

炼 An alchemy formed under the professional's body to form a cage. There is a time-accelerating effect in the cage. As for the result, it is simple. Let him feel the treatment of starvation.

Of course, he will not actually starve to death. After the starving is almost, the old goblin throws him a lot of food, and it seems to make him feel dead again.

"Why not give him a bunch of beauties and let him feel the result of dying from the sun?" Rouwa asked.

Everyone was stunned by the little girl's heavy taste.

飞 The cute girl in Han Feiyu's heart was smashed by Rouwa, staring at Rouwa stunned.

She Rouwa looked embarrassed: "I just read the book."

I can get you.

Wu Yuanchenfei snorted in his heart, but he still had to match Rouwa's outfit and snorted: "Look at less messy books in the future."

"Oh." Rouwa responded obediently.

At this moment, three people came face to face.

I was Xia Ning, sixth day and Li Zhanjun.

"You are late, the good things are gone." Han Feiyu said with a smile.

"It's okay, we have our chance." Li Zhanjun was proud of himself.

Compared with their pride, Yuan Chenfei's heart is heavy-especially after seeing the fiery red suit on Xia Ning's body.

"Lava robe?" Yuan Chenfei asked. He had recognized the suit, which looked like a battle suit, but it was actually a robe.

"Huh." Xia Ning happily raised his lips and showed them the properties of the robe. In fact, even if she didn't show up, Yuan Chenfei knew the attributes.

Twenty-two exclusive lava robes (legendary), suitable for users: Elemental Mage.

Defense strength 22, fire energy 22.

Has skill 1 Fire Element: This robe is sealed with a soul of fire elves, the fire element level is increased by three, regardless of the level cap, it has flame energy. Fire energy can be restored through the skill fire charge, and every ten levels of fire charge can replenish a little fire energy.

Have Skill 2 Fire Shield: Activate the Robe Seal and release the energy of the Fire Elf. You can create a Fire Shield with a shield strength of four, and cause third-level fire damage to all nearby beings. This ability consumes 3 fire energy.

Have skill 3 flame enhancement: strengthen all fire skills to form an enhanced version. This ability consumes fire energy depending on the amount of enhancement.

Has skill 4 Lava: Turn the land under your feet into a hot piece of lava. Anyone who falls here will be severely burned. Use this ability to continuously consume fire energy.

This is a very powerful piece of equipment, but as a piece of defensive equipment, it is not characterized by defense, but by defensive counterattack. Whether it is a fire shield or lava, it is a defense in the form of attack, and it ignores the enemy and me. Once it is turned on, all existence around it will suffer.

Especially the lava skill is quite powerful and destructive. Despite the simple introduction, Yuan Chenfei knows that once this skill is turned on, it basically means where to go and where to destroy it. Any mighty warrior shouldn't want to go head-to-head with such an opponent. Demolition of buildings is also a great way to demolish buildings.

However, this robe does not seem to be of much use to that existence in the murderous secret room ...

As soon as I thought about this, Yuan Chenfei couldn't help but have a headache.

Sure enough, except for the grotesque blade and shadow cape, all the benefits just look good, but it is difficult to use them now?

Hagiwara Chenfei asked the sixth day: "What about you? What did you get?"

On the 6th day of the first draw, he got 50,000 coins.

Don't do it!

Is there anything more that cannot work?

Hagiwara Chenfei has been desperate, he asked Li Zhanjun again: "What have you got?"

战 Li Zhanjun replied proudly: "Boiling blood."

Sugawara Chenfei refreshed.

The simmering blood is indeed a good thing, especially suitable for the fierce battle of the blood gods like Li Zhanjun. It can greatly enhance Li Zhanjun's **** God of War, soaring combat power, especially the ability to continue fighting. The most important thing is that it is as effective as the Shadow Cloak at this stage.

But why is it that myself, as well as Rouwa, what Li Zhanjun gets can be used, but what others get?

Hagiwara Chen froze for a moment, and suddenly wanted to understand something, blurted out: "Family of God. Rouwa and you are both members of God!"

"What's wrong?" Others didn't understand the meaning of the words, but Yuan Chenfei looked at the strange blade.

If you guessed it right, then the grotesque blade is mostly related to the clown.

Although Yuan Chenfei is not a formal clown of the clown, but with the relationship between the clown and him, and the multiple cares, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a clown's family.

On the third trip to the playground, he passed the assessment of taming animals, but did not get any substantial rewards. He just joined the so-called circus, but what exactly did the circus do, and what was the situation, he knew nothing. .

Now it seems that although the circus' duties have not been fulfilled, the salary has been paid.

Cartmill can count everything, but fortunately, at least three people have been blessed by God.

In addition, it is the bamboo snake box that Xia Ning obtained, but after taking it out and opening it, it is just an ordinary bamboo snake, which has no previous power at all.

Hagiwara Chenfei has said: "Next we may face a big trouble, everyone is better prepared."

"What trouble?" Everyone asked.

Xun Yuanchen shook his head: "One or two words are unclear, let's talk as we walk."

He said turning to the main road next to him.

"The Bavarian family is the main home of this castle." As he walked, Yuan Chenfei introduced the origins of the Scarlet Castle: "Bavarian family is an ancient medieval family, of course, This medieval family does not exist in the D ball, but exists in another alien continent, a world that has been conquered by the gods. In that world, the Bavarian family was once a great lord with a prestigious name and led more than ten 10,000 square kilometers of land, with millions of people. "

"It was the Count Demet Bavalier who led the Bavarian family to glory. This count is the lord of Zival, who led Bavarian from a small family to a great lord. His status also allowed him to reach the pinnacle of his life. But like most heroes, the Earl gradually became mediocre, dictatorial, and dictatorial with the growth of his age, thus achieving the reputation of his **** lord. "

"In the later days of Earl Demeter Bavarian, he was obsessed with the search for immortality and collected various precious treasures to extend his life. To this end he built a treasure chest, which is this The source of the wealth of the castle is our main destination. According to the rules of the Scarlet Castle, every person who enters the treasure room can take away one treasure, but only one. If it violates With this one, you will not die, but will be erased and sent out of the castle. This is why some people who enter the Scarlet Castle can bring good things, but some do n’t get anything, even the memory is lost. the reason."

Walking along the main road, Yuan Chenfei introduces the origin of the Scarlet Red Castle.

Xia Ning was curious: "How did you know this? Did you know it before?"

"If I knew it before, I would have told you already." Yuan Chenfei replied: "At the front of the castle, there is an ancestral hallway, which contains the ancestors of the Bavarian family. Among them is their history. , I know from there. "

"We passed there too, but we didn't notice it." Li Zhanjun muttered.

"That is, your attention is on the baby." Han Feiyu interface.

"This doesn't sound very meaningful." Rouwa said indifferently.

"Under normal circumstances, it doesn't really matter much if you don't understand this history, but in some special cases, things are different."

"Do you mean Carter?"

"No." Unexpectedly everyone expected, Yuan Chenfei shook his head.

He said: "Cartmill is an unexpected factor, an unplanned factor because of me. What I will talk about next is a change that should follow the normal future trajectory ..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Chen paused for a while, and then continued: "Everyone is an old friend, and I don't need to hide something from you. In fact, you should also see that, for some reason, I knew something in advance."

战 Li Zhanjun nodded: "Yeah, so you grab in front of others, buy a lot of blood, and participate in competition."

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei replied, "That's because of one of my patients ..."

He told everyone about Liu Yang and he was stunned.

"Somebody can know the future? This is incredible." Rouwa opened her eyes in surprise. "And you said it."

"There is nothing left to hide. In fact, the so-called future is inherently false and uncontrollable ..." Yuan Chenfei roughly said his own feelings: "I never believed that people can really see the future ~ www ~ In fact, when someone sees the future, the future has changed. Because of this, although there are many things recorded in Liu Yang's notes, most of the time, my use of notes belongs to the rule level. , Not the event level. "

Liu Liu immediately said, "But this time is an exception."

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei said, "According to Liu Yang's future trajectory, the Scarlet Castle is now in the semi-seal stage. At this stage, all explorations of the Scarlet Castle are limited explorations. The treasure room is only allowed to get one treasure, and the entrants will be washed away. Only after the closure is closed, the Scarlet Castle will be fully opened, and the restrictions on the acquisition of treasures will be lifted. "

"Wow." Everyone whistled together.

Only Xia Ning looked dignified: "Benefits and risks should always go together. The restrictions on treasures have been lifted, I am afraid that other restrictions will also be lifted?"

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei nodded earnestly: "It's not just the treasure chest that was sealed in the Scarlet Red Castle, but the most important one is the ZTE Lord ... Count Demeter Bavarian."

Everyone was stunned: "You mean ..."

Yuan Chenfei replied: "Yes, he was not dead, but was sealed in the depths of the Scarlet Castle, waiting for a day of recovery. According to the original trajectory, his wake-up time was almost within this time period. .I didn't know the exact time, but considering your rich harvest before, I think that the seal of the castle may have been lifted, that is to say ... we are about to face the Count Demeter Bavarian. "

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