Hagrid patted Harry on the back affectionately, “I know you didn’t. ”

“By the way, let’s see what I planted!” Hagrid stood up and said to them, “Ron wants a piece?” ”

“Gag-” Ron waved his hand, “No, no, I’ll continue here…”

Hagrid took the three of them and went to the vegetable patch behind the hut together.

The rooster just now died near the vegetable patch.

In the vegetable field were twelve large pumpkins, each half a person tall.

“Looks good, huh?” Hagrid said happily, “The ones used at Halloween banquets—by then, they’ll be even bigger.” ”

“Did you cast some magic on them?” Harry asked curiously.

Hagrid looked left and right, and when he saw that there was no one around, he lowered his voice and said, “Hehe, I gave them a little—how to say—a little help.” ”

“Enchanted.” Eugene said.

“Shh,” Hagrid made a silent gesture, “don’t say this to anyone else.” ”

Eugene nodded, knowing that Hagrid was not allowed to cast it.

“It’s the Expansion Charm.” Hermione was determined.

Hagrid smiled, “It’s really hard for you.” ”

“You did a great job.” Hermione didn’t forget to compliment.

Hagrid listened to the compliment, “Ginny said the same yesterday, it was Ron’s little sister, Ginny Weasley. ”

“Well? Has she been here? Harry was amazed.

Because he felt as if few students would come to Hagrid’s cabin except for a few of them.

“She came to look for a friend, but she couldn’t find it.”

At lunchtime, several people said goodbye to Hagrid and went to the auditorium for lunch.

Ron’s vomiting also slowed down, and on the way back, he vomited twice.

The four of them arrived in the foyer, but they met Professor McGonagall.

“You’re back,” Professor McGonagall grimaced, looking at them, “Potter, Weasley,” she handed each of them a note.

“You two stay and confinement tonight.”

“What are we going to do?” Ron burped.

Professor McGonagall pointed to the paper in their hands, “It’s all written on it, you go and help Filch wipe the silverware in the prize showroom, no magic, you have to wipe it by hand.” Potter, go help Professor Lockhart write back to his readers. ”

Both of them showed bitter faces, and both felt that the other’s was more comfortable than their own.

“Professor, can we both change a bit?” Harry begged.

Professor McGonagall still had a straight face, “No, Professor Lockhart assigned you to go.” ”

With that, she turned to leave.

Hermione had an expression that the two of them deserved to be punished like this.

Eugene sympathized with the two of them.

They entered the auditorium and had lunch.

After lunch, Hermione approached Eugene and said she had something to talk about.

The two came to the courtyard together.

“What do you want to tell me?”

They came to the courtyard and sat on the stone bench for a while, but Hermione never spoke.

Eugene had to ask himself.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been misunderstanding you before.”

“About Nicole Flamel before.”

“You have apologized to me for this before.”

Hermione took a deep breath, “Before, I didn’t think you knew Mr. Flamel. – You know, we met when we were seven. ”

Eugene nodded, “yes, so I’m really not angry. Instead, you get angry from time to time. ”

“One more thing,” Hermione decided anyway, “have you ever doubted your origins. ”

“My background?” Eugene frowned, wondering why Hermione would suddenly bring this up.

But –

Eugene knew that when he was sent to Hill’s house, there must be something secret.

Through Eleanor Keith’s problems with the Ministry of Magic, Eugene thought that maybe his birth parents were dangerous.

And himself, I’m afraid it’s a burden for the two.

To avoid accidents, they had to send themselves to Muggle families.

This matter cannot be let Hermione know.

“What background?” Eugene pretended to be confused.

“That is, have you ever thought that Mr. and Mrs. Hill are not your biological parents?” Hermione lowered her voice, she also knew that such a thing was not suitable for anyone else to hear.

Therefore, Hermione also avoided Harry and Ron and asked Eugene in private.

“—perhaps, they are just your adoptive parents. And your biological parents, wizards? ”

Eugene smiled bitterly, “Hermione, are you confused today?” How could such a thing be said? ”

“No, I’m serious, I have-”

“Listen, don’t think about it.” Eugene said, “I didn’t care about Malfoy’s title, and I didn’t hear it on the spot today. ——It’s you, don’t take it too seriously. Malfoy is a disgusting, smelly-like, disgusting. ”

Hermione didn’t mention that again.

Eugene secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally fooled over.

The afternoon was like that, and it passed quickly.

Eugene had thought that tonight, he could escape Lockhart.

Because Harry was going to help him write back to his readers.

However, in fact, at dinner, Lockhart blocked Eugene directly in the auditorium.

Pull him and say that he will make up lessons in the evening.

Almost in front of all the teachers and students, Eugene was taken away by Lockhart.

Lockhart pushed open the door and saw his picture hanging all over the wall.

Lockhart in the photo, changing from time to time, thinks he is very handsome moves.

“Here, sit down here.” Lockhart beckoned Eugene to sit down at his desk, then took a copy of “Traveling with Vampires” and placed it in front of Eugene.

“This is my autograph, you look at it slowly.”

“I’ve seen it.” Eugene was a little reluctant and wished he could leave sooner.

Leave this room full of “filters” and “narcissism”.

“No, you need to keep reading, read it a few times, and you will find that there are many differences.”


Just then, there was a knock on the door of his office.

“Look first,” Lockhart walked over and opened the door, “ah, here comes the little scoundrel! Come in, Harry, come in. ”

Lockhart smiled.

“Eugene is here too?” Harry noticed Eugene.


Both of them smiled helplessly.

It’s really hard to be brothers and brothers with each other.

“Harry, leave Eugene alone,” Lockhart beckoned Harry to the other end of the table, “you help me write a reply.” ”

“Well, the first one is to Ms. Glady Guggion.” Lockhart arranged what Harry was going to do.

Time passed slowly, and Eugene felt very slow.

Eugene flipped through the book quickly.

And Lockhart kept talking around, and Harry just dealt with him with short words like “um”, “hmm”, “yes” on the side.

“Professor, I’ve finished reading it, can I go back?” Eugene really doesn’t want to be here.

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