Early the next morning, Eugene went to the Great Hall with Justin and Ernie for breakfast.

Today is cloudy, so the ceiling of the auditorium has also been magically transformed into the sky outside.

They came relatively early.

In Justin’s words, they are in second grade, and they have to set an example for first grade.

Ernie directly debunked Justin, he was afraid of waking up late and did not eat.

In fact, there is no room on the Hufflepuff table that is not eaten.

No, to be precise, those big plates, the pastries, will appear again when they are eaten.

As long as you can eat it, they will keep appearing.

Breakfast today was plentiful as usual.

Porridge, pickled herring, slices of bread, eggs and meat, served with milk.

Sit down in the middle of the long dining table, and Justin sits in the middle seat.

He picked up the milk jug and was about to pour the milk when Ernie stopped him.

“Wait, there’s something I’ve always wanted to do.” With that, Ernie drew his wand and tapped it rhythmically three times on the lid of the milk jug.

Then the milk jug floated up and came to Ernie, filling his cup with milk.

Then the milk jug, having himself back on the table.

Justin looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, “I didn’t know it could be like this!” He looked at Ernie, “How do you know?” ”

“Cedric told me yesterday.” Ernie said.

“Awesome, this magic.” Justin said, “Come and teach me.” ”

Eugene drew his wand and tapped the lid of the milk jug three times in the same rhythm, and the milk jug did the same command as before.

“This is not magic, but our dishes are enchanted.”

“Eugene, can’t you debunk it later?”

Eugene shrugged, “A wizard, there is no need to pretend to be mysterious. ”

Enchanted cutlery, Eugene is not strange.

Last year in Aitel, in Elenau’s house, and in Flamel Cottage, I have seen it.

Madame Flamel also taught him many kitchen tricks.

It’s just that magic is not allowed outside the school, and Eugene has never used it.

“Uh-huh-” Justin coughed lightly, and he drew his wand, ready to knock three times on the lid of the milk jug as well.

“Don’t—” Eugene quickly reached out to stop him.

But before he could, Justin’s wand tapped three times quickly.

“Ernie get out of the way.” Eugene shouted at Ernie.

Ernie also reacted extremely quickly, jumping up and retreating directly like Eugene.

I saw that the milk jug began to spin on the dining table like crazy, and then jumped on it again.

Milk spurted straight from the mouth of the jug and headed towards Justin’s head.

It was like a white ribbon, flying and dripping Justin’s face with milk.

“Ah—no, don’t you two save me?” Justin stood up and tried to escape, but the milk jug seemed to have chosen him.

“Open mouth – open mouth.” Eugene reminded.

Justin opened his mouth and the milk went straight into his mouth.

The milk jug calmed down a little.

Eugene went over and knocked on the lid, and it finally stopped.

Justin choked on the milk, coughing incessantly, and milk came out of his nostrils.

Eugene was in no mood to eat breakfast.

Ernie cast a cleansing spell on Justin and finally got the milk off Justin’s body.

Thanks to their early arrival today, few people in the auditorium saw them.

The three returned to their seats, all exhaling heavily.

Sometimes, magical things really can’t be used indiscriminately.

“Hmph.” As soon as Eugene sat down, he heard a cold snort.

Turning to look, it turned out to be Hermione.

She had always come early, and apparently the stupid thing of the three of them had just been seen by Hermione.

“Are you in conflict?” Justin asked.

The corner of Eugene’s mouth twitched, “Sort of.” ”

Students came to the auditorium one after another.

Harry, Ron, Neville, the three of them entered the Great Hall together.

The sharp-eyed Justin immediately found out.

“Neither of them was fired.” Justin shook Eugene’s arm.

“Why do I feel that you boys adore what they did yesterday?” At this time, Hannah came over and sat across from the three.

Susan sat down next to Hannah, “Violating school rules, nothing to admire.” ”

Saying that, the two ate breakfast by themselves.

An owl flew in from outside.

Now is the time for the postman to deliver the letter.

Eugene didn’t have a letter today because he hadn’t had time to write to Eleanor.

After returning from Devon, I was busy buying books and then reading. He had always wanted to figure out the problem of his memory.

When he wanted to write a letter, Koeman was borrowed by Hermione again.

On the Gryffindor side, there was a lot of movement.

Hermione felt like she had been terribles since yesterday’s train.

For example, Eugene’s attitude of not doing anything on the surface made her very unhappy.

There was also the way Harry and Ron arrived at school, which was really unacceptable to her.

Gryffindor didn’t deduct points for their two reckless behavior.

They were also magnanimously left to continue their studies in school.

They were lucky not to be expelled.

But the point is, most of the people around thought Harry and Ron’s way was cool.

The worst time she was in the mood was now. For example, Eugene was frolicking there early in the morning, without any senior.

On the first day of school, as an old friend, he didn’t seem to have any action to come to say hello.

I was supposed to eat breakfast, but a gray thing fell into her pot, and the mood for breakfast was completely gone.

It turned out to be an owl, and there was still some familiar feeling.

It seems to be the cat head of Ron’s house, and he sent her letters during the summer vacation.

“Errol!” Ron shouted, pulling the wet owl’s paw out of it.

As if frozen, Errol lay on the dining table with his legs stretched out into the air.

It also had a wet red envelope in its mouth.

“Oh, no—” Ron cried out the moment he saw the red envelope.

“It’s okay, it’s still alive.” Hermione said as she gently poked Errol’s belly with her finger. There is no hard, it is soft.

“No – it’s the one!”

Ron pointed to the red envelope.

Hermione tilted her head, as if there was nothing special.

However, judging from the terrified expressions of Ron and Neville, the envelope in front of them was like a bag of dynamite.

“What’s wrong?” Harry didn’t quite understand either, he asked.

“She – my mother sent me – a yelling letter.” Ron said weakly.

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