Chapter 340

Manager Liu said while looking at the female anchor's distorted face.

"Uh... the manager was joking, it just happened to happen, and it's what I should do."

Everyone said that, Xia Liang couldn't hang up the phone directly.

After seeing the madness of the female anchor, and listening to Xia Liang's modest and generous words, Manager Liu felt even more at ease.

He rolled his eyes and the female anchor continued.

"We have prepared a one-point reward for you. Of course, we also know that you are not short, but this is our heart. Later, we will tell the whole Didi driver about your helpful deeds, so that everyone You are proud."

It has to be said that in order to anger that woman, even the bonus was casually mentioned.

Xia Liang didn't care about these things, and said casually.

"As long as I'm not asked to shoot any commercials."

Hearing Xia Liang's words, Manager Liu's smile deepened a lot, thinking that this young man is really good.

"Don't worry, it won't. It's not too early then, so I won't bother you. I'll hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Manager Liu raised his eyebrows at the female anchor who hadn't left yet.

"You still don't go, I'm off work now."

The annoyed hostess was trembling all over with such a rushing attitude, and went out stepping heavily on her high heels.

After hanging up the phone on the other side, Xia Liang's car was also washed. Taking advantage of the gap when there were no orders, Xia Liang pulled over the car and walked into a small supermarket on the side of the road to buy a bottle of water.

When he bought water and came out of the supermarket, he suddenly found a woman with heavy make-up and scantily dressed clothes, with big blue waves dyed in front of his car.

At this time, she was standing at the front of the car, holding up her mobile phone and posing for the camera. It is not difficult to guess from her appearance, she was probably taking a selfie.

In this regard, Xia Liang has no objection, as long as she does not do some excessive actions to damage the car, she is free to take pictures as she pleases.

Anyway, there is no new order yet, Xia Liang simply found a stone pier by the side of the road and sat down, while drinking the Fat House Happy Water in his hand, she silently watched her holding up her mobile phone and exhausting all her life's knowledge to make different poses. Poses for a selfie.

Due to the close distance and the constant staring, even the blue-haired big wave who was obsessed with taking selfies quickly noticed Xia Liang.

She rolled her eyes at Xia Liang.

"What are you looking at! I've never seen a beautiful woman take a selfie! Smelly rascal, pervert!"

Hearing this, Xia Liang was taken aback for a moment, frowned slightly, and said,

"Sorry, you may have misunderstood, I didn't look at you, I was just looking at the car behind you!"

The big wave with blue hair looked Xia Liang up and down, and smiled disdainfully.

"What's so interesting, you don't look like a rich man, do you know how much this car costs?"

Xia Liang asked with interest.

"Oh, how much?"

The blue-haired big wave looked down at Xia Liang with the eyes of a country bumpkin, and responded flauntingly.

"This is a Phaeton, not a Volkswagen. Do you know about luxury cars? Just this car costs dozens of yuan. No matter how you look at it, this car will not be yours, and you can't afford it!"

Xia Liang didn't refute.

Instead, asked rhetorically.

"From what you said, can you afford this car?"

The blue-haired big wave paused and shook his head.

"Of course I can't afford it, but I'm different from you!"

"What's the difference?"

"You are a man and I am a woman. Although I can't afford this car, I can catch the owner of this car!"

Speaking of this, the blue-haired big wave backed up his pride, and continued talking without noticing Xia Liang's increasingly strange expression.

"As the saying goes, a hero is sad for a beauty. As long as I catch the owner of this car, then this car will naturally be mine. Even if I can't be the original partner, it's okay to be a mistress and a mistress. Give me a house , Give me a car, and a living allowance of 10 cents a month, isn’t it good to live like this? But you are different, as a man, you have no money, so what is the difference between you and a waste? "

Hearing this, Xia Liang frowned, and he didn't have much dislike for Lan Fa Dalang's words.

In fact, this is the way it is in today's era, laughing at the poor but not laughing at prostitutes, what's the use of keeping a few taels of benevolence, righteousness and morality?

It's better to be a real bitch than to be a bitch and set up a torii!


Xia Liang carefully looked up and down the blue-haired big wave, and finally shook his head silently.

Even if you want to be taken care of, you must have the capital to be taken care of!

You said that you are a captive pig and you have to be treated like a panda. Isn't that a dream?

To be honest, the blue-haired big wave in front of him can't find any other advantages besides the upper body capital which is quite impressive!

The make-up on that face was shining golden under the sun. Those who knew it knew it was a face, but those who didn’t know thought the mirror had turned into a ghost!

It's hard for others to say, anyway, as far as Xia Liang is concerned, even if she wants to keep a mistress, she is not in his consideration!

Of course, it is not ruled out that some rich people have unique tastes, hey, I like Chengjing's mirrors!

Xia Liang is a person who doesn't like to lie very much, so at this moment, he chose to follow his inner thoughts, and said to her seriously,

"With all due respect, I don't think you are worthy of being adopted!"

As soon as these words came out, the blue-haired big wave was silent for a few seconds, and then his anger burst out violently, shouting at Xia Liang.

"Who the hell are you scolding? What am I not worthy of? Why am I not worthy! You stinky rascal, pervert, I have already seen that something is wrong with you, and you are here to peek at me with the excuse of drinking water, it is extremely wretched! You are still quibbling that you are looking at the car, shit! You know exactly what you are looking at! I warn you, get out of here quickly, or I will call the police immediately! You are harassing!"

Xia Liang rubbed her temples and asked back.

"Have you ever considered the possibility that the reason I'm here looking at cars is because the car you're taking the picture with is mine?"

"Hahahahaha! What are you talking about? Is this car yours?"

The blue-haired big wave couldn't stop laughing, shaking his head.

"Even if it's daytime, you can't just daydream. You look down at your clothes, which one is not a street stall? That's it? How dare you say that the car is yours? Come on, even if it's bragging , then at least I have a bit of professional ethics and make a draft!"

Xia Liang shook her head, it's also because the clothes are all custom-made and I can't recognize him, so I don't blame him, but please look at the watch, please.

At this moment, suddenly, a system notification sound came from the mobile phone.

[Ding, I have received a general real-time order for you, please go to...]

Hearing the system notification tone from Xia Liang's phone, Lan Fa Dalang was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahahaha! What did I think you were doing, it turned out that you were just running around!"

The blue-haired big wave continued to speak with a strange look on his face.

"What's the matter? These days, is Didi making so much money? You can buy a Phaeton worth more than a dozen yuan?"

However, Xia Liang replied with a serious face as if he didn't see her yin and yang aura.

"That's right! Being a Didi driver can make money! I earned this Phaeton after running Didi! Didi driver, the most profitable industry in this century, you deserve it. Do you want to think about it?"


The blue-haired big wave no longer knew what to say, and she didn't even have the desire to refute, because she felt that the man in front of her seemed to be a little sick in his head!

Seeing that the blue-haired big wave remained silent, Xia Liang sighed helplessly.

"Well, it seems that we have no chance to be members of the same big family, so please get out of the way!"

"Why do you want me to get out of the way? Is it possible that you also want to take pictures? No, you have all the orders, why don't you rush to pick up the passengers?"

Xia Liang looked at her in surprise,

"Yes, I want to pick up the passengers quickly, but I can't walk to pick up the passengers, I have to drive, you stand here and block my car!"

The blue-haired big wave broke down quite a bit.

"Can you stop bragging! If Didi can afford the Phaeton, then I will..."

Before he finished speaking, the blue-haired big wave saw Xia Liang took out a car key and pressed it. The next second, the lights of the Phaeton behind him flickered slightly, and there was a soft beep, and the car door opened slowly and automatically.

What the blue-haired big wave hadn't finished saying was stuck in her throat, she looked up, only to see that Xia Liang in front of her had stood up, looking at her with a smile that wasn't a smile.

At this moment, the atmosphere was a bit terrifyingly silent, and the blue-haired big wave only felt that the wind in his ear turned into invisible slaps fiercely slapping his face, crackling!

At the moment when the blue-haired big wave was stunned, Xia Liang had already got into the car.

With the ear-piercing sound of the horn behind her, the blue-haired big wave subconsciously stood aside to get out of the way, Xia Liang drove the car forward slightly, stopped in front of her, then lowered the window and smiled slightly road.

"Correct one of your mistakes. This car is a Phaeton, but to be precise, this car is a customized version of the Phaeton, worth forty-five yuan!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Liang stepped on the gas pedal and quickly went away amidst the roar.

At this time, the big blue wave finally came to his senses, as if he had thought of something, he quickly looked in the direction where Xia Liang was going, and at the last moment when the Phaeton was about to disappear in front of her eyes, he recorded the license plate number and vehicle characteristics. down.


The afternoon was fleeting, and about seven or eight orders were run. Xia Liang was lucky, and got two hidden missions—the reward was 80 part-time jobs, a flat and a valuable electric car.

Well, he didn't know why the electric car was also a reward. It looked like a black-tech electric car with a price comparable to a sports car.

Xia Liang didn't know why it was so expensive!

"I'm walking on the long street~"

"Listen to opera singers singing about the capital~"

"People messy play clown~"

"Yellow leaves retreat into long autumn~"

Xia Liang hummed a song and drove to Jincheng International, feeling quite happy.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the community, before he had time to go in, Xia Liang saw a somewhat familiar figure rushing over from the side of the road and stopped in front of his car!

Xia Liang took a closer look, and saw that this person was exactly the blue-haired big wave that he met at noon!

Xia Liang lowered the car window and said with a puzzled face.

"Why are you here?"

"Of course I came here specifically to find you!"

"Why are you looking for me?"

The blue-haired big wave bent down and leaned against the car window, trying to show his proud capital in front of Xia Liang, and said with a coquettish smile.

"Oh, look at what you said, what else can I do if I look for you! I'm to blame for what happened at noon. I offended you because of my ignorance. Look, I'm here to make amends!"

Saying that, the blue-haired big wave took out a room card and shook it in front of Xia Liang, blinked slightly, and licked his lips.

"Look, I have already opened the room! What to do is up to you!"


Xia Liang suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, she co-operated with the one who chased after her and asked for a baby!

"No, how did you know I live here?"

"I do not know!"

The blue-haired big wave stroked his hair, and smiled proudly,

"But I know that more than 90% of the real rich people in Shanghai live in Jiangcheng Garden. You can buy a car for forty-five yuan, and your real assets are at least several thousand! It doesn't matter! So I guess, there is a high probability that you will live here!"

"Then, I came here ahead of time, and I have been squatting at the door. Before I left, I remembered your license plate number and the characteristics of the car. As long as you come back here with this car, I will definitely recognize it at the first sight. come out!"

"Damn it! Are you playing a thousand-mile investigation with me?"

Xia Liang was speechless for a long time,

"No, with your persevering spirit, if you start a business or something, you can live here by yourself!"

"I'm a woman, why do I have to work so hard to start a business? Isn't it good for me to find a rich man to take care of me and make money?"

Xia Liang was too lazy to talk to her anymore, she shook her head and said.

"It's up to you. There are a lot of rich people here. You can find it yourself. I'm not interested in you anyway, so stop pestering me!"

After all, Xia Liang closed the car window and drove into the community.

The reason why she resolutely refused was not because Xia Liang was such a gentleman, it was just that Xia Liang simply didn't like her!

He is going to take a look at his new house in Beijing.

When Xia Liang went away, the blue-haired big wave's face quickly darkened, he snorted coldly, turned and left.

The security uncle at the security hall at the entrance witnessed the whole scene, and said to himself in a daze.

"Is it popular to beg for adoption these days?"

"The key people are still unwilling!"

The young security guard standing beside him nodded and paused.

"This world is so crazy that mice are bridesmaids for cats!"


It took half an hour to go through the formalities.

After completing the check-in procedures, Xia Liang got two keys at the same time.

A phone call came.

It's a delivery company.

Xia Liang suddenly thought of something.

When I came to the door, as expected, I saw a truck parked at the door, and the courier was standing by the side chatting with the guard while waiting for the owner of the courier.

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