Hermione immediately thought of someone, and perhaps that person could help confirm it.

When Eugene got home, he put his things back in his room.

After dinner with Dora, the two watched TV together in the living room.

Then made a daily international call and went back to my room to rest.

After returning from shopping in Diagon Alley, Eugene’s life became relatively monotonous.

When Dora goes to work, Eugene is fine, just doing two things to pass the time.

The first thing is to understand the meaning of each face of the tarot card.

For example, what does the positive position of “fool” mean, and then what does the reverse position mean.

78 tarot cards, which cost him a lot of time.

Eugene bought the “Vettarot Cards”.

The name “Waite” is still familiar to Eugene, and when he was in Devon, he saw many ancient alchemical works that he translated.

The second thing is to read Lockhart’s seven books at your leisure.

Of course, Eugene only sees them as “novels”.

That afternoon, when he picked up “Journey with Vampires” and was about to read it, Hermione suddenly came to him to borrow Koeman.

“Eugene, I want to write a letter to a friend of mine, can I borrow your Koeman?”

“Don’t you think it lost the letter?”

“Why do you remember that—”

“Okay, lend it to you.” Eugene just wanted to tease her.

After returning from Diagon Alley, he lent Koeman to her without coming over all afternoon to ask him to read and study.

As for what Hermione was going to do, that wouldn’t be about Eugene.

Hermione borrowed that Koeman mainly planned to contact the person and ask Eugene some information by the way.

Although it was a little abrupt, she still wanted to find out the truth of the matter.

After lending Koeman to Hermione, Eugene continued to pick up the book.

The cover is an animation of Lockhart, which makes a more handsome looking pose and winks.

Eugene just glanced at it and opened the book.

The moment he saw the illustration, Eugene felt that the vague memory in his mind was opened again.

He seemed to be in a red world, a black-robed man with a hood, approaching him step by step.

Suddenly, he felt a splitting headache.

Then he passed out.

When she woke up again, Dora had just come home from work.

Eugene found himself covered in sweat.

He let go of the book again and looked at the illustration, but there was no reaction.

The first time I had that vague feeling was in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, the night I met the horseman Ferencze.

Eugene wondered if it was related to Voldemort.

At present, it seems that it has little to do with Voldemort.

What may trigger your own memory is the hood, or rather, the blood sucking.

Because the illustration in the book is that the vampire is sucking blood.

For the next few days, Eugene was reading the book about vampires.

Never found a trigger point again.

On the last day of August, Hermione returned Koeman.

Koeman was pulled his head the day he was sent back, looking tired.

I don’t know where Hermione sent it to deliver the letter.

Early on the morning of September 1, Eugene picked up Dora’s prepared train lunch and got into Mr. Granger’s car.

Benson was still on a business trip in the Big Apple, so Eugene rubbed Hermione’s car to King’s Cross Station.

Eugene and Hermione were outside the partition wall and happened to run into Neville again.

Neville was sent by an older old man, his uncle.

Neville’s uncle, Mr. Longbottom, repeatedly told him to be optimistic about Leifer.

The three of them boarded the Hogwarts Express together.

I found an empty box and sat down.

At half-past ten, Eugene and Hermione spotted the Weasley twins, who were sharing something with Lee Jordan.

“Hmm—why didn’t you see Ron?” Hermione looked out the window and didn’t see Ron, “Harry didn’t see him either.” ”

After Mrs. Weasley put Ginny in the car and left her two brothers in her care, she hurried to find someone.

“Eugene, something doesn’t seem right!” Hermione became a little anxious.

“They should be late.” Eugene said. He knew that it was Dobby’s ghost.

“Maybe they got in the car long ago.” Neville said.

The train horn sounded and the train exited the station.

Hermione couldn’t sit still, “I still don’t think it’s right, let’s go find them!” ”

Eugene doesn’t know why, this feeling seems familiar!

Last year, Hermione helped Neville find Leifer.

This year – well, they went to find two people who didn’t catch the train.

“Hurry up—come with me to find someone—” Under Hermione’s growl, he had to go find someone.

Mainly didn’t want to hear Hermione nagging in his ear about him finding someone.

Act, and she may not say anything.

Hermione started looking from the front of the car, and Eugene and Neville started looking from the back of the car.

In the hallway outside, they met the Weasley twins, who were also looking for Ron and Harry.

“They followed us.” Fred said.

“That’s definitely not catching the train.” George said.

“Harry and Ron didn’t make it to the school banquet, will the two of them be expelled directly?” Neville asked with some concern.

The two brothers looked at each other and seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem.

“Keep looking, maybe we missed the luggage rack.” Fred said.

George agreed, “Or they’ll hide underneath.” ”

After that, the two of them rushed to the front of the car, ready to look for it again.

Eugene had only intended to look symbolically, but Neville pulled him along.

Neville knocked on a private room, and when he opened the door, he saw Draco Malfoy and Pansy sitting with them.

“Yo, I heard about our great Potter-” Malfoy smiled sarcastically.

“Excuse me.” Eugene crossed Neville and pulled the door of their box shut.

They then knocked on the second room.

Eugene didn’t even know why he was doing this pointless thing.

“Huh—Eugene?” Eugene did not expect to meet Cho Zhang. This senior sister of Ravenclaw.

“Did you have a good summer vacation?” Cho greeted.

“Well, it’s okay.” Eugene smiled in response, “By the way, did you see Harry Potter?” ”

Several girls sitting in the box shook their heads.

After saying sorry to Neville, Eugene and Neville returned to the hallway.

“You guys know each other?” Neville was a little curious.

“I’ve met twice before in the owl shack.”

“Cho Chang seems to be quite famous in Ravenclaw.”

Eugene nodded, he agreed, he looked so beautiful, he must be famous.

As soon as Neville knocked on the door of the next box, there was an argument inside.

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