Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 451 Hellfire Machine Tiera

"Do you mind?" Tiera turned to look at James and Lily Potter, "Disappear for a while."

After the phantoms of James Potter and Lily Potter looked at each other, they gradually disappeared from Harry's eyes.

"Don't believe them, Harry." Tiera said with a smile, "Do you remember what it said in The Tales of Beedle the Bard?"

"The Resurrection Stone is a trap for the God of Death." Tiera said with a smile. "The dead it brings back will only gradually drive the holders of the Resurrection Stone crazy, and gradually... lead them to death."

"I...I...you, you...but, but..." Harry said at a loss.

"What's wrong with Harry? Harry?" Hermione asked anxiously from the side, "Harry!"

Hermione said, shaking Harry's shoulders.

"It's Tiera... Tiera is here!" Harry said excitedly, "We succeeded..."

"Where? Where?" Hermione said, looking around.

Ron and Neville were looking around too.

"It's a bit inconvenient to talk like this." Tiera said with a smile, and then walked towards the mirror wall next to her.

"Where are you going?" Harry stretched out his hand anxiously, trying to grab Tiera.

But Harry's hands went through Tiera's robes, grabbing nothing but air.

Tiera walked into the mirror——

"Now..." Tiera's voice echoed in the empty room, "You should all be able to see me -"

Ron, Hermione, and Neville turned their heads following the sound and looked in front of the huge mirror behind them.

In addition to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville, there was another person in the mirror, a person they were all very familiar with, but who should have been dead——

"Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift..." Neville was so frightened that he trembled and "lifted" five times in a row.

Ron and Hermione also looked shocked.

"Ron, Hermione, and Neville." Tiera opened her arms and said, "My friends, long time no see."

"Tiera, you, you, you, you..." Hermione's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe it.

"What? Are you so surprised to see me?" Tiera said with a smile, "Don't you already know Professor Trelawney's prophecy? Shouldn't you already understand the function of the Resurrection Stone?"

"Yes...yes, but, but...but..." Ron said, "But this...is too unbelievable..."

"What's unbelievable?" Tiera said with a smile.

"Wait, wait!" Hermione said suddenly, "How can I be sure you are Tiera?"

"Hey, Hermione, what do you mean?" Harry asked in confusion, "Isn't he Tiera or someone else?"

"I have read The Tales of Beedle the Bard." Hermione ignored Harry and continued, "I have also asked other people and looked up books about the Resurrection Stone."

"Then?" Tiera pretended to be listening.

"The Resurrection Stone cannot really resurrect the dead." Hermione sighed and said, "What it brings is a substance that is more real than the soul, but more illusory than the entity, and the dead it brings will only have a pessimistic mentality and can People are mentally tortured and crazy because they can’t get the real person they want to resurrect.”

"This is enough for me..." Tiera smiled, "Please don't worry, I am Tiera, the real Tiera..."

"If you still don't believe it-" Tiera took a step forward and disappeared into the mirror.

Harry saw Tiera come out, like a void phantom, and then——

A hurricane blew up inside the Room of Requirement.

The cushions placed on the ground were torn, and the cotton inside and coarse cloth outside were swirling around Tiera's shadow under the influence of the hurricane.

Cotton and rags were sewn together in front of Harry into a huge rag doll, as tall as Tiera.

There was a crack in the blank face of the ragdoll, and the crack squirmed up and down, and Tiera's voice came out:


The puppet man said and raised his hand.

"You, you, you..." Hermione was too shocked to speak.

"I'm dead, yes, that's right." The puppet man collapsed immediately, and Tiera returned to the mirror again, "I'm dead, but I won't be as dead as others..."

"As you know, I am a prophet." Tiera reached out and scratched her right eye and said, "The future I see is the absolute future, the future that will definitely happen."

"Yes, I have predicted my future a long time ago, and I have learned about my death a long time ago." Tiera said, "In the first divination class of the third grade, Trelawny taught inspiration and overdose. Under the influence of the incense, I made the biggest prophecy of my life."

"I not only predicted Voldemort's resurrection..." Tiera said with a smile, "I also predicted Harry's death."

Everyone held their breath and listened carefully to Tiera's story——

There seems to be a feeling that the fog is gradually being peeled away.

"In the prophecy that day, I saw Voldemort's resurrection... I saw Harry's death..." Tiera said, "So I decided to change the prophecy... I decided to capture Peter Pettigrew... to be precise ...I was ready to kill him. As long as he died, he would be unable to help Voldemort resurrect, and the scenes in my prophecy would not come true. So after we parted in front of the Whomping Willow that night, I desperately wanted to catch him. but……"

"But I failed..." Tiera raised her bone-white right hand, "Because I wanted to change the prophecy, I was punished with my right arm."

"From that day on, I understood one thing -" Tiera paused and said, "The prophecy will definitely come true. If you want to change the prophecy, you will be hurt even more."

"Yes, the prophecy is difficult to change. Changing the future is the same as changing the past, and you need to pay a price -" Tiera smiled and stretched out her right hand, "I tried to prevent Peter Pettigrew from meeting Voldemort, and the price was my own. With one arm, if I want to prevent the scene in my prophecy from appearing, I will pay with my life——"

"So Tiera, you..." Harry said movedly.

"You are everything, Harry!" Tiera said with a smile, "You are the savior. You are the one who can kill Voldemort in the prophecy, so I must save you."

"But of course, I am not ready to completely give up my young life..." Tiera began to walk around in the mirror with a cane, "I told Principal Dumbledore my plan..."

"Dumbledore agreed to my plan and completely opened the restricted book area to me..." Tiera walked back and forth.

The "crunch" sound of friction between mechanical gears gradually came from Tiera. With every step Tiera took, his figure became gradually taller, and the skin on his body was torn like a layer of plastic wrap. A mechanical snake head with horns emerged from the skin. The bright red robe on her body turned into burning flames. Tiera's lower body turned into a long mechanical snake tail, and ten chip-like chips grew out of her back. Wings, countless fiery red, fiber-optic hairs protruded from the head of the mechanical snake head and were connected to the waist.

"After enlisting Dumbledore's advice, and with the assistance of Dumbledore...and other wizards, I held a ceremony..." Tiera's voice became creepy, like a dozen or twenty sounds. The sound was superimposed and mixed together to make up the same sound, "Using that ritual... I transformed into a demon..."

"Yes, I am dead..." The world inside the mirror was submerged in a sea of ​​fire, and Tiera's huge body filled the entire mirror space. "But I transformed into a demon... The destruction of my body can only make me Losing my anchor to this world can only make me fall into hell..."

"I need someone to call me so that I can return to the living world..."

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