“Eugene, come with us!” Harry invited Eugene.

After all, the relationship between the few of them is not shallow.

Before he was still in the basement, he faced Voldemort together.

Ron looked at Harry, who had only seen them arguing just now.

Harry and Lockhart were outside the third greenhouse, so they didn’t know the situation at all.

“I disagree!” Sure enough, Hermione simply refused.

However, it seems that most of the people are forming a team.

“I’m in a group with you—okay?” Justin said suddenly.

What happened at breakfast today, Justin can still remember, feeling that the two are deliberately teasing him.

So when he was grouped, he wanted to be in a group with Eugene and Ernie.

So, Ernie and Harry are in a trio.

A group of Eugene, Ernie, Stebbins and Lavender.

Ravinder Broon is a Gryffindor girl who has always had a crush on Ron.

Several people got to know each other for a while.

“One last reminder – watch out for poison tentacles.” After Pomona saw that everyone was in a group, she continued, “Okay, everyone wear earmuffs.” I don’t want you to miss the first day of school. ”

As he spoke, the students who had been talking quieted down, and after putting on the earmuffs, they couldn’t hear any sound.

Seeing Pomona handle it quite easily before, Eugene thought it would be easy.

In fact, think wrong.

It’s not easy to deal with the mandrake.

It took a lot of effort to pull it out.

When you pull it out, it likes to move around except for the screams that can’t be heard.

You can’t grab it with one hand.

And, toothless, grinning at you.

When you were about to put it in a big pot, it resisted frantically and refused to go in.

Even large pots could not withstand the onslaught of “babies”, and Eugene and their group of pots were knocked over several times.

In the end, it was two people who controlled the mandrake, one responsible for holding the pot, and the last person immediately filled the compost.

The other groups are similar to them, which is really not easy.

At the end of class, everyone basically had back pain, sweat and dirt.

They had to go back to the lounge, pick up their clothes, and go to the boys’ bathroom.

The boys’ bathroom is on the first floor and is shower-style.

It is divided into compartments, but there is no sound insulation, and when everyone takes a bath, they usually talk about something.

“You say, how nice it would be if the girls’ bathroom was with us on the first floor!” Stebbins said.

“That’s why be on the second floor!” Justin seemed to be reminiscing about something.

A group of young people, in the first grade was quite simple, in the second grade, it is different.

“I heard that there seem to be two girls’ bathrooms on the second floor.” Justin continued, “Eugene, do you know why? ”

Eugene really didn’t want to join their conversation.

While taking a bath, discuss the girls’ bathroom. It would be better to discuss the practical issues.

Well, maybe not yet!

“I don’t know.” Eugene replied.

“It seems like one of them is abandoned.” Ernie said, “I’ve seen Gryffindor seniors sneaking in as if they’re doing some kind of deal—no one should be going there.” ”

“By the way, next week’s Quidditch team tryout, do any of you want to participate?” Ernie asked.

“I can’t.” Justin said, “I can ride a flying broomstick, but let me ride to play, forget it.” – By the way, Eugene, are you ready to sign up? ”

“No time.”

Eugene wasn’t too interested in joining a Quidditch team.

Moreover, he had to study and study alchemy, and he did not have enough time to study.

Moreover, Quidditch training took too long.

In addition to familiarizing yourself, you must also pay attention to the cooperation between teammates.

“I’m done.” Eugene dressed and said hello to several people.

“You’re too fast—I haven’t even poked the soap yet.” Justin shouted, “Don’t wait a minute. ”

Ernie also came out of the cubicle, “You patronize and talk. ”

“Let’s wait for you in the courtyard, hurry up, the next class is Defense Against the Dark Arts class.” Eugene reminded.

“Oh, why didn’t you say it earlier!” Justin immediately picked up speed.

After Eugene and Ernie put their things back in the bedroom, they went to the yard.

As soon as I arrived in the courtyard, I found several first-year students in Slytherin surrounding a blonde girl.

I don’t know what they’re talking about, with sarcastic smiles on their faces.

The girl who was surrounded, whom Eugene knew, was Luna.

“Hey, you guys—” Ernie yelled at the men.

He had never been a particularly Slytherin person, and there was always a feeling of being high and uncomfortable.

So when you see someone Slytherin bullying someone else, go and help.

The Slytherin first-year students were startled and ran away.

However, the girl who left at the end still waved and patted the stack of books next to Luna.

With a bang, the book fell to the floor.

Luna didn’t immediately go to pick up her book, but tilted her head and looked at the somewhat gloomy sky.

Ernie glanced at Luna a little strangely, turned to ask Eugene, “Is her brain a little abnormal?” ”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Eugene said.

With that, the two of them walked over and helped her pick up the book and put it on the long stone bench next to her.

Ernie also followed Luna’s gaze and looked up at the sky, finding nothing.

“What are you looking at?” Ernie couldn’t help but ask her.

“I’m watching the clouds change.” Luna said faintly, turning her head to look at Eugene and Ernie, “Thank you. ”

“I’m Luna Lovegood, if you have anything to help with in the future, you can find me.” She said.

It’s like introducing yourself, and it’s like you’re speaking in a self-speaking tone.

Ernie always felt that she was a little abnormal, the tone of her speech, and the erratic look in her eyes.

“Oh, hello, I’m Ernie McMillan.” Ernie introduced himself anyway, “Hufflepuff sophomore. ”

“I’m Eugene Hill—” Eugene introduced himself.

“We met on the train.” Luna said, “You’re a friend of Ginny’s brother. ”

Eugene didn’t expect it, she still remembered herself, “Well, yes. ”

Luna’s somewhat erratic eyes seemed to have changed, and the look she looked at Eugene was a little different, as if she was looking at him.

“She said, you’re a little different from others, it seems to be-”

“Luna!” At this time, Ginny came to the yard. “Eugene.”

Ginny’s face was a little pale, bloodless, and she looked a little tired.

“Ginny.” Eugene wanted to remind her, “You don’t seem to be doing well—are you not adjusting to school life?” ”

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