Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 450 Long time no see, Harry

Harry carefully held the Resurrection Stone in his palm.

The stone floated gently in the center of Harry's palm——

One lap, two laps, three laps.

Harry stared nervously at the Philosopher's Stone in his hand.

Hermione, Ron, and the unaware Neville also stared nervously at the stone floating in Harry's hand.

Tiera's spiritual dimension, which is located in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, only feels a certain connection, a certain pull.

But the pulling force was very weak, so weak that Tiera felt as if a baby was gently pulling her hair.

"Hmm... So..." Tiera thought as she relaxed herself, "So the Resurrection Stone can indeed establish a connection between the dead and the living."

Tiera did not resist, but let the slight pulling force carry her forward.

When they arrived at the Room of Requirement, Tiera saw Harry standing blankly between Ron, Hermione and Neville. In front of Harry, two illusory figures were already standing.

They were a young man and woman. The woman had long burgundy hair and a sweet smile. The man was tall and handsome.

None other than James and Lily Potter.

They are neither ghosts nor flesh and blood. They are more like the Tom Riddle in the diary, that is, like memories that have become almost physical, but not as solid as a living body, but much more real than a ghost.

James was a head taller than Harry, dressed in the same clothes as when he died, with messy hair and glasses a little crooked, just like Mr. Weasley.

Lily smiled happily. She pushed her long hair back and walked closer to Harry. Her green eyes, which were exactly the same as Harry's, looked at Harry's face hungrily, as if she could never see enough.

Both of them looked at Harry with a smile. Both of them were in their best youth. Standing in front of Harry, they didn't look like Harry's parents. Compared with the fifteen-year-old Harry who had already grown up. In reality, the parents are more like Harry's sister and brother.

"Mom, Dad!" Harry didn't expect the appearance of James and Lily at all.

Even though he had already seen his parents in the Mirror of Erised, Harry could not help but shed tears at this moment.

"Harry, who did you see?" Hermione asked anxiously from the side, "Where's Tiera?"

But Harry didn't seem to hear him, his eyes were confused and looking happily at the empty place in front of him.

"You are great, Harry, you are great!" Lily said with a smile, "You are so brave, Harry, you are so brave, we are so proud of you."

"As expected of my son!" James Potter also said with approval, reaching out his hand to pat Harry on the shoulder, but——

But James' hand went right through Harry.

James looked a little embarrassed and retracted his hand, touching his dirty face.

"We love you very much, son," Lily said. "The last time we saw you, you were just a little baby."

Lily Potter laughed and shed tears.

"Oh...my God!" Lily sobbed sadly on James' shoulder, "James...look...that's our child...the last time we saw him...he was still so little, like Little Bowtruckle..."

"Now you have grown so big...so tall..." Lily Potter cried sadly, "I really want to hug you, I really want to hug you...even once...what do you want me to do?" I am willing to..."

"I want it too! I want to hug you too!" Harry said anxiously, tears already flowing down his cheeks, "I miss you, mom, dad, I miss you..."

At this moment Hermione, Ron, and Neville realized something was wrong.

Hermione took out her wand, Ron picked up the cushion on the floor, and Neville picked up an iron teapot from the table, looking as if he was ready to smash it at Harry at any time.

"Dad, Mom... I miss you so much..." Harry's eyes became more and more dull and blurred, as if covered with a layer of fog.

"Harry, my child, we miss you so much..." In Harry's field of vision, Lily cried and said, "I'm sorry Harry, I'm sorry, we missed fifteen years of your growth... We haven't even given you You celebrated a birthday.”

"I miss you too, mom and dad!" Harry's voice was already hoarse, and his eyes were red and swollen from crying.

"No, you don't!" Just when James and Lily were about to say something more, a discordant voice suddenly inserted into the conversation of the Potter family.

James and Lily's expressions instantly froze.

Harry wiped away his tears, and after putting on his glasses again, through the blurry mist on his glasses, Harry saw a familiar figure really approaching.

Harry took off his glasses again, wiped the water mist on them, and then put them on again——

This time Harry saw clearly and saw the familiar figure——

"Tiera!" Harry shouted hoarsely, "Tiera!"

Yes, that's Tiera.

The illusive Tiera gradually came over and got closer to Harry. As Tiera got closer, Tiera's appearance gradually changed from illusory to more substantial.

Finally, Tiera stopped in front of Harry, standing slightly in front of Harry's parents.

Tiera still looks like a young man, but it is very different from when he died.

When Tiera was killed by Voldemort, she was wearing woolen short-sleeves and shorts stained with blood and dust. Her bare thighs and arms were probably covered in blood, her hair was messy, and her face was covered with branches and gravel. Scratched scratches.

Harry would never forget, never forget the look of Tiera's death, and never forget the scene that night.

But Tiera standing in front of Harry was neatly dressed, with a faint smile on her beautiful fair face, and her right eye was golden, like molten gold.

Tiera was wearing a set of ceremonial robes that Harry had never seen before. Underneath the salute was a dark black tight-fitting monk's uniform, which outlined Tiera's slender figure and wrapped Tiera's entire body tightly.

Tiera's intact left hand held a large thick book, and the other bone hand wrapped with flames held a staff with a human head as high as half a man.

"Long time no see, Harry." Tiera said with a smile, opening her arms, and the bright red robe was draped behind Tiera like a pair of burning wings.

Tiera's arms penetrated Harry, and she put her arms on Harry's shoulders for a hug.

"I knew you could find me." Tiera's smile became more exaggerated, "I knew you could bring me back to the world."

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