Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 226: sad fairy tale

"Godslayer, Astral Insight, Ferryman, Winster." Thorne calmed down his ups and downs, forcibly maintained a calm look, and repeated a sentence in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of what the goblin wizard Malvasia told him, that the Astral Insight's camp is absolutely neutral.

So just as he was about to speak, the paladin Peo, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, seemed to have regained his vigor. He got up with a 'teng', stopped the mysterious man Winster who was slowly walking towards the death knight's body, and raised the black death knight in his hand. The painted holy emblem said with a firm expression:

"The hidden goodness of the Shadow Howler was crying to me, begging me to free him, so I answered his prayer and promised his soul a chance to redeem itself."

"Heart-brained paladin." The mysterious man Winster's ethereal tone contained a hint of displeasure, then he waved his hand gently and said coldly, "Go away!"

As soon as the voice fell, the paladin Peo was locked by an invisible force, causing his entire body to maintain the movement of raising the holy emblem and unable to move an inch, and then under the guidance of this energy, he fell to twenty meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious man Winster continued to walk towards the death knight's body.

Thorne, who was standing not far away, first glanced at the uninjured paladin Peo, ready to turn his attention to Winster.

The moment he looked around, something shocked him happened. The underground rivers flowing in the distance 'Boom' suddenly all gathered together and turned into a dry riverbed. The gathered river water formed a tens of meters high The water column, a strong breath of negative energy that suffocated him spread out.


The water column gathered by the underground river suddenly burst, turning into rapid rainwater and flooding the entire underground space, followed by the hideous figure emerging from the water column.

This creepy and terrifying figure exudes the chaotic evil unique to the abyss, making the already repressed underground passages even more gloomy and dark.

The deep darkness, the stinking stench, and the thick poisonous mist all began to spread to the entire underground space at a speed visible to the naked eye, following the appearance of the ferocious figure.

Seeing this, Thorne's face changed, and he was about to turn around and flee in the direction of the cave. An almost invisible energy barrier suddenly wrapped him, and the darkness, stench and poisonous mist like a huge wave were all isolated from the barrier.

Just as he looked suspiciously, a screeching sound that made his eardrums hurt, mixed with wanton laughter, filled the entire underground space.

"Winster, die!" The ferocious figure roared, and the sound was like the echo of a ferocious beast in the deepest cave.

As soon as the words fell, the terrifying figure waved its sharp claws and approached Wenster in an instant.


Sharp sharp claws wrapped in an unrivaled aura, and countless cold lights flashed through. Winster, whose entire body was hidden in a black cloak, suddenly turned into a little light and dissipated in the air.


The moment Winster's figure dissipated, the entire underground space trembled slightly, and a stone gate on the rock wall rose instantly, emitting a dazzling light, which directly dispelled the dark darkness attached to the hideous figure.

Immediately, a figure whose entire body was shrouded in a black cloak floated gently out of the bright stone house.

"The undead king Orbis, it's been a long time." The mysterious man floating out of the stone house looked at the ferocious figure and showed a gentle smile.

"The undead king Orbis! Could it be that the incarnation has come?" Thorne immediately turned his attention to the hideous figure.

Due to the dazzling light emitting from the stone house that was suddenly opened, the entire underground space was illuminated like daylight, so that Thorne could clearly see the incarnation of the undead king.

The avatar of the undead king Orbis is obviously more ferocious and impressive than ordinary sculptures.

His entire body was obscene and fat, with rubbery creases, his red skin covered with blood-stained but dull, rough hairs that covered his massive body.

On the pale goat-like head, the most conspicuous is the evil yellow light burning in the hollow eye sockets, and the sharp dagger-like teeth in the **** mouth.

When the evil eyes looked at the figure floating out of the stone house, there was a hint of mockery. Two huge goat horns were bent and protruded from the temple, dripping bile and blood forever.

Thick, black bat-like wings spread out over the back, and a long, serpentine tail with a needle-like spine behind it. While his arms and palms resemble those of a fat human, his legs and feet resemble those of a giant goat.

"The remnant of the godslayer, Winster! When I saw you, I felt like I saw a mole hiding in a musty cave. You really can't worry about your friend, and I finally led you out today."

The wanton grin of the undead king reverberated throughout the underground space, as if from a deep, terrifying and empty crypt.

Thorne, who was hiding in the bunker to watch the play, immediately felt the scream that penetrated his soul, so that he directly jumped out of the fearful Will saving throw. The only thing that made him happy was that this saving throw was not very difficult.

"Instead of sitting still, it's better to take the initiative to attack. Who is the prey and the hunter? I hope you can recognize your identity, the fattest and wretched demon lord of the bottomless abyss." Winster, who was hidden in a black cloak, floated gently into the air. , said indifferently.

"Remains who pretend to be calm, without the floating city, what do you use to fight against my demon army." The incarnation of the undead king Orbis' empty words were full of mockery:

"Recalling the floating city that turned into fireworks again, I still think it is the most beautiful scenery, and there are countless... the wailing of the dead!"

——"Misuo·Dark Sky!"

The indifferent Winster looked slightly cold, and gently waved the sleeves hidden in the large cloak.

Twin Towers Town at night.

A black tower full of solemnity was inserted in the very center of the town. The distorted tower body was like a rotten skeleton hand, struggling to climb out of the underground tomb.

At this time, the dark shadows that shrouded the tower body that even the most dazzling sunlight could not penetrate, began to surge strangely.

Inside the bright underground space.

The obese and wretched avatar of the undead king Autais floated in mid-air, and the strange dark aura bound Autais' incarnation tightly.

"It's the breath of the Lord of the End of All Things, you actually..." Before the incarnation of the undead king Orbis could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a terrifying wave of energy waved by the indifferent Winster.

In a roar of fury, the avatar of the undead king Orthus was melted away by terrifying energy.

The entire underground space disappeared with the incarnation of Orbis, and the nauseating stench and the rich poisonous mist did not leave a trace like the ebb tide.

"Old friend, I'll take you to the extreme cold." Winster, who was floating in the air, glanced at the death knight's corpse and sighed deeply.

Then with a light wave of his hand, the body and the thirteen coffins on the platform were all shrouded in the light of the magic circle along with Wenster and disappeared without a trace.

"A place of extreme cold?" Thorne looked at Winster's disappearing figure and whispered.

As the entire underground space returned to calm, the energy barrier shrouded in Thorne also turned into a little light and dissipated into the air.

"Hey, are you okay?" Thorne asked, dragging his tired body to the paladin who was still holding up the holy emblem.

"Huh?" Thorne glanced at each other suspiciously: "Can't you hear?"

Seeing that the other party still didn't answer, Thorne reached out and waved his face again, and found that the paladin Peo didn't even blink an eyeball, so he stood there and pondered for a while, and then went directly to the stone that Winster had just left. Go to the hole.

According to Winster's message on the first floor of the tower and the obsession of the death knight, and then the conversation between Orbis' avatar and Winster when the battle had just happened, he could roughly sort out the general situation.

The former Twin Towers Town was called Dawn Town, and both Death Knight and Winster belonged to the guardians of this town.

However, the good times did not last long. The whole town encountered an unknown enemy and fell into a precarious situation. As recorded in the message, the town fell.

Winster abandoned the tower and left angrily, while the other guardian Death Knight, the leader of the Knights of Dawn, was not reconciled.

So in order to drive away the invaders, he became a fallen paladin and successfully transformed into a death knight.

And the reason why he was able to transform into a death knight is very likely to be inseparable from the undead king Orbis.

In the end, Winster became a god-killer. In order to kill Winster, the undead king Orbis used the relationship between the death knight and Winster to make a layout here, and then it was the so-called middle game.

"The Lord of the End of All Things?" Thorne suddenly remembered the last words shouted out by the incarnation of Orbis, and his eyes were full of doubts, because he had no idea who this mighty-sounding Lord of the End of All Things was. .

"And the Church of Killing God and the Insight Organization, they must be inextricably linked with our player community." Thorne thought of another doubt in his heart again:

"Could it be that there are really closed beta players who are also trapped in this world, so what was the age when they appeared in this world? Was it the turbulent year three hundred years ago?"

Thorne walked into the stone house where Winster had left with a belly full of doubts.

With Winster gone, the bright light from the entire stone house has dissipated, but Thorne can still clearly see any corner of the stone house.

The entire small stone house was empty, except for a stone table, without any decorations, as if it had been cleaned up by someone.

Thorne could find through the faint traces of activity in the room that this mysterious man named Winster should have been hiding here before he appeared.

Then he walked to the stone table and saw a page-turning handwriting book placed on it. From the handwriting, Thorne could see that it should have been written not long ago, and it seemed more like a deliberate message to outsiders.

So Thorne immediately walked over curiously to check:

Era of Toril, Calendar of the Coming, Year of the Catching Fire, Moon at the End of the Year, 31st.

At the 10-year Insight Conference, the Plane Insights proposed the God-killing plan, while the Space-Time Insights advocated the God-creation plan.

We, who have always remained neutral, were caught in a dilemma. In the end, after failing to find a suitable candidate for the God-building plan, we had no choice but to start the God-killing plan, and thus established the God-killing Church in Sigil.


"Obviously, the God-killing plan failed." Thorne thought, and the notebook turned into a pile of ashes under his control.

After reading this message, he felt more and more that these people, like them, were a group of closed beta players trapped in another world.

The incarnation of the undead king Orbis just said that their floating city was blown up by the hammer, and they should have suffered a terrible defeat.

Finally, as Thorne was about to leave, he suddenly noticed a wooden box covered in thick dust on the stone table.

Thorne, who was curious, took out his long sword and gently opened the dust-covered lid with the tip of the sword. Suddenly, he found a string of delicate necklaces lying quietly in the wooden box.

Thorne looked stunned, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. The entire small stone house was cleaned up, except for the next page of notes and a necklace, which had to make him think that the man named Winster was Don't care.

So Thorne carefully picked up the necklace and found that it was a silver necklace strung together by seven dark blue gems. The sapphire in the middle was the most delicate, and the other three pairs decreased in turn. The water light flashed in the gems. Exudes a sparkling brilliance.

sad fairy tale

Quality: unknown

Attribute: unknown

(Note: This is a necklace that will not be given away in the future. Unfortunately, the original owner never had the courage to pick it up again, so it was forgotten here for a long, long time...)

I once wandered in my dreams several times, longing to regain my old feelings, who would have thought that what I touched was actually dust in my hands...

Produced by: Winster, leave a message


Thorne glanced at the entire small stone house with a slightly complicated look, and walked out with a heavy heart.

"Shouldn't it be them in the future Austrian catastrophe?" Thorne guessed secretly.

Today's experience made him always feel that these escaping insightrs would have any terrifying actions in the future, which made his heart that wanted to get stronger quickly involuntarily a little stronger.

"The deer herding banquet of Mara believers, the qi-lifting slash of the horn town swordsman, the ancient ritual of slaying the demon with a long sword, and the bow monastery in the Lost Star Mountains of the Northern Wasteland, the gnoll and the hills in the Great Sword Mark Mountains The giants' war is not over, and the greatest threat: the Horuk horde."

Thorne thought about his plans after leaving as he walked, feeling that he still had a lot to do in the future.

At this time, he noticed the paladin Peo who had resumed action, his eyes flashed, and he remembered something, so he walked to him and said: "The holy city of the dragonborn 'Gimbatur City', I know where it is, If you are interested, you can find me in the upper part of the waterfall town."

After speaking, he left the dragonborn paladin in shock and disappeared into the darkness alone.

"Shadow roarer, I can feel your good heart longing for redemption, and I will definitely help you! I swear in the name of the **** of justice!"

Paladin Peo glanced at the empty stone platform, a firm color flashed in his pale red eyes, and then dragged his limping body into the darkness.

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