Qi Wu saw that this girl was in a daze, and if he didn't reply, he had already guessed, it seemed that this girl was still planning to pierce his heart!

Qi Wu opened his mouth and said: "Can you let me go first, this time I won't run, I won't make you angry, I will eat later, you can make me into a specimen!" Of course Qi Wu doesn't want to be made into a specimen, it's

just... It's already a dead end, and only after dying, resurrecting and reborn to a certain point in time before can this dead end be solved.

Xiaolan was a little surprised when she heard this, she didn't expect her treasure ~ to say such a thing, which made her feel a sense of loss, as if her treasure ~ didn't care what she did anymore, which made her feel as if she had lost something, and her heart was empty. She... Suddenly, I don't want to make my treasure ~ into a specimen.

Her own treasure ~ is already an indifferent attitude towards her, even if she now makes her treasure ~ a specimen, she can't get a perfect treasure ~ anymore, she wants to make her treasure ~ like her and fall in love with her, only in this way, after making her own treasure ~ into a specimen, she can get a perfect specimen.

It's just that... If you really like her and fall in love with her in the future, she doesn't seem to have to make her treasure ~ a specimen anymore, and there is no need to do it at that time.

Xiaolan kissed her treasure~'s face, and said gently: "Treasure~, I decided, I don't plan to make you a specimen, I want you to really like me, fall in love with me, and let your heart belong to me." Of course, in order to prevent you from escaping, I won't let you move around the room in the future, and I will tie you up every day in the future, so that I don't have to worry about you leaving me, hehe~"


Qiwu heard this, and he didn't feel good, if this girl really tied him up like this every day in the future and fixed him, then how could he escape, when the time came, wouldn't he never be able to go out?

No, no, he has to go out, although he is an otaku, but he occasionally needs to go to the outside world, relax, if he is locked in the room every day, he will go crazy!

Qi Wu felt very uncomfortable when he thought of this, he quickly said: "Baby, can I beg you, can you let me go out to breathe, I really don't want to be locked up here every day, it's really uncomfortable." I'm a human, not a pet, I also want to go to the outside world to wander around, play, you lock me up here every day, I'll go crazy! Just when I beg you, can you let me go out for a day?"

Xiaolan saw her treasure ~ so eager for the outside world, she was a little unbearable, but she had read a book before, which said that if you want someone who doesn't like you to like you, you have to stay with him for a month, only in this way, he will like you and fall in love with you.

[Tips: It's written here blindly, it's not good to be too possessive, and it's best to give the other party a certain amount of space. If you are too possessive, the other party will feel very tired after a long time. But it is also not advisable to let go of the other person completely, completely letting go of the other person will make the other person feel that you don't care about him.

[Damn, what am I talking about, I'm just a single Wang, I actually teach you the experience of love, I really don't know what to do!! anyway, the content in the book is written blindly, just take a look, don't take it seriously!].

Xiaolan felt that the book was written very correctly, and it was said that love would arise over time, only when two people have been together for a long time can they have feelings, Xiaolan smiled softly and refused softly: "Bao~, no, we have only been together for a few days, although I like you very much and love you very much, but you don't like me very much now, you love me very much, so I can't take you out to play." When we are together for thirty days, by then, you will like me and fall in love with me, and I will be able to take you out to play at that time, Bao~, you can bear with it, okay~"

Xiaolan stroked the cheek of her Bao~, very gentle.

When Qi Wu heard this, he was stunned, he had only been with this girl for a few days now, and it seemed that he hadn't even been with him for five days! This girl actually said that he would stay with her for a month before he could take him out to play, this was a joke, if he stayed in this way for a month, he was afraid that he would have not stayed for a month, and he would have gone crazy.

"Baby, a month is too long, can it be just today, I seem to go out for a walk, relax my mood, it's really boring here, I can't stand it anymore." When you go out, you can stay with me, you are so powerful, I am just like an ordinary person, I can't escape from the palm of your hand at all, you don't have to worry about me

running away at all!" Qi Wu is still persuading this girl, if you only look at her appearance, he actually likes this girl very much, but this girl's personality is too strange, he really can't accept it, or he wouldn't think about running away every day.

As a result, Xiaolan still disagreed, she said: "Bao~, you just endure it for a while, a month is very fast, it will pass in the blink of an eye, we will cultivate our feelings at home during this time, and I will take you out to play when the time comes, okay?"

Qiwu didn't expect him to say so, this girl still disagreed, he felt so annoyed! If he can't go out, then let this girl help him untie these shackles, this cultivation of feelings can't tie him up every day!

"Baby, then can you untie me, even if we want to cultivate feelings, you can't tie me every day!

She couldn't untie her treasure~ unties, her own treasure ~ was so dishonest before, she dared to escape from the ventilation duct. Now if Xiaolan doesn't tie her own treasure~, she will feel insecure, so she must tie her own treasure~.

Xiaolan shook her head slightly, and said softly: "Bao~, no, you were too dishonest before, you lied to me and didn't say anything, and you dared to escape from the ventilation pipe, so I can't untie you, even if it is untie you, it will be a few days later." Now I'm going to tie you up for a few days to make you remember it longer, or you'll still run away in the future.

"Baby, is it good for you to believe me once, I will never lie to you this time, as long as you loosen my bonds, I will definitely cultivate a good relationship with you this month, and I will never run away again, will you believe me once?"

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