I Am the President of the University

Chapter 368 Chinese Education Reform (Part 2)

"According to my understanding, the current education model in Beautiful Country is divided into three levels: exam-oriented education at the bottom, quality education at the middle level, and elite education at the top." Chen Hao thought for a while and said.

As a top student at MIT, I sometimes discuss this issue with my friends.

The class stratification and solidification of education are vividly displayed in the beautiful country.

The children of the poor are almost always poor, and education before college is also conducted in public schools.

Foreign public middle schools and domestic public middle schools are two different things!

Like Ivy League schools, almost all middle school students admitted are graduates from private high schools, and there are too few from public middle schools!


Because their public middle schools are funded by local state finances, their existence is only to win votes and reduce crime rates.

Happy education also refers to this kind of education. Private high schools, for example, have very high tuition fees, and those who study in them are all from the middle class and above.

The exam-oriented education received by the lower class of society in the beautiful country, to put it bluntly, is to turn the children of the lower class people in the beautiful country into useful social tools. It can also be said to be leeks, and it is not cultivating talents at all.

But for the lower class, examination-oriented education is also the best education, because it can at least enable future generations to have a job.

The quality education for the middle class is more about quality expertise or more talent cultivation. For example, singing, dancing, painting, as well as the ability of independent thinking, oral expression, social interaction, the ability to organize people and the ability to explore problems, etc.

Exam-oriented education blindly instills knowledge into students and relies solely on rote memorization of articles, while quality-oriented education allows you to do it in your own way and then tells you why you want to do it. This avoids the need for exam-oriented education to drain students' creativity and imagination. Give the consequences of strangulation.

As for the elite education at the top, its core mission is not to make children "better", because "becoming better" is for being selected by others, and their class is the one who "selects others."

There is only one core of truly top elite education: cultivating their decision-making ability. Such schools often don’t pay much attention to discipline. Why? Their concept is: you are the master of your boat, and you decide how fast or slow you drive. What they want to teach you is to learn how to decide your speed.

In a school like this, if you have to take a history class, the teacher will not arrange any movies to make. Those are the affairs of middle-class children, and the teacher will often guide such discussions. For example, during the Peloponnesian War, what kind of mistakes did Pericles make, and what kind of mistakes did the citizens of Athens make? This discussion may last for a day. The core mission of this kind of education is to let Children learn how to choose and change the world. This is the education of top elites.

Three different education models will eventually come together, but with different identities. Children from elite education become bosses, children from quality education become middle-level managers, and children from exam-oriented education become low-level employees.

"You are right. This is the most obvious stratification of the education model of Beautiful Junior High School. However, it cannot be said that the examination-oriented education at the bottom is not good. It depends on whether it is suitable." Professor Huang Hong looked at Chen Hao and smiled. He said: "On the eve of the college entrance examination last year, Bai Yansong gave an answer in a media interview about his attitude towards prestigious colleges and universities. I think Bai's answer is very pertinent."

Professor Huang Hong imitated Bai Yansong's tone and said:

"Maotanchang Middle School has a large proportion of children from migrant families. Tens of thousands of people guard the buses to send their children to take the college entrance examination. In such a wave of people, the dreams of ordinary and even humble families are entrusted. . So, I fully understand Maotanchang Middle School, especially when you understand what kind of families are behind the children of Maotanchang Middle School. We don’t necessarily agree with the education system and exam-oriented education involved here. Waiting for something, but I am willing to face Maotanchang Middle School with warmth. I wish these ordinary families.

But sometimes things in the world are not black and white. [Examination-oriented education] has its shortsightedness and shortcomings, but it also has the soil and space for its temporary existence, so that every child can achieve an improvement in social status through struggle and give them a way to get ahead. Opportunities, I think, this is the greatest significance of the existence of examination-oriented education. "

Chen Hao couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

Bai Yansong's reputation is somewhat polarized as some people criticize him and others criticize him. However, Chen Hao still strongly agrees with Bai Yansong's answer here.

"The overall education system in the country actually has shortcomings, but everyone knows it, but why hasn't it been changed? Because in the past few decades, this has been the most suitable education system for China, but now the country's strength has become stronger. The current development is somewhat inappropriate. The current education reform in China is in the transitional stage from exam-oriented education to quality education, so there is talk of class consolidation. "

Speaking of this, Professor Huang Hong sighed, feeling quite helpless, "Everyone knows that quality education is good, but how can ordinary people afford it at home? Those language classes and interest classes charge a lot of money, which will lead to many poor families. Children who are too good will be less competitive in the college entrance examination than children from the middle class and above. In the final analysis, the root of class consolidation is the consolidation of education. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.”

In the past, I could still hear some stories: a child from a poor family finally completed a counterattack in life through his own steadfastness, diligence and hard work.

When class slowly solidifies, this kind of story will no longer appear, and the road to counterattack by the poor will end here.

"Professor Huang, current middle schools in China are not reducing the burden and promoting happy education, is this...?" Chen Hao said, raising his head and looking at Professor Huang Hong.

Seeing the other party nodding, his heart seemed to be blocked by something, and he was so depressed!

In fact, there is one thing that Professor Huang Hong did not say, otherwise it would be even more disappointing.

Behind the change of destiny by knowledge, it is actually a battle about family and vision.

After reaching the middle class, the role of "school education" will become smaller and smaller. What is more important is "family education." Only by working together between the family and the school can the child become a better person and wait for society to choose him.

Seeing that Chen Hao was a little depressed, Professor Huang Hong consoled him: "Right now, in our country, social stratification has not yet been finally formed, and educational stratification is still far away, so this is a great opportunity, an era in which heroes emerge in large numbers. Everyone can transcend their own class by improving their knowledge.”

"Professor Huang, you are right. At least in China, everyone still has a chance." Chen Hao took a deep breath and said.

"Education reform, I've finished talking about it before university, now I'll tell you about it after university." When talking about this, Professor Huang Hong smiled a little, and said jokingly to Chen Hao: "I know that Guanghua College of Guanghua University is working on I have always been paying attention to this aspect of general education. So what do you think of this view when you say to some people in China that most general education is correct and useless knowledge?

"What do you think? I think this kind of people's understanding is very one-sided and superficial. I think general education is the focus of the current reform of colleges and universities!" Chen Hao replied with a frown.

ps: Bored students can watch the documentary "50UP (Seven Years of Life)" filmed by the British BBC, which documented the life trajectories of 14 children and 50 years. Remember the website address of this website, www. biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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