First-year freshmen came to the front in a long line, and they stood in a row facing the students of the four academies.

“That redhead, very beautiful!” Stebbins lowered his voice.

He saw Ginny with red hair at a glance.

“Over there, that brunette looks good too.” Justin said.

Professor McGonagall placed a stool in front of them, and the sorting hat was placed on the stool.

It started singing:

I am a talking hat,

is the smartest hat in the world,

You may think, I’m narcissistic.

But mind you, if you finish listening to my story,

You will definitely feel wonderful!

A long, long time ago,

There is a castle,


“It seems that the singing is different.” Ernie whispered.

“It’s different every year.” Cedric, who was sitting next to Ernie, said, “Now that I’ve listened to it for the fourth time, I haven’t heard a single repetition.” ”

The fifth-grader sitting next to Cedric added, “It’s idle and fine, except for the Sorting House, just thinking about the song for the second year.” ”

“Then, let’s start now!” The Sorting Hat ended its singing.

It’s a little shorter than last year.

Professor McGonagall had an extra parchment roll in her hand, “Below, whoever reads the name, come to the front.” ”

“Patrick David.”

A tall, skinny boy with an inch stepped forward.

He is taller than most sophomores.

The first one was called by name, and his face was still a little nervous.

Sit on a stool, put your hat on, and for a moment the Sorting Hat shouts, “Hufflepuff! ”

The Hufflepuffs applauded and welcomed, and Davide, when he arrived, sat down and shook hands with Susan, who was sitting in the front row, and said hello.

Then the second, the third…

“Ginny Weasley!” Professor McGonagall shouted.

Ginny was also a little nervous, she sat on the stool, and the sorting hat rested on her head for the longest time ever.

“I think you’re a good fit, Gryffindor!”

The Gryffindor side applauded, especially the Weasley twins, “It’s just amazing!” ”

However, Ginny didn’t look particularly happy.

Maybe it’s because she couldn’t find her brother Ron.

Ginny sat down next to Hermione, where the two were talking about something.

The Branch continues.

“Luna Lovegood.”

It was the blonde girl that Eugene met on the train before.

“Her hair is the longest inside!” Stebbins whispered.

Luna’s eyes were wandering, and like the first time he saw her, you don’t know where she was looking.

The look in her eyes tells you that she seems to be thinking all the time.

Compared to the first-year students in front of her, Luna didn’t look so nervous.

The Sorting Hat quickly made a judgment, “Ravenclaw. ”

Luna put the sorting hat back on the stool and bowed to it, “Thank you.” Then he walked to the Ravenclaw table.

To the sorting hat baggage, she seems to be the first.

After arriving at her seat, Luna sat quietly like that, without any communication with the people next to her.

Professor McGonagall continued to read the name.

“Colin Creevey.” As she finished reading the last name, Snape appeared at the table.

Colin was sorted into Gryffindor House.

“Eugene, Snape was actually not fired.” Justin was a little lost.

Snape first whispered a few words to Dumbledore, then dragged his robe and strode towards Professor McGonagall.

Like a bat, he flew in front of Professor McGonagall.

Not knowing what to say, Professor McGonagall’s face immediately changed, and two hot breaths erupted from her nostrils, and she was very angry.

Putting away the parchment roll, the sorting hat did not have time to put away, and left the auditorium angrily.

“Is something wrong?” Ernie felt a little wrong.

“It should be that something happened over there in Gryffindor House.” Cedric said.

“What else could happen then?”

“Didn’t you notice Harry Potter didn’t arrive tonight?”

It dawned on the Hufflepuffs that something must have happened to the celebrity.

Ernie suddenly remembered, “So, I remembered one thing, during the summer vacation, Harry Potter also appeared in the Daily Prophet, with Gilderoy Lockhart. ”

At this moment, Dumbledore got up and stood up.

With a smile on his face, looking at the full crowd of students seemed to be a rather happy thing.

Dumbledore raised his hand, and then everyone looked at him quietly.

“Welcome, welcome everyone!”

Again, some statements similar to last year.

“Then, the school banquet officially begins!”

After that, he took out his wand and clicked it twice in the air.

Above their heads, colorful fireworks bloom and are colorful.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to the past.

When the fireworks disappeared and everyone returned to the table, the golden cutlery was already full of food.

Grilled golden chicken steaks, sausages, potatoes, fruit preserves, croissants, syrup cakes, chocolate cakes, puddings, full-grown sandwiches, pumpkin soup, fishtail soup, corn kernels and fruit platters.

And mints.

There are chicken steaks that Eugene likes to eat, but I won’t sneak into the kitchen at night to get food.

During the meal, the fat friars floated on the side of the first-year students, teaching them from time to time in the tone of an elder.

And for the old students, the fat friar did not let go.

After dinner, the prefects took the first-year freshmen to the lounge.

To mention, the prefects who received new students this year are the two who have just been promoted to prefects.

All four houses are the same, and two prefects are elected each year in the fifth grade. Therefore, each academy has six prefects.

The old students do not have the treatment of new students, but go back to the lounge by themselves, but they must go back at the specified time.

For example, like Gryffindor, they have to change their password every year, and if they delay and the prefect leaves, then they will be locked out of the hole.

Eugene and the others waited until the Hufflepuff freshmen had left, and then slowly returned to the common room.

When they were in the foyer, they heard someone talking about beating Willow.

After returning to the lounge, it was learned from the rest of the population that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley drove to school and crashed into the beating Willow.

Justin in the bedroom had an admiring expression, “They’re so cool!” ”

“I admire both of them from my heart.” Ernie also looked adoring, “Driving, crashing into the beating willow, we didn’t expect it.” ”

“Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, will they be expelled?” Sterbins asked.

“No, but there should be a little punishment.” Eugene said as he made his bed.

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