“Oh—Ron—what’s going on?” Hagrid saw that Ron’s face was not good-looking.

Harry and Hermione helped Ron and crossed the threshold.

Eugene quickly stood up and got out of the way.

Ron was put into the chair.

Harry eagerly said what had just happened.

It turned out that early in the morning, Harry was called by Wood to training.

So their planned morning visit to Hagrid was delayed, and Harry left a note for Ron.

After that, Hermione and Ron took breakfast and went to the stadium together. And Hermione also commissioned Parvati to send a message to Eugene.

Just as Harry was preparing them to train.

The Slytherin team also rushed to the stadium, still holding Snape’s approval letter.

Said to train their new Seeker.

It turned out that the new Slytherin Wingman was Malfoy.

Malfoy not only joined the Slytherins as their Seeker, but also gave everyone the “Light Wheel 2001”, he was on his toes and sarcastic about Gryffindor.

Hermione couldn’t look past it and said Malfoy.

As a result, Malfoy cursed something particularly ugly.

Ron had been having had many altercations with Malfoy over the course of the week, and today he finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

A spell was cast on Malfoy.

You know, Ron’s wand broke because he was riding in a flying car at his house at the beginning of school.

As a result, the spell bounced back, and Ron himself was hit.

The two hurriedly took Ron and looked for Hagrid, hoping that Hagrid could find a way to help solve it.

After listening to Harry’s story, Hagrid was not too worried, and found Ron a large copper basin and placed it in front of him.

“It’s better to spit it out than to swallow it.”

Ron wanted to cry without tears, so he could only hold the basin and spit the slugs in his mouth.

“I think there is no other way but this spell to stop.” Hermione said helplessly, because she had already thought of many ways on the way here.

“Would you like some rock pies?” Hagrid asked.

“No thanks.” Harry quickly refused, “We had breakfast.” ”

“Oh – let’s make you some tea.” With that, Hagrid set up the teapot on the stove. He took the half-haired rooster on the table aside and cleaned the table.

“Eugene, when did you arrive?” Hermione asked Eugene.

“Just now, I met Lockhart in the auditorium, and I was dragged directly by him.” Eugene said, “He also said that he would ask me to give me a small lesson in the evening.” ”

“You’re so lucky.” Hermione looked envious.

Tooth wagged its tail beside Harry, its saliva dripping on him.

Harry had to tug at its ears.

“What is Lockhart doing here?” Harry said, “I don’t think Eugene is lucky. ”

Hagrid also said, “He has small lessons? I think Eugene gave him a pretty much the same. ——Just now Lockhart came over and said that what I have encountered with the water demon problem, he can help me solve it. ”

He brought the warm tea over and poured it for the four of them, “—really don’t eat a little rock skin cake?” ”

“I really don’t need to.” The four of them spoke almost in unison.

“Gag—” Ron continued to vomit again, but it was a little better.

“I dare say that if what he said was true, I would have eaten this teapot in my hand.” Listening to Hagrid’s words, he was completely extremely disgusted with Lockhart.

Hermione didn’t quite agree with his statement, and said in a more high-pitched voice than usual: “I think Dumbledore will choose him because he thinks he is the most suitable person-”

“Oh—it’s really the best fit,” Hagrid smiled, his beard shaking, “because, during the summer vacation, he was the only one to apply.” And the only candidate. ”

Ron coughed twice into the basin and spat out two slugs.

“It’s too hard to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher now. People don’t want to do it, they think it’s unlucky. Hagrid continued.

“I think at least one person wants to do it,” Eugene muttered, “like Snape.” ”

“This sentence… I agree with that. Ron gave Eugene a thumbs up, “Gag-”

“By the way, I want to ask, what did Malfoy say to the hell?” Hagrid glanced at Ron and asked, “Ron would cast such a spell.” ”

“Very vicious,” Ron’s voice became a little hoarse and sweat on his forehead, but just a moment of vomiting was slightly better, “Malfoy… Malfoy called Hermione… Call her ‘Mudblood,’ Hagrid—gag—”

Ron vomited again wildly.

“Is it true?” Hagrid asked, turning his head.

“Yes,” she said, “but I don’t know what that means.” Of course, I can hear it very rude…”

“This is the most insulting thing he can think of—gag-”

“Mudblood, means, Muggle birth,” Eugene said quietly, “that is, a slanderous term for someone whose parents can’t magic.” Some wizards consider themselves noble in blood and superior. ”

“Actually, the rest of us know that it doesn’t matter at all.” Ron breathed a sigh of relief and continued, “Thinking of the Malfoys, they feel that pureblood are superior to everyone else. – You see, Neville Longbottom – he is a pureblood, but he can’t even put the crucible well. ”

“We Hermione won’t make spells, they haven’t invented them yet.” Hagrid’s praise made Hermione blush shyly.

“Eugene is not bad either.” Harry said, “Second in grade. ”

“You’re actually second in your grade?” Hagrid looked at Eugene in surprise, “I really didn’t see it.” ”

Hermione glanced at Eugene, but thought of something else.

“It’s fine.” Eugene smiled.

“That’s a nasty name,” Ron wiped the sweat from his forehead and gasped, “meaning dirty, inferior blood.” It’s all crazy! Most wizards are now half-blood. If we hadn’t intermarried Muggles, we would have gone extinct. ”

Ron retched a few more times, but didn’t throw up.

“Well, I don’t blame you for trying to cast a spell on him, Ron,” Hagrid said seriously, “but thankfully your wand broke if something happened to Malfoy.” His father, Lucius Malfoy, will definitely not let you go, and when the time comes, you will be in big trouble. ”

Hagrid was right, Malfoy was a bit like the second generation in Eugene’s previous life, with a high-spirited look and saying that his father was “Brother Gang”.

“Harry,” Hagrid suddenly remembered something, “I’m going to settle the score with you.” I heard about you, sent a signed photo, why didn’t I get it? ”

Harry was furious, but he didn’t expect that this matter would actually be spread.

“I didn’t send a signed photo,” Harry said enthusively, “if Lockhart were still spreading rumors-”

Hagrid burst out laughing, “Okay, I’m kidding.” ”

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