“Hello!” Lockhart shouted at the students with a spring breeze, and he also raised his right hand and waved, “I just showed Professor Sprout how to heal the beater Willow!” But I don’t want you to think I’m better at herbology than she is! I just happened to see a few of these strange plants during my travels…”

“Today to the third greenhouse!” Pomona said. She clearly had anger on her face, uncharacteristically, without that smiling face.

“We only went to the first greenhouse last year.” Justin looked a little excited.

Ernie did find Pomona’s look a little strange, “How do you feel that Professor Sputreau, a little hate Lockhart?” ”

“Can he be happy when he comes to steal the limelight?” Eugene said sarcastically.

However, most students did not notice that Pomona was unhappy.

Because they’re basically talking about how dangerous a third greenhouse is — and more interesting—than a first.

Pomona removed a key from her belt and opened the third greenhouse.

The smell of a mixture of moist earth and fertilizer wafted through the air, with a hint of flowers.

This is called earthy smell!

The earthy smell of the third greenhouse feels thicker than the Devon planting land.

Because it is a greenhouse, of course, it is different from the open air.

Greenhouses, on the contrary, can cooperate, grow a variety of magical plants.

Open planting land with seasonal climate restrictions.

Lockhart was standing outside the greenhouse door, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Just as Harry was about to enter, Lockhart stopped him.

“Harry! I’ve always wanted to talk to you – Professor Sprout, you wouldn’t mind if he was two minutes late, would you? ”

Pomona’s face was still not good-looking, and it could be seen that she was quite mindful.

But Lockhart seemed to have an automatic filter, “That’s great. ”

With that, he took Harry to the side and helped close the door to the third greenhouse.

“It seems that Lockhart has a good relationship with Harry Potter.” Justin looked out the door, though he couldn’t see anything.

“It’s just for fame.” Eugene said, “He’s actually a liar. ”

This was heard by Hermione next to her.

“Eugene, please apologize.” Hermione said coldly.

“Miss Granger, it’s class time, don’t you think it’s more appropriate for you to go back to your place?” Eugene felt that Hermione was really a little unreasonable.

However, by the time Lockhart got into class, he was sure she would be disappointed.

Hermione puffed out her cheeks and went back to where she was, but she was genuinely angry.

When he was outside, Eugene covered his mouth and snickered, and she could see that he was laughing at Lockhart.

Lockhart is her current idol, and Eugene laughs at her idol, making her a little uncomfortable.

Just talked nonsense, saying that Lockhart is a liar?

“You’re arguing with him again?” Ron asked, looking at Hermione.

Hermione tilted her head and exhaled to calm herself down a little, “yes, he’s just vexatious. ”

“I think he should be right this time.” Ron said, “No matter how you look at it, I think that person is unreliable. ”

Hermione tilted her head, “Didn’t you say he was a spy before?” ”

Ron shut up directly.

At this time, Pomona took thirty pairs of earmuffs of different colors and placed them on the stool next to her.

Harry also returned from outside, and he sat down between Ron and Hermione.

Pomona began the lesson.

“We’re going to change the pot for the mandrake today. Now who can tell me what properties of mandrakes are? ”

Hermione was the first to raise her hand, which was also expected.

“Mandrake, also known as mandrake root, is a powerful restorative agent,” Hermione said naturally, glancing at Eugene casually, “It is used to restore the transformed person or the person who has been cursed to its original state.” ”

“Very good, add ten points to Gryffindor.” Pomona said, “Mandrake is an important part of most antidotes. But it’s also dangerous, can anyone tell me why? ”

Hermione’s hand brushed the floor again, she didn’t give anyone a chance at all.

The movement was so great that it almost knocked Harry’s glasses off.

“Hearing the cries of mandrakes kills.” She blurted out.

“Complete regime, plus ten points.” Pomona nodded in satisfaction, and the smile on her face returned. It seemed that the mood that had just been depressed by Lockhart had made her happy because of Hermione’s positive cooperation in class.

“You see, the mandrake we have here is still very young.” She said, pointing to a row of deep-bottomed plates.

Everyone looked over there and moved closer.

That one dispersed about a hundred seedlings with green and purple in the middle.

“One pair of earmuffs for everyone.” Pomona said.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone rushed up and rushed to grab it, and no one wanted to get a pair of pink fluff earmuffs.

Justin was slower, he could only get the pink one, and he looked depressed.

“You guys run the fastest, don’t grab one for me.” Justin grumbled.

Eugene and Ernie smiled.

“Don’t you think pink is cute?” Eugene quipped.

“When I tell everyone to wear earmuffs, they must be worn.” Pomona repeatedly reminded, “When I put up two fingers, you can take them off and pay attention to my gestures – okay, wear earmuffs.” ”

Eugene followed Pomona’s instructions and put on the earmuffs.

At that moment, the whole world fell silent.

Pomona also put on the earmuffs, then rolled up her sleeves, firmly grasped a clump of grass blades, and pulled it out vigorously.

It is not grass roots that are pulled out of the soil, but a very unsightly baby, the leaves of which grow on its head.

Its skin is light green with spots on it.

Eugene felt like he was watching a “scary” silent movie at the moment.

It opened its mouth and screamed at the top of its throat, but no sound reached his ears.

In addition to it screaming, many students in the third greenhouse also screamed.

Although I can’t hear it, I can see it from everyone’s exaggerated roaring expressions.

This was a thrilling scene they had never encountered in last year’s herbology class.

Pomona took a large flower pot from under the table, and the mandrake doll stuffed it in, giving her to the buyer with damp dark compost, and finally only the clumps of leaves were exposed.

She patted the mud off her hands, gave everyone two thumbs up, and removed her earmuffs.

“Our mandrakes are still seedlings, and hearing their cries is not fatal.” She said quietly, “But they’ll be you in a coma for hours.” So, you must take care to wear the earmuffs – below, everyone is free to work in groups of four. ”

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