Although Qiwu was very unhappy in his heart, he felt that this girl was

really too much, and he wanted to hang him up and beat him because of a bowl of porridge, but even if he was very unhappy in his heart, he didn't want to be tied up and hung up and beaten by this girl because he didn't eat a bowl of porridge.

Of course, he can't die, and he has to be tortured, and his spirit is destroyed by the other party, this is the most painful thing, okay!

Qi Wu quickly got up and picked up the bowl of porridge, and then said: "You, don't be like this, okay, I'll drink this porridge, I'll drink it, when you stab me in the heart for a while, can you give me a good time, can you not torture me, destroy me, please." After


Xiaolan heard her treasure~'s words, she didn't understand what her treasure~ was talking about, where did she want to destroy and torture her treasure~ah?

If she really did that, then she would make her treasure~ into a specimen, it would be imperfect, she would be very dissatisfied, how could she live a happy life with her treasure~ at that time?

Xiaolan wanted to explain, but when she was about to explain, Qiwu directly drank the bowl of burnt porridge in one go. Although this bowl of porridge is really hard to drink, Qi Wu feels that no matter how unpleasant the porridge is, it is better than this girl destroying him and torturing him.

"Bao~, you..."

Xiaolan didn't know what to say for a while, her own treasure~ seemed to have misunderstood her, how could she torture and destroy her treasure~, at most, she made her own treasure~ into a specimen, she made her own treasure~ into a specimen, just to live a happy life with her own treasure~.

Now that her treasure~ has misunderstood her so deeply, then she should make her treasure~ a specimen now, so as to appease her treasure~ scared heart and calm her treasure~'s emotions.

I don't know what's going on, it stands to reason that her treasure ~ hurt her just now, she should be sad, but now she has a feeling of being sorry for her treasure ~ , this shouldn't be because before making her treasure ~ into a specimen, she didn't let her treasure ~ eat good food guilt, right?

Xiaolan put the rope back behind her back, and then took out the dagger from her back, her tears flowed down unconsciously, she didn't know why she was crying, but the tears would flow down by themselves, as if the tears didn't want her to make her treasure ~ into a specimen.

But... My own treasure~ has begun to be afraid of her, and my own treasure ~ before even wanted to escape from the ventilation duct and leave her, she... She will definitely not forgive her treasure~, only by making her treasure~ a specimen, can she feel at ease and live a stable life with her treasure~.

Xiaolan slowly walked towards her treasure~, Qi Wu felt that this was too uncomfortable, if you want to stab him to death, hurry up, what are you doing walking so slowly, Qi Wu really couldn't stand it, so he ran over directly, grabbed the girl's hand, and stabbed the dagger into his heart.

Seeing this situation, Xiaolan's pupils shrank, and the whole person was shocked, although she wanted to make her treasure~ into a specimen, but she still had a little hesitation, otherwise she would not have walked so slowly. But who knows, his treasure~ actually grabbed her hand holding the dagger and stabbed the dagger into his own heart. This... This made her unable to accept it for a while, only if she took the initiative to stab the dagger into the heart of her treasure ~ , no one can hurt her treasure ~ , even if it is her treasure ~ she can't hurt herself....

Qiwu felt so weak and weak, his heart hurt so much, he felt that he was about to die, and slowly, he closed his eyes.

Finally, I was temporarily relieved, and I finally wouldn't be tortured and destroyed by that girl.


Qi Wu opened his eyes again and found himself lying on the bed, he thought he could relax, but he suddenly thought of a question.

That's... Isn't this time of resurrection and rebirth wrong? He remembered that his previous time point of resurrection and rebirth was not stuck at the point when the girl sat on his lap and then used a dagger to stab him in the heart, why would he be lying on the bed now? This time point of resurrection and rebirth can't be advanced, right?

Qi Wu couldn't figure it out, he wanted to get out of bed to take a look, he moved his arm, but found that his arm was actually tied, he moved his foot again, and his foot was also tied.

Damn, isn't it, my limbs are tied? What's going on? Not only that, Qi Wu moved his neck and found that his neck was also tied.

Isn't he completely fixed on the bed now? It's over, what does that girl want to do, why did he fix him on the bed, didn't he die before?

At this moment, the bedroom door opened, and Qi Wu wanted to look up, but unfortunately, his neck was also fixed, and he couldn't raise his head at all.

Xiaolan held a plate in her hand, and there was breakfast on the plate, breakfast included, black rice porridge, two eggs, two side dishes, two steamed buns, and a bowl of wolfberry soup.

Xiaolan put the plate on the bedside table, she leaned over, lay on the bed, looked at Bao who was fixed on the bed~, and said gently: "Bao~, I made breakfast for you again, this time it must be delicious, are you happy?"

Wait, Qi Wu opened his mouth and found that his face didn't hurt anymore, could it be that his face was cured by this girl? If that's the case, then it's great, he can talk again.

Qi Wu saw that this girl was so close to him, and he asked, "If I finish this breakfast, will you still stab me in the heart and make me into a specimen?"

When Xiaolan heard this, she didn't know how to answer for a while, because she really planned to wait for her treasure~ after breakfast, and then make her treasure~ into a specimen, but she couldn't say it now, she wanted her treasure~ to finish breakfast happily, she was afraid that after telling the truth, she would scare her treasure~, and if she ate like this, it would not be fragrant.

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