Game of Gods

Chapter 205: treasure house

After hearing Yuan Chenfei's words, Xia Ning frowned: "Is this the record in Liu Yang's notes?"

"In Liu Yang's notes, only the time when the Scarlet Castle will be unsealed will be recorded. The date when the seal was unsealed is an opportunity for all professionals to harvest, but it is also a feast of death. Liu Yang did not record morality. Mitt's strength, only to say that this is an undead ghost, all professionals must complete the **** of treasure under the pursuit of this undead ghost. The reason why I came here is to see if I can touch the fish in the muddy water. "

璃 Liu Li: "But Carter Mill appeared."

Hagiwara Chenfei nodded: "Cartermere is a big trouble. First, I used my prophet to lay out in the back room. I almost hit his way."

Jun Rouwa interface: "Sister Liu Li was fooled."

璃 Liu Li gave her a white look: "You can say nothing about this."

Sugawara Chenfei continued: "But Carter's layout is definitely not the only one. If I guess correctly, your previous harvest should be his other layout."

At this time everyone understood why he said this.

"What is this layout?" Li Zhanjun was puzzled.

Yuanchen flying: "Cartermere is a god. If he is going to deal with a professional, he has no hope of surviving the shot. But fortunately, he did not do so. Maybe it is because he is also restricted by rules. Maybe it ’s because of his weird taste or for games. In short, the methods he uses against me are based on the use of rules. For example, this is the case of the previous closet. From this aspect, I think your The revenue bureau is likely to be some sort of recovery law. "

"The law of recovery?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Yes, it ’s like a loan. If we kill monsters and get benefits, it ’s a normal business activity. It's like doing business, paying first, and then harvesting. Then the law of recovery is equivalent to a loan, giving you money first, and then Get returns from your business. "

"What's the difference?"

"Of course there is." This time Xia Ning replied: "Loans have to pay interest."

"Not only that." Yuanchen Feidao said, "If the loan proceeds are used for business, then proper interest payment is still appropriate. For example, we got a lot of legendary equipment, and used it to deal with powerful monsters, even if there is nothing afterwards The gain is also equivalent to paying for the previous income. But what if the loan you received cannot be used for the current business? "

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately understood.

Whether it is Liu Li, Han Feiyu, or the sixth grade, the gains can not be used for the moment, but the trouble caused by it is certainly not small.

Xia Ningning: "Neither does mine?"

Yuanchen flyway: "I don't know much about Count Demeter Bavarian, but one thing is exactly what I know, that is ... he is undead. Xia Ning's lava robes have low defenses Counterattack is high, I'm afraid there is no threat to it. "

Everyone heard a cold heart.

"What about the three of you?" Liu Li asked.

"We are dependents of God. I think what we get is not arranged by Carter Mill." Yuan Chenfei used this sentence to answer all doubts.

Carter's game, can other gods stop it? Yuan Chenfei doesn't know, but at present it seems that most of them can participate in a small amount. They can't modify Carter's design, but they can add some new designs. So Yuan Chenfei got the weird blade, Li Zhanjun got the boiling blood, and Rouwa got the shadow robe.

On a certain level, it also reveals the relationship between the gods, or the way to get along, which is great for the future of Chen Fei's judgment and the way Gods get along, but for now, I am afraid there is nothing significance.

"Is it too late to give up now?" Xia Ning asked.

Sugawara Chen gently shook his head: "If it was just the beginning, it may be too late. But now that the money has been loaned, it is too late to want to refund it."

The bank loan also has to go through formalities. Once it is completed, there is no reason to retreat.

Han Feiyu Xia Ning's previous experience is actually going through the procedures. To return the treasure, the procedures will only be more troublesome. According to the nature of the bank, early repayment often pays more interest-mortgage loans for 20 years, in advance Ten years of repayment, I'm sorry, you have to pay two more installments.

The bank can do this, who can say that the gods are not? As for saying you lost something, sorry, you borrowed money from the bank, can you say that I lost the money, isn't this model a loan?

Instead, it was in the garden. After Yuan Chenfei collected the herbs and did not take them away, it can be regarded as giving up the loan at that time. Anyone who took away meant that the procedures were completed.

Of course, this is also the speculation of Yuan Chenfei. In case Carter is unreasonable and says that the moment you receive the herb is a loan completion, Yuan Chenfei can only recognize it by holding his nose. However, everything has rules, and Yuan Chenfei is estimated not to be here.

During the conversation, they have come to a hall, which is the main hall of the Scarlet Castle and the parliament hall of the Bavarian family.

He Changqing Shang City, Zhang Shenzhe and others are already here. Depending on the number of people, almost all of them have arrived. Yuan Chenfei is the latest group.

The people on both sides met, but did not fight, but watched the hall separately.

I saw Yuan Chen flying in and Shang Cheng laughed, "You are finally here."

"Waiting for me?" Yuan Chenfei looked at Zhang Shenzhe: "It's rare that you didn't fight."

"This is a competition task, not a battle task. There is no need to fight for each other." Shang Cheng answered.

Sugawara Chen froze his ears: "Generally the weak said so."

He Changqing snorted angrily: "Yuan Chenfei, don't be too proud, do you really think you have won?"

"Sorry, my name is Fang Libo." Yuan Chenfei replied, "It's hard to say if you can't win or not. The important thing is that I want to fight you. Do you dare?"

He Heqing's face showed obvious anger.

But as Yuan Chenfei said, he is not Yuan Chenfei's opponent now, and he should endure it.

So I took a long breath, and the man hit the sky, haha, just when he didn't hear it, it was good to conserve.

He didn't fight with Yuan Chenfei, but he didn't leave. He just stood there, and there was a big meaning that you wanted to fight and let the horse come over, but Yuan Chenfei didn't want to take the initiative to take the shot--he had to guard against Carter Mill. Nothing is done.

The result is that these two people are mouth guns, but no one starts.

At this moment, the hall suddenly banged, shaking.

With this vibration, the entire hall began to shake, and all the tables, chairs, and bookshelves were shaken violently.

Everyone was astonished, Yuan Chenfei said, "Don't be nervous, this is the treasure room opening."

The treasure room of the timid red castle is located in the conference hall, and it would have been necessary to open an organ to reveal it.

But now, this step is skipped.

With the shaking of the hall, the wall opposite the hall slowly opened, revealing a huge portal.

I didn't wait for everyone to enter the portal, and a large row of shelves had poured out from the portal.

This scene is somewhat like the scene in the Matrix, where Neo enters the virtual space to pick up weapons, and sees rows of shelves pouring out from the portal, and they are sequentially arranged along the sides of the hall, eventually forming a neat ring. Surrounding everyone, it is the shelf that surrounds them, and the shelf is filled with all kinds of colorful items, regardless of the treasures.

大多 Most of these treasures shine with orange light, which is based on rare equipment, followed by fine silver. There are more rare than fine products, which shows that this treasure house has rich connotations. Then there is the legendary gold, and the ordinary black is completely absent. Obviously in the concept of the Bavarian family, ordinary equipment has no collectible value.

However, what really attracts everyone's attention is the four most colorful items in the center.

Myth weapon!

That was a helmet, a great sword, an armor and a pair of combat boots.

Although I don't know what the specific attributes are, just the dazzling brilliance makes people fascinated.

职业 A professional can't hold back the greed in his heart, and has taken to grab the mythical weapon.

"Don't touch it!" Yuan Chenfei yelled.

But it's too late.

As soon as the professional's hand touched the armor, he saw a sudden rise of a mask on the armor, blocking the professional's hand, and at the same time, the hall shook again.

The magnitude of this vibration is obviously much greater than before, it is almost the magnitude of an earthquake of magnitude 8. The entire hall began to shake violently, but none of the treasures on the shelves fell.

Then the floor of the hall cracked.

As the cracks in the floor opened, I heard the sound of gear turning of Caraca, and a transparent coffin slowly rose from the ground.

There was a man lying in the coffin.

A man with obvious medieval European faces, a beard full of face, eyes closed, hands folded on his chest, but with a slightly dry figure, looks like a well-preserved corpse.

"It's Demit Bavarian!" Liu Li cried.


椁 has completely risen to the ground ~ ~ After making a loud noise, it stops in the center of the hall.

Then a rumbling voice echoed through the air: "I, I heard someone calling my name ..."

With this voice, the man in the coffin opened his eyes.

Puyuan Chenfei's pupil enlargement: "Be careful!"


The coffin cover flew up.

Earl of Demeter Bavarian has stood up from the coffin.

As he stood up, a magnificent mysterious atmosphere spread like an ancient flood beast awakened.

This imposing power overwhelms all parties and makes everyone shiver.

In the face of this existence, even a trace of resistance will not rise.

Count Demet Bavalil glanced around, his eyes falling on the former professional who had touched the mythical weapon.

He said, "Is that you, are you jealous of my treasure? Greedy thief, you will pay!"


His body shape disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was next to the professional, holding the professional's throat by a hand, and holding him up.

This big boss has no habit of nonsense like other bosses. He wakes up and attacks.

The next moment, four sharp long teeth emerged from his mouth, his head lowered, and he bit his throat at the professional's throat.


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