Abandoned girls’ bathroom.

Harry told Eugene what he had seen in his diary.

Eugene knew all about it, so he wasn’t particularly interested in it.

Out of politeness, he listened carefully to Harry.

“That diary tells me that fifty years ago, when Hagrid was in third grade, he was caught by Ricker. He was expelled from school because he had a monster. When the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a student died. But since Hagrid was captured, nothing like that has happened again. Harry said, “So, we suspect that fifty years ago, it was Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets.” ”

“Not him.” Eugene said, “I said earlier that it was the owner of that diary. ”

“I don’t believe it’s Hagrid either.” Hermione said, “Do you think he will?” ”

Harry and Ron both shook their heads.

“However, if the owner of the diary is deceptive, I can accept it.” “After all, if the school had been closed at that time, he would have gone back to the orphanage.” So, he found out that Hagrid had spiders—” Ron’s face changed, “… Spiders, will snitch. ”

“We can follow this conjecture and assume that Riddle was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets, and then he did that in order to cover up the crime?” Hermione said, “Of course, it’s just hypothesis, and you need to find some evidence. ”


Eugene thought Hermione’s analysis was too beautiful.

As for the evidence, Eugene can help find it now.

“Ask Myrtle.”

Saying that, Eugene went to the compartment to call Myrtle.

“Myrtle – Myrtle – ”

“Whew—I hear you talking about me again—you’re talking about me!” Myrtle cried out in a shrill voice, “I hate you guys! Hate – hate – ”

Saying that, she jumped around in the toilet in the bathroom, making splashes everywhere.

Four had to be forced out.

“What are you doing to stimulate her!” Hermione gave Eugene a blank look. “Now—”

“Ron—are you going to deduct points again?” Percy suddenly appeared at the end of the hallway.

“Percy has been haunting lately.” Ron grumbled.

Harry pulled Ron, “What are you still stunned for?” Hurry up and run! ”

The four ran from the other end of the corridor, and when they were around the corner, they almost bumped into a girl.

It’s Penelope.

Eugene once wondered if the place where the two of them were dating was in the bathroom.

After making sure that Percy was not chasing, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

One walked to the courtyard and continued to discuss what Eugene had just said.

“I think, it’s better to ask Myrtle later!” Hermione said, “Why didn’t we think to ask the ghost before?” Fifty years ago, they were the living history of Hogwarts. ”

At the mention of the ghost, Harry immediately remembered, “You guys say, could it be that Nick, who almost lost his head, knows who is the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets, so that person petrified him?” ”

“Otherwise, let’s go ask Hagrid!” Hermione suggested, and he looked at Eugene, “What do you think?” ”

Eugene felt a little blind.

“Then I think it will be a very pleasant visit if we go to his place.” Ron screamed, “Hi Hagrid, hello, are you the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago?” ”

Harry exhaled, “Then forget it. ”

Eugene could imagine how awkward the scene of their meeting would be.

After that, they gave up on going to Hagrid.

Because Professor Sprout said that the mandrake was almost ripe.

And there have been no more attacks in recent months.

After the antidote was made, they woke up and asked directly who attacked them, and the result came out.

Hermione’s review plan began again.

When they were not in class at the same time, Eugene would be pulled by Hermione to review.

Still, Eugene would occasionally see Hermione looking at something unrelated to their textbooks.

For example, she recently worked on a book called “A Simple Introduction to Ancient Runyvan.”

Eugene took out the magic array that Luna had spoken to him, “Do you know the words on this?” ”

“Isn’t this the ancient Runyvan?” Hermione recognized it immediately, but she didn’t quite recognize it.

“Yes.” Eugene said, “Do you translate?” ”

“This is an ancient magic array,” Hermione looked at it carefully, then shook her head, “Sorry, I can’t solve this yet.” ”

“What is it?” Ron was interested, “There is actually Hermione who won’t.” ”

“For our second year,” Hermione was a little upset, “it’s out of reach. – But you, did the class stuff get all the time? ”

Ron’s hand froze in midair, and he had wanted to look at Eugene’s piece of paper.

Harry snickered.

Eugene didn’t expect Hermione to fully understand either, but maybe they would learn in the future.

This matter is not too urgent for the time being.

Fast forward to April.

There are two big things this month, the first is their second grade electives, and after the third grade, they have electives.

Elective courses are related to the future career direction, and they are all directional.

For example, if you want to pursue a career in animals in the future, you can choose to protect magical animals.

It’s not bad to work like Ron’s dad and study Muggle studies. Of course, Eugene ruled out the course first, he was not very interested in this.

If you want to do translation, you can choose the ancient Runi script, that is, the ancient magic script.

There is also arithmetic divination, as well as divination.

Eugene chose three electives, Conservation of Angry Animals, Ancient Magic, and Divination.

The reasons for choosing the first two are simple. As for divination, he thought, he should be able to learn some knowledge of tarot cards.

In this way, he can use tarot cards to set up formations and perform alchemy.

Eugene is a little strange why you can’t learn to summon monsters here, for example, fiddle with a large array and summon prehistoric behemoths. Otherwise, summoning a sci-fi world of Transformers can also be used.

It is estimated that the thing of Transformer cannot be summoned, and summoning prehistoric behemoths, he has only seen in a mythical story.

Whether it’s true or not, it’s not clear.

However, he felt that the summoning should exist.

Otherwise, how could there be a record in the book that Luna got him before?

Maybe for some reason, these things are covered up!

For Harry and Ron, choosing a course was a bit of a headache.

I don’t know what to choose.

“Seriously, can I skip the Potions class?” In the library, Harry looked at the form in front of him, and he had a headache.

Hermione immediately dismissed Harry’s thoughts, “That’s a compulsory class, Harry! ”

“Okay.” Harry looked frustrated. He looked at Eugene and found that he had already chosen, “Ancient magic text? This seems quite difficult. ”

“Yes,” Eugene nodded, “it can be said that it is a completely foreign language.” ”

“I don’t think it’s useful to learn that.” Ron said, “Oh—I don’t mean ancient magic—I mean Defense Against the Dark Arts class—it would be great if you could choose it.” ”

“That’s a compulsory course too, Ron.”

“Alas—I know.” Ron sighed, “But this year, what did you learn from Lockhart’s class?” Except for learning not to release elves casually, I didn’t learn anything else. ”

This time, Hermione surprisingly did not contradict Ron.

“Hermione, what are you going to choose?” Harry asked, he thought about everyone’s thoughts and made a reference for himself.

Hermione smiled slightly, “Don’t think about it, I’ll choose them all.” ”

“All – All Selection——?” Ron’s eyes widened, his expression a little exaggerated.

Uh, sure enough!

Eugene knew that Hermione would be like this.

“Oh, that’s pretty good.” Eugene smiled and wasn’t ready to stop her.

Hermione’s eyes were quite firm at the moment.

According to past experience, she has such a look, you get ten cows, you can’t pull it back.

“Is it? You think it’s all pretty good? Hermione had thought Eugene would say something about her.

“Yes, of course it’s good. Children only make choices, if you want to choose all, right? Eugene said.

Hermione didn’t quite understand what Eugene meant, “It’s inexplicable. ”

She looked down and began filling out the course on the form.

As for Harry and Ron, the two little friends, they chose the exact same course.

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