Ernie has also been struggling with course selection lately.

Because one of his distant cousins sent him almost a letter a day,

He was really going crazy.

In the end, though, his aunt gave a letter.

Ernie followed his aunt’s instructions and chose the course.

In the second grade, there are many people who choose courses like this, and the seven aunts and eight aunts are all for reference.

It felt like they were the ones who went to school at Hogwarts.

Or rather, it’s going to school for them.

Neville Longbottom is a particularly glaring example.

During the course selection period, Eugene entered the field and saw Neville scratching his ears after receiving the owl’s letter.

“I suddenly found out that I was much luckier than Neville.” Ernie said.

Eugene was a little curious about what the children of Muggle families would choose.

However, it is clear that he is a little overhearted.

Because Lockhart ran out again to guide students who needed to worry about choosing classes.

Eugene felt that Lockhart had finally done something more right this time.

However, for four months there were no more attacks on students, and Lockhart put the credit on himself.

Eugene knew that it had something to do with Ginny.

She noticed something wrong and discarded the diary.

Because of this, there are no more attacks.

Friday morning, postman’s time.

Koeman brought him the long-awaited letter.

Letter from Elenor.

Dear Eugene,

I’ve been too busy lately and rarely write to you, so I’m sorry to worry you.

So busy that I didn’t bring you a gift for Christmas.

After receiving your letter, there is no reply to you.

When I was younger, I got into trouble with a bunch of people, and recently that gang started coming to me again.

But don’t worry, my magic is very powerful, and they didn’t hurt me.

It may have been that I once showed up at Broken Axe Bar and Gallery Street in Aitel.

The gang is eyeing you.

Later, when I caught one of them, I learned that they were going to attack you.

But fortunately, you’re at Hogwarts, and they can’t catch you.

Only house-elves can be arranged to send things to scare you.

Really, don’t worry about me. When you are at school, remember to study magic and learn Mr. Flamel’s alchemy.

If you have any questions, you can write to me promptly.

Or find Dumbledore, he’s my friend and he’ll help you.

Eleanor Keith

Eugene found that Eleanor’s reply was still invisible.

She didn’t want Eugene to know something about her.

But intuition told Eugene that some of it must be related to himself.

It’s just that Eleanor took it upon herself.

Eugene thought for a long time, and finally decided to write another letter to Eleanor.

He started writing by choosing his own course, and then added ancient magic texts to ask some questions.

From that French formation, a few words were copied. And note that he saw it in a book, but he didn’t know the meaning, and hoped that Elenor would give him the answer.

I don’t know what kind of reaction Eleanor will have, but Eugene is desperate that she can give herself some reaction.

In the afternoon, in the Hufflepuff common room, a notice was posted.

Tomorrow and Saturday, let’s go to the Quidditch game on time.

It’s a Quidditch game again!

It’s just that after Eugene saw the battle team above the announcement, the whole person was not very good.

Because of Elenor’s story, Eugene almost forgot about Hermione.

Early Saturday morning, Eugene got up and waited for Hermione in the Great Hall.

Today, he couldn’t let Hermione act rashly.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

It came early, and Hermione hadn’t arrived yet.

Eugene sat at the Hufflepuff table, facing the Gryffindor side.

At half-past seven, Hermione finally arrived.

“Hermione, there is something today, you must promise me.” Eugene said.

“Promise you what?” Herrin felt that Eugene was a little strange today, and he couldn’t tell how he felt.

“Don’t go anywhere but the stadium, if you want to go, call me.”

Hermione muttered, “You’re a little strange today, did something happen?” ”

“It’s okay, you guys have breakfast, I’ll go with you later.” With that, Eugene sat down next to Hermione.

Harry and Ron also looked at Eugene a little strangely.

“Today is our Gryffindor team match against your Hufflepuff team,” Ron said a little slurred as he took a bite of bread, “Do you think this is appropriate?” ”

Harry agreed.

“Oh, leave it alone, you guys have breakfast.” Eugene said, “I don’t care, what do you care so much for?” ”

“But someone already cares.” Ron lifted his chin.

Eugene turned his head and followed Ron’s gaze.

I saw Pomona huffing and walking into the auditorium.

“Eugene—where’s Eugene?” Pomona shouted as soon as she came in.

“Professor Sputlaw seems angry.” Harry said.

“Eugene, you’re going to be out of luck.” Ron looked a little gloating, “I’ve never seen an optimistic Professor Sputlaw look like this. ”

Saying that, Ron also made a wrinkled nose expression.

“Professor, I’m here.” Eugene stood up and shouted at Pomona.

Only then did Eugene notice that behind Pomona, Ernie and Stebbins followed.

The two were a little pale, and it seemed that something major had happened.

“Hermione, you remember not to wander around, I’ll come to you when I go.” Eugene finally couldn’t help it, or passed.

“Follow me to the lounge.” Pomona said a word and walked towards the foyer.

Ernie and Justin hurried to follow.

Eugene caught up and wanted to ask about the situation.

But the two of them looked ugly and didn’t say a word, which made Eugene unable to understand what was going on.

Could it be that something is wrong with the bedroom?

However, he did not bring any contraband to the bedroom.

At most, under his bed, there were some alchemical materials.

And under his pillow, there was a deck of tarot cards.

There doesn’t seem to be anything else anymore.

After entering the Hufflepuff common room, Eugene suddenly remembered something, whether it was related to Elenor.

The house-elf who gave him the blood robe before sent him something again?

It also alarmed Pomona, and you can imagine how serious the situation was.

Eugene came to the bedroom with apprehension.

At first glance, the bedroom is neat and tidy.

There is nothing special about it.

But when Eugene approached his bed, he realized that there was a difference.

On Eugene’s quilt, a bloody severed finger.

Bloody, very terrifying.

It should have just been cut off and appeared on Eugene’s bed.

It was Littlefinger, and there was an emerald green jade ring on it, and the ring was stained with blood.

The jade ring was a little familiar, and Eugene was seeing it for the first time

“What’s going on?” Pomona asked.

“I don’t know exactly how it got to my bed,” Eugene frowned, feeling the situation get serious, “Professor, I think we should ask Headmaster Dumbledore about this.” ”

“I mean the same,” Pomona said, “I just heard Ernie say that you’ve received bloody robes before, haven’t you?” ”

“Yes.” Eugene nodded, “Professor Dumbledore knows about this.” ”

Pomona looked at Eugene with some distress, “Whew—kid—you should have told me earlier, perhaps—so that I can give you a little more protection.” ”

Eugene was a little moved, “Professor, I didn’t think about it so much—I thought it was just a prank—I didn’t expect it—”

“Okay,” Pomona patted Eugene on the shoulder, “let’s go find Dumbledore—Ernie, Stebins, you guys go to the other dormitories, don’t stay here for now.” ”

The two hurriedly packed their things.

Pomona conjured a piece of cloth, wrapped her broken finger, and took Eugene to find Dumbledore.

Today, we must immediately figure this out.

What Eugene didn’t understand the most was that he only received Eleanor’s letter yesterday, and today the broken finger appeared.

He didn’t know what that meant.

In his heart, he felt that this matter really had a lot to do with him.

Eugene’s biggest fear was that he had killed Elenor.

I only hope that Eleanor is not in danger.

Pomona took Eugene with her to the door of the principal’s office.

“Chocolate cake.” Pomona shouted at the stone statue.

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