Hermione swore that if she could be the size of an adult, she would definitely punch Malfoy’s dad directly.

However, just when she had this idea, a figure had already rushed forward.

First there was a clang, and Ginny’s crucible fell to the ground.

Then Mr. Weasley pushed Lucius directly onto the shelf, and a stack of books above their heads fell and smashed on their heads.

“Beat him, Daddy!” Fred and George both waved their fists.

Hermione also seemed relieved and released her fists.

“Oh—don’t do that—Arthur!” Mrs. Weasley screamed.

Seeing this, the people around them all retreated one after another.

“Okay—gentlemen—okay—okay—” The clerk hurried over.

Behind the crowd, a loud voice overwhelmed all the noisy voices, “Let one, let one.” ”

Seeing a tall figure crowding over, everyone moved back even more fearfully to make way for a path.

It was none other than Hagrid.

Lucius rubbed his smashed head, and when he saw Hagrid coming, he didn’t make another move.

Mainly Hagrid’s physique, which is too intimidating.

Ginny hurriedly picked up her own crucible and picked up the book she had dropped on the floor.

Eugene and Hermione were also on the side to help her pick up books.

Lucius was still holding Ginny’s second-hand book in his hand, and he walked over and shoved it into Ginny’s hand, his eyes shining maliciously.

“No, little girl – hold your book – this is the best thing your father can give you.”

He flicked his sleeves, greeted Malfoy, and left the bookstore together.

“You shouldn’t have paid attention to him, Arthur.” Hagrid helped Mr. Weasley straighten his robes, “That guy is broken, their whole family, everyone knows.” ”

The clerk wanted to stop them, but when he saw Hagrid, he let them go.

The group came out of the Lichen Bookstore.

Lucius took Malfoy out and went elsewhere.

However, when he came out, Lucius also took a special look at Eugene.

“That big tooth girl is the Hermione you said she was?”

“Yes.” Malfoy nodded, “Just standing next to her was Eugene Hill. ”

Lucius sighed, “It’s a shame that you lost the exam to two Muggle children.” ”


“I don’t see anything special.” Lucius shook his head, he didn’t look at Mudblood at all.

The Grangers were frightened by the situation just now, and Hermione and Eugene were comforting them.

Mrs. Weasley was a little mad with anger, “A good head for children – fighting in public? What do you think about Gilderoy Lockhart? ”

“Mom, he’s more than happy to—” said Fereid, “didn’t you hear when we came out just now?” He asked if the fight just now could be in the newspapers – saying it would be a sensation – and the fight at his book signing – what a great thing – ”

“Okay, don’t mention it.” Mrs. Weasley let out a low growl, mainly thinking that this would teach bad children.

When I returned to the Broken Axe Bar, the fights were much calmer.

On the way back to the Broken Axe bar, Eugene saw the divination store and went in to buy a deck of tarot cards.

He had seen in Flamel notes that alchemy blessings could be completed through magic arrays, or tarot cards could be used to arrange formations.

I knew that tarot cards were the role of divination, but I didn’t expect that alchemy was also useful.

Eugene is very novel, so he bought a pair to study and study.

Eugene thought about whether to remind Ginny about that diary.

But thinking about it, it didn’t work to mention it, and he didn’t know Ginny well.

The matter of the Chamber of Secrets can be solved by Harry, there is no need to follow it like before.

He went to the matter of the Philosopher’s Stone, one is really a little uneasy, worried about the Philosopher’s Stone. The second is that he wants to find a vague memory.

They said goodbye at the Broken Axe Bar and agreed to see each other on the Hogwarts Express when school started on September 1st.

Mr. Weasley also wanted to follow Eugene and Granger’s family to the station, but in the end, Mrs. Weasley’s family status had to give up.

On the way home, Hermione finally asked the question that had been bothering her for a long time.

“Why are you lying to them?”

“What did I lie?”

Hermione pointed to Eugene’s backpack, “Your crucible.” It’s good when you take the exam, it’s bad after the exam – the point is, you didn’t refine the medicine at home. ”

In order to avoid ordinary people watching, they put some things that looked special in their bags.

“Well, I broke it when I was alchemy.” Eugene said.

This reason made Hermione reluctantly believe it, but she was still a little skeptical.

Alchemy is not a taboo thing in the wizarding world, and Eugene doesn’t need to hide it?

There are also keys to Gringotts.

Hermione didn’t want to ask Eugene in front of her parents, just when she was going to ask the two of them in private.

When I got home, it was already dark.

And Dora just got off work, and she was waiting for Eugene at the station.

Mother and son go home together.

Hermione was about to ask about the key, but she delayed.

I don’t know why, Hermione suddenly had a strange question after seeing Dora.

“Mom, do you think that Eugene doesn’t look like his parents?” Hermione looked up and asked Mrs. Granger.

Mrs. Granger looked at the back of Eugene and Dora leaving, and whispered to Hermione, “Eugene was raised by them, adopted son.” ”

Foster child?

Hermione opened her mouth slightly, she didn’t expect that Eugene still had such a big secret.

“Does Eugene know then?”

Mrs. Granger shook her head, “I don’t know, Eugene is smart, he should have guessed it earlier.” ”

Hermione looked at Mr. Granger again, as if her father knew about these things too.

“So how do you know?”

“It doesn’t look different at all, who wouldn’t know?” Mrs. Granger said, “Dora hasn’t been out for a while, and then suddenly she has a one-year-old son-”

Hermione gasped and had a guess.

Eugene is supposed to be the child of Eleanor’s friend, maybe something happened and was sent to Hill’s house.

This is actually normal, for example, Harry is in a similar situation.

Hermione also speculated that Eugene’s parents were probably wizards, and there should be no one else in the family, so they would be sent to an ordinary family without blood relations.

This explains why Eleanor’s friend gave a vault to Eugene.

That vault may have been left by Eugene’s own parents.

Thinking of this, Hermione suddenly wanted to meet Eleanor.

Hermione thought of the alchemy that Eugene was studying, and the fact that he had mentioned meeting Mr. Flamel earlier.

Those words may all be true.

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