Hogwarts: Start By Destroying Nurmengard Prison

Chapter 246 Dumbledore Feels Very Wrong

Dumbledore had transfigured himself into an old man the moment Arthur came out.

Dumbledore looked at the surprised Arthur, smiled and said:

"Yes Arthur, I'm bringing Ian to see Harry."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Yashuo hurriedly looked behind Dumbledore.

He saw that familiar long silver hair appeared in his eyes.

And Ian is holding the hand of a little witch!

Arthur suddenly had an idea in his mind, it seems that this is what Ian and Dumbledore said.

He also had people he valued, not the same as Voldemort.

Arthur greeted Ian with some formality:

"Hello, Ian Grindelwald."

"I'm Arthur Weasley!"

Seeing that it was Arthur, Ian adjusted his expression, nodded and said with a smile:

"Hi, I've heard Breddo mention you a lot.

"This is Hermione Granger, my girlfriend. w

Ian and Nico were thinking about when to get Arthur over, he is a little modification expert.

Now is a great opportunity!

Hermione blushed a little shyly when she heard Ian's introduction.

But she couldn't embarrass Ian, so Hermione confidently said to Arthur:

"Hello, nice to meet you.

Arthur thought it was exactly as he guessed!

Arthur knelt down and smiled and said to Hermione:

"Son, I'm so glad you're here at the Weasley's today.

"You can just call me Arthur."

And Dumbledore on the side feels very wrong!

Ian won't give the Ministry of Magic good looks!

Not to mention introducing Hermione to the Ministry of Magic.

How did it change here with Arthur?

Is Ian up to something again?

Ian sensed Dumbledore's skeptical mood, but Ian didn't want to explain it to Dumbledore.

At this time, Arthur saw that the introduction was almost done, so he invited Ian and others to enter the Burrow first.

"The kids are not up yet.

"Because what happened last night is making up for sleep."

"Molly is cooking the children's breakfast now..."

After entering the door, Arthur introduced the things at home to Ian and Hermione.

Arthur expressed his desire to show Ian and Hermione a tour of the Burrow he designed himself.

Seeing that Hermione was still quite curious, Ian agreed to Arthur's idea of ​​showing them around.

It was also the first time Hermione saw other wizards' houses.

Ian's Ketharridge Castle was no ordinary wizard's home.

And the strange appearance of the Burrow made Hermione a little curious.

She wanted to see what kind of magic items would be in the homes of ordinary wizards.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, went directly to the kitchen to understand the situation with Molly.

After Ian took a look around with Hermione, Weasley's house was full of old items.

It seems that although the Holy Family of Weasley has declined, there are still some foundations.

Take Arthur as an example, the Weasley family must have some alchemy spellbook inheritance.

Otherwise, Arthur would not be able to successfully transform that magic car.

And Hermione was most interested in the clock at the Weasley's house that kept track of what was going on with the family.

Hermione asked Arthur:

"Ian, do the hands of that clock point to the location of everyone in the Weasley family?"

Ian nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Hermione, that's an alchemical clock."

"There should also be a function to see if a family member is injured.

Arthur looked at Ian in surprise when he heard Ian's words:

"Mr. Grindelwald, I didn't expect you to know alchemy!"

Ian nodded when he heard Arthur's words:

"Just a little understanding."

Hermione next to Ian smiled slightly.

Ian doesn't understand what he said, the black magic alchemy products given to her by the saints are said to be from Ian and Nico.

Arthur said with some emotion:

"Merlin's spirit cap! I can't believe Mr. Grindelwald you are a little wizard.

"I heard from Professor Dumbledore that your magic and knowledge are already at the top."

"In addition to alchemy, I really can't think of anyone other than those famous wizards who can be compared with you.

Hermione was very happy when she heard Arthur's words!

Hermione lifted her chin and said proudly:

"Ian is definitely the best!"

Arthur nodded with a smile, and said to Hermione:

"I think so too."

Then Arthur went on:

"Ian, Hermione, have you had breakfast yet?"

“My wife Molly makes a delicious breakfast!”

When Ian heard Arthur's words, he immediately said that he had already eaten.

The food in these traditional wizarding homes is nothing but authentic British food!

He has no interest in those "foods" at all.

And Hermione also ate with Ian, and did not accept Arthur's kindness.

Arthur looked at Ian and Hermione with some regret, and said:

Well, that's too bad a coincidence. "

"But I think we can sit down and wait for the kids first."

At this point, Dumbledore had almost inquired about Harry's follow-up from last night.

Seeing that Arthur finished the tour with Ian and Hermione, Dumbledore said to Molly:

"Molly, this is Ian Grindelwald and Hermione Granger."

Molly looked at Ian and Hermione who were holding hands, and said with a smile:

"Thank you Merlin, Mr. Grindelwald, we meet again!"

"Is this Miss Granger Mr. Grindelwald's girlfriend?"

Ian nodded with a smile, and said to Molly:

"Long time no see, Mrs. Weasley."

"You're right."

"This is my girlfriend, Hermione Granger."

Molly looked at Ian and Hermione in surprise, she just wanted to lighten up the atmosphere by joking.

After all she was a bit rude when she and Ian first met (what the hell) on the train platform.

But Molly didn't realize that Hermione was really Ian's girlfriend.

Molly then laughed and said:

"May Merlin bless you."

Hermione's face turned red, and she whispered:

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

Ian nodded again, then looked at Dumbledore:

"Old man Deng, what's going on with Harry?"

Dumbledore sorted out the information Molly just said in his mind:

"I think it might be a nightmare spell."

"And the caster shouldn't know about Harry's situation."

"Otherwise he shouldn't have left so easily."

"Just don't know why he cursed Harry.

Ian nodded when he heard Dumbledore's words, sensing the soul wave coming from upstairs.

"I think Harry and the others are awake."

"Let's ask ourselves first."

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