Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 245 Ian Also Has Magic That He Doesn't Like

The next day, Dumbledore brought Fox to the Granger's house early.

"So, old man Deng, do you suspect that something is wrong with Harry?"

Ian sat on the sofa with Hermione, looked at Dumbledore and asked.

Dumbledore took a sip of his coffee with lots of sugar and said:

"Yes Ian, I think you can come with me to see how Harry is doing."

Hermione next to Ian said to Ian:

"Ian, is there anything wrong with Harry besides the curse?"

Hearing Hermione's inquiry, Ian squeezed Hermione's little hand with a smile, and said:

"A few niggles, about Voldemort."

Wendell and Monica looked at Fox next to Milan curiously at first.

But after they heard the conversation between Ian and Dumbledore, they looked at Ian worriedly, the curse and the name Voldemort in their conversation made them a little frightened.

Wendell turned to Dumbledore and asked:

"Albus10, will it be dangerous if you go?"

Dumbledore looked at Wendell and Monica's worried expressions, and said with a smile:

"There won't be any danger, it's just to 'see a doctor' for a little wizard."

After hearing Dumbledore's answer, Wendell and Monica were relieved.

Wendell said helplessly:

"Monica and I were worried when we heard you curse."

"After all, cursing is indeed a bit scary to us."

"And what are you talking about... the name makes us feel bad."

Monica on the side also nodded, expressing her agreement with Wendell's words.

Dumbledore laughed and said:

"Curses are less scary to wizards."

"But deadly to Muggles."

"But you have Ian's alchemy items, so you don't need to worry at all.

"Wizards who dare to curse you must have a miserable end."

"Ian is the best soul and curse expert in the wizarding world."

Wendell and Monica turned pale at first when they heard Dumbledore's words.

But after hearing what Dumbledore said later, they were relieved.

Hermione pouted at Dumbledore:

"Grandpa Dumbledore! Stop scaring Mom and Dad."

Hearing Hermione's words, Dumbledore smiled and said to Hermione:

"Okay! It's Grandpa's fault.

Ian gave Dumbledore a blank look. Now that the old man has been with Grindelwald for a long time, his personality has begun to be a little bad.

But Ian never thought about whether it was caused by his own bad personality.

At this moment, Monica seemed to have thought of something, so she rolled up her sleeves, brightened the silver bracelet on her wrist, and said:

"But Gellert gave us this thing."

"It is said that wizards will appear when there is danger."

Dumbledore looked over his head, looked at the Three Hallows symbol on the bracelet, and said with a smile:

"That's right, your safety is also very important."

With that, Dumbledore winked at them.

Wendell and Monica realized that what Dumbledore said was a prophecy.

And with how much Ian cherishes the people around him, if they have something to do.

Dumbledore can guarantee that maybe Ian will go to the god of death again.

Wendell and Monica understood what Dumbledore meant, and swallowed what they wanted to say, whether it would be too much trouble for them.

Dumbledore nodded to the two with a smile, and then said to Ian:

"Ian, how is it, do you want to go for a trip?"

Ian nodded, flashed a cold look, and said:

"Let's go, just in time to see who dares to shoot at Hogwarts.

Hermione stretched out her small hand to hold Ian, and said:

"I'm going too!"

Afterwards, the three of Ian bid farewell to the Granger couple.

Dumbledore looked at Ian and Hermione who were holding hands, and said curiously:

"Honestly, Ian, I thought it would take two days for you and Hermione to get used to this new relationship.

Ian and Hermione blushed when they heard Dumbledore's words.

Ian looked at Dumbledore sullenly and said:

"Will you go or not? If you don't go, I'll go back and watch TV!"

Dumbledore looked at the distraught Ian, smiled and said:

"Come on, Ian, don't be so grumpy, young man."

Ian gritted his teeth and really wanted to give this old man a face.

Dumbledore didn't give Ian a chance to explode, he put his hand on Foan's shoulder directly:

"Let's go, Fox!"

Fawkes screamed, turning into a ball of flames that enveloped Dumbledore, Ian and Hermione who hadn't reacted yet.

When they appeared again, the three of them had already appeared in front of them.

Dumbledore smiled to Ian and Hermione and said:

"How about it, isn't it uncomfortable at all!"

"I don't apparate when Fox is around."

Fox heard Dumbledore's words, rubbed Dumbledore with his feathers, and flew into the air.

Ian took Hermione's hand and looked at Dumbledore who was smiling.

All he wanted to do now was to cast a spell on the old man whose personality had become bad.

And Hermione experienced this kind of magical teleportation for the first time.

Hermione's eyes were full of curiosity, and she asked Ian excitedly:

"Ian, is this what you mean by teleportation magic?"

610 Hearing Hermione's words, Ian looked back at Dumbledore.

Ian said to Hermione:

"This is the innate magic of the Phoenix."

"But Hermione, I don't advise you to be so curious."

"Also, don't be curious to experience the wizard's Apparation in advance."

Hermione looked at Ian puzzled, she knew Ian didn't like using teleportation magic.

Wherever Ian goes, he rides in a magic carriage or a car.

Hermione asked Ian curiously:

"Ian, why don't you like these teleportation spells?"

Before Ian could answer, Dumbledore laughed and said:

"That's because Ian was trapped in space for an entire hour when he came to this world!"

"Silence and silence!"

Ian gritted his teeth and threw a spell at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore had long thought that Ian would definitely do this.

Dumbledore, who had been on guard for a long time, turned slightly to avoid Ian's spell, and said with a smile:

"Sooner or later Hermione will find out anyway."

Ian snorted coldly and ignored Dumbledore.

And Hermione laughed as she watched the two fighting spirits.

Ian turned out to have a dislike for magic, too.

At this time, the gate from the Burrow was opened, and Arthur looked at Dumbledore and others in surprise:

"Professor Dumbledore! You're here at last!".

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