Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 227: Deer feast

Birds chirped in the dawn mist, heralding the dawn of the sunrise.

Thorne pushed open the window and welcomed the golden light in.

However, the crisp mist toned down the gauzy morning sun, making it less dazzling.

Standing by the window, Thorne looked down at the bustling street, where early-rising hawkers, stallholders, or crooks were chanting their wares and services, adding to the surrounding chaos.

“Grilled sea bass! Sea bass that is tender on the outside and tender on the inside!”

"Bamboo rat! It has a big body and a lot of meat, delicious taste and rich nutrition!"

"Happy Immortal Water! Just take a sip, and you will die! Who wants to buy it? Who wants to buy it?"

"Ancestral golden sore medicine! Specializing in bruises! Only one family, no semicolons!"

"Rougamo! The cakes are crispy and meaty, refreshing but not greasy!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, come and see! This is a group of goblin slaves who have received compulsory education training! They are cute and cute, they can be a dog, a human being, and a mouthpiece... fully functional!"


Looking at the scene that seemed like a lifetime, Thorne was in a trance, shook his head and laughed, then turned to pick up a book on the table that he had been flipping through for a long time, picked up the black cloak hanging on the hanger, put it on his body, and looked towards him. Go outside the door.

It has been six days since he left the underground space of the 'Tower of the Dead'. During this time, he stayed in the guest room in the 'Little Frog' tavern and never left.

Thorne glanced at the book in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, and immediately put it into the dimension bag.

Thinking back on the experience of obtaining this book and what happened, he couldn't help but feel a little sigh.

At the beginning, after a tragic slaughter in the ruins of Talan Village, an uninvited guest named Ward showed up the next morning to use his crushing strength to preach, and pointed out his flaws sharply. Before leaving, give him a book that can make up for his shortcomings.

As the other party said, he really does not understand the complex and ever-changing swordsmanship skills at all. fighting skills.

Therefore, if he has the same strength, it is indeed the most difficult for him to deal with the kind of skilled professionals who are flexible, cunning, and bells and whistles.

The book that the other party gave him was exactly the one that described the sword skills of the wandering swordsman, and also recorded the inauguration method of this basic profession.

The swashbuckler is a profession that devotes himself to the training of swordsmanship and thus masters a balance of speed, grace and charisma. While other fighters are wrapped in heavy armor into clumsy iron cans, the swashbuckler's combat looks more like a show.

This class is best at one-on-one duels, and specializes in dual-wielding combat, using agile steps to move safely around the enemy, taking advantage of the opportunity to launch the most lethal blow.

The professional characteristics of "Dream Dance", "Nice Temperament" and "Elegant Combat Skills" fully reflect how the swashbuckling swordsman's chic, charming and flexible swordsmanship can precisely hit every key point of the enemy.

However, Thorne has already worked part-time as a kendo master, so in order to avoid excessive experience penalties, he naturally has little interest in the profession of wandering swordsman.

However, the attacking skills of dual-wielding swords described in it made him read, but he felt that he had benefited a lot.

Through these few days of practice, he learned that even if he doesn't have to take up this profession, as long as he practices his sword-handling skills diligently, it will also be of great help to him.

Then Thorne checked the arrows and composite longbow behind him, tightened the collar of his cloak, covered his messy hair with the hood, and pushed open the door and walked downstairs.

The reason why he stayed in Twin Towers for so long was actually to participate in the hunting ceremony held by the Mara believers: the deer feast.

Mara, the **** of hunting, is also called: Lord of Beasts!

A **** of chaotic evil, his repertoire includes hunting, stalking, bloodthirsty, vicious lycanthropes, and predatory beasts and monsters.

His chief admirers are hunters who slaughter for pleasure, hunt for sport, or overkill, as well as fallen ranger druids, intelligent carnivores, and evil lycanthropes.

Crazy and devout worshipers like to hunt and kill the prey to make the prey exude intense fear and rich blood, so that the beast lord can get the almost beast-like satisfaction.

In this material world dominated by gods, almost every **** has its own worshipers and exclusive holy days, and the same is true of the **** of hunting.

In the Church of the God of Hunting, the most advanced and solemn hunting rituals are: 'Deer Herding Banquet' and 'Supreme Hunting'.

The 'Supreme Hunt' will be held once every quarter and can be held four times a year, while the 'Deer Herding Banquet' will only be held once a year.

This hunting ritual brings together all the clergy of Mara during the annual cold wave for a frenzied killing spree and hunting competition.

Each devotee puts on his trophy and goes hunting a humanoid or cherishing a beast.

In this killing feast, the believers of Mara will arrogantly openly invite all who are willing to come to the feast, and let them play the roles of hunters and prey, even including the druids of the **** of nature and the goddess of the forest. Rangers are all within the range of invitations.

However, among these feast-goers, the most popular among worshippers of the God of Hunting are the followers of the God of Tracking.

The hatred between the **** of hunting and the **** of tracking can be traced back to the time when the **** of tracking was still a mortal ranger, so in addition to the obvious conflict between the two gods, there is an indelible hatred between the two gods.

In the most grand hunting ceremony like the 'Deer Herding Banquet', if the believer of the God of Tracking can be hunted, then the worshiper is likely to receive additional attention from the God of Hunting and obtain unimaginable gifts.

Similarly, if Thorne, the stalker of the Way of Silence, can kill too many Mara worshipers in the 'Deer Herding Banquet', he will also be watched by the stalking god, and thus gain additional benefit.

This is the main reason why Thorne chose to stay here to participate in the 'Deer Herding Banquet'. In addition to the blessings of the gods, so many Mara worshipers gathered together, and a huge amount of experience and practice points also changed. The key to a strong pathway.

In the 'Deer Herding Banquet' held on the night of the full moon today, he also knew that he would probably meet many Mara worshipers above the third rank.

Moreover, the stalkers of the God of Tracking are almost all active in the Northland Wasteland. In the Emerald Wilderness, except for himself, who is a follower of the God of Tracking, he does not have any companions at all.

This also means that from the moment he is discovered participating in the 'Deer Herding Banquet', he will receive special attention from all worshipers of the God of Hunting and become the target of all the hunting rituals.

However, Thorne also has his own plans. He will not go to the Wild Skull Mountains to participate in their 'deer feast', but choose to sneak in at the moment the hunting ceremony begins.

After all, the Druids and rangers of the goddess of nature and forest goddess will definitely participate in the "Deer Herding Banquet" of Mara worshipers, and all he needs to do is to fish in the chaos.

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