Chapter 341

Xia parked the car on the side of the road and walked straight towards the courier.

Before Xia Liang could speak, the courier saw him coming straight towards him, so he asked first.

"Is it Mr. Xia Liang?"

"Well, it's me, unload the things!"

After checking his identity with Xia Liang, the courier hurriedly called his colleagues to do it together, and opened the door of the truck to unload the things.

I saw that the electric car was fixed with wooden boards in a square shape, and wrapped several times around the wooden board with various shock-absorbing materials. 11 electric cars.

This boxy electric scooter looks heavy, but in fact, it was carried by only two couriers. It is much lighter than expected!

At Xia Liang's request, two courier brothers helped unpack it on the spot, and after a while, a black electric car that looked a little cute appeared in front of everyone.

In fact, it is not accurate to describe it as cute. To be honest, this car is full of youthful spirit. All in all, it does not look too ostentatious, nor too childish. It is only at first glance that Xia Liang is quite cute. Some like it, this is a completely different style from those sports cars, luxury cars, and locomotives.

The courier brother handed over the car keys to Xia Liang, and smiled at Xia Liang while packing up the broken packages.

"Mr. Xia, normally we also have the job of introducing the performance of the vehicle, but this is the car you bought, so you must know it better than us, so we won't introduce too much!"

However, Xia Liang shook his head.

"No, you should introduce it, I don't know anything about this car!"

Hearing this, the courier brother was taken aback for a moment, and asked subconsciously.

"Didn't you read the detailed introduction when you bought the car?"

"No, do you need to watch it? Buy it if you find it interesting at first sight!"


11 yuan two-wheeled electric car, just look at it and buy it?

The courier guy just wanted to complain, but after thinking about it carefully, this is Jiangcheng Garden, and the people who can live here, I am afraid they really have the confidence to say such words!

So, he could only sigh silently in his heart—are rich people really as happy as you imagined? No, you can't even imagine the happiness of rich people!

Afterwards, he sorted out his language and walked to the front of the car to introduce slowly.

"This car is a limited-edition electric car produced by Tesla this year. There are only ten cars in the world! Several internationally renowned designers were invited to jointly build it. There is no standard production workshop. That is to say, there are only ten cars in the world. Each one is unique and handcrafted!"

"More than 90% of the car is made of carbon fiber, and its weight is only half of that of an ordinary electric car! But this does not affect its stability. It has a special stable structure, and you can go up to 300 per hour without any problem! "

"Although this is just an electric car, don't underestimate its horsepower. It can accelerate from 100 kilometers in less than three seconds, far surpassing most fuel motorcycles!"

"At the same time, the battery life adopts the latest research results of Tesla, with a full charge, the maximum battery life can be extended to 300 kilometers! Many electric vehicles on the market do not have this battery life!"

Speaking of which,

Even the courier boy himself was a little excited. If his wallet didn't allow it, he would have wanted to buy one himself!

In fact, Xia Liang was quite excited when he heard it, so he couldn't help but plan to try it right now!

Kick up the kickstand, insert the key, and turn the accelerator!


Although Xia Liang was prepared, the moment he unscrewed the accelerator, his whole body swayed violently, almost falling backwards!

Electric vehicles are different from fuel vehicles. When you turn the accelerator to the bottom in an instant, the power is almost unbuffered, and it starts to the maximum power in an instant!

And this point is more intuitively reflected in this car!

Since it is a battery car, there is no seat with a backrest, but this does not mean that there is no feeling of pushing the back!

To be precise, it was a pulling force. The moment Xia Liang unscrewed the accelerator, Xia Liang only felt a force grabbing his hands and pulling him forward!

Xia Liang subconsciously clenched the handlebar, slowed down slightly and leaned forward a little, and then slowly stabilized.

But after only stabilizing for a moment, Xia Liang held back and turned off the accelerator, accelerating again, the whistling wind whispered freedom in his ears, and Xia Liang couldn't help grinning.


Xia Liang is quite satisfied with this car. Apart from running Didi and looking for people when going out on weekdays, it is actually inconvenient on many occasions, and you have to find a parking space wherever you go.

With this small eDonkey, it is different. It looks low-key and unassuming, and its performance is strong. It can go out for a walk nearby, go to an appointment across the city from a distance, buy vegetables in Wenke Supermarket, drag racing on Wuke Mountain Road, and park anywhere on the roadside. Convenient and fast!

At this moment, Xia Liang has already regarded it as his No. 2 car! The kind to take home.

Xia Liang casually threw the keys of the Phaeton to the security uncle at the door, asking him to drive the car in for him, and then he rode a small electric donkey for a leisurely ride.

At this time, a young security guard who was changing shift had just arrived. Seeing this, he asked the uncle security guard with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, is he the owner of Jiangcheng Garden? Why is he still riding an electric bike? So low-key!"

Hearing this, Uncle Security nodded.

"Yeah, the 11 yuan electric car, isn't it low-key..."

"Damn it! Eleven yuan! What's wrong, it can kick on both feet for nine days?"

After getting used to it, he rode his little electric donkey towards Ling Ji's school.

Watching Xia Liang come riding a little sheep.

Ling Ji was still a little strange, but she still rode directly behind.

Xia Liang smiled.

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

Ling Ji thought about it.

"Let's go to barbecue."

"no problem."

Xia Liang readily agreed.

Ling Ji pointed the way, and Xia Liang came to the barbecue stall she mentioned. It was in a small alley behind the school. The alley was not big, and some corners could barely accommodate two people walking side by side. Fortunately, Xia Liang I got this little eDonkey today, otherwise I would have to park the Phaeton on the side of the road and walk in.

At this point, the barbecue stall was gradually getting busy, and some students came here in groups laughing and laughing.

The stall owner is an honest middle-aged uncle, surnamed Jin, and Ling Ji often comes to eat.

At that time, I was poor and couldn’t bear to order many skewers, but Uncle Jin was very enthusiastic and always gave her a lot for free, or wiped out all kinds of zeros when paying the bill.

Later, Ling Ji was really sorry, so she often came to help Uncle Jin's daughter with her homework, and she became more and more familiar with her after coming and going, but she was busy with work after graduation and never came back.

While thinking about it, Ling Ji got off the battery car and walked forward, shouting.

"Uncle Jin!"

Hearing Ling Ji's voice, Uncle Jin looked up subconsciously, and after seeing Xia Liang's face clearly, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he shouted.

"Hey, little Lingji, you're back!"

Before Xia Liang could reply, Uncle Jin warmly called Ling Ji to go inside, talking while walking.

"You said that you don't know how to come back after graduation. Jingjing misses you so much, hurry up, sit inside! You probably don't know, my girl is also going to college this year, and she got 620 points in the college entrance examination. Well, I went to Shangjing Normal University, hahahaha, my old Jin’s family also has a college student, thanks to you helping her tutor at that time, let me tell you..."

Listening to Uncle Jin's chatter, Xia Liang on the side only felt a little more human, and he could tell that Uncle Jin really cared about Ling Ji as if he were his daughter.

"By the way, if you want something to eat, I'll get it for you. Uncle Jin treats you today!"

Ling Ji smiled and waved her hands.

"No, no, no, Uncle Jin, you don't know how much you have invited me for four years in college. It's hard to come back this time, and someone else is paying for it. Just let him come..."

Seeing this, Uncle Jin finally saw Xia Liang, and immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, oops, I haven't seen you for two years, so I have a boyfriend, okay, okay, I won't bother you, here's a menu, just tick me what you want to eat!"

After the two of them sat down, they casually ordered some skewers, and under Uncle Jin's small stove, these skewers were soon lying hot on the small dining table.

The two chatted very happily, and smiled heartily from time to time.

The two were laughing. Suddenly, there was a sound of quarreling. They followed the reputation and saw that there seemed to be some conflict between the people at the two tables. Their swords were on the verge of attacking at any time. From the looks, they should be students here .

It is the nature of Chinese people to join in the fun, and Xia Liang and Ling Ji are no exception. They immediately looked at each other, and they both waited and watched with great interest.

After listening for a while, Xia Liang roughly understood the reason, and it was nothing more than the mess between men and women.

At the table on the left, the girlfriend of the boy wearing round glasses is cheating on her, and the girl who cheated on him happens to be the curly-haired guy at the next table.

As the saying goes, the enemy's road is narrow, and today the two happened to come here to have sex, and they bumped into each other. The enemy was very jealous when they met, and they naturally quarreled.

At first, the two parties were quite restrained. After all, this is a public place, but emotions are often something that cannot be suppressed by reason, especially when it comes to feelings.

Soon, the noise intensified, and gradually began to evolve into physical conflicts, and the noise became louder and louder!

At this time, Uncle Jin hurriedly put down the half-baked skewers in his hand, hurried over, and stepped forward with a smile to persuade the fight.

However, at this time, both sides had lost their minds. Uncle Jin failed to persuade them to fight, but was pushed away by the curly-haired man in the confusion, staggered a few steps, knocked over a table and fell to the ground.

Xia Liang hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, beckoning Ling Ji to stay away.

After helping Uncle Jin to sit on a chair farther away, Xia Liang turned his head to look again, only to see that the fighting situation had escalated and completely turned into a fight!

In addition to being ruthless in street fights, the most important thing is to learn to use everything around you. Tables, chairs and benches are your best weapons!

Apparently, both parties understood this point, but in just a short while, the surrounding tables, chairs and benches were already broken and broken, making them a mess.

Fortunately, the people at the two tables have just arrived, and the skewers they ordered have not been baked yet, otherwise, Xia Liang seriously suspects that the steel skewers on each skewer may become a bloody weapon in the chaos!

As for the conflict between these two groups of students, Xia Liang didn't intend to intervene, they were all strangers and had no tasks, Xia Liang never had the stink of being nosy.

Since they want to fight, let them fight. As for the tables, chairs and benches damaged during the period, they will naturally have to compensate according to the price.

After all, they are all adults, and they have to consider the consequences when doing things.

Xia Liang unhurriedly brought over the skewers that were on the table before, and while enjoying the "live version of a large-scale youth martial arts movie", he gnawed on the lamb skewers and had a sip of cold beer from time to time.

Tsk, it tastes even better than the one I ate just now!

Sure enough, it’s not unreasonable to always like to move a small bench to eat melon seeds and eat popcorn when watching the excitement, it’s much more popular than dry food!

Thinking about it this way, Xia Liang's eyes became a little relieved when he looked at them.

Come on, hold on, fight a little longer, I still have a lot of skewers here, let's talk about reconciliation after I finish eating!

Seeing this, Ling Ji couldn't help asking.

"Well, Xia Liang, don't you need to worry about it?"

"No need, why don't they do it? Let them fight. Anyway, if you break something, you will be compensated according to the price. We should eat. Isn't it good to have such a good dinner show?"

"Besides, you see the fight is so fierce, it's not something that can be persuaded!"

"Oh, by the way, you want a bunch too?"

"...Okay, let's have a bunch!"

Seeing Xia Liang's calm and composure, Ling Ji's flustered heart quickly calmed down, took a bunch of palm treasures from Xia Liang's hand, and took a bite while watching them fight...

Well, it does seem to be more fragrant!

At this time, although the surrounding tables, chairs and benches were damaged in the fight, this did not affect the intensity of the battle at all. Some people continued to smash with the damaged bench legs, some punched directly to the flesh, and some people started looking for new weapons. .

Such as bricks, such as backpacks, such as wooden sticks, such as black electric cars...


and many more!

electric car? My mother?

Xia Liang's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw that the curly-haired man joined forces with another boy, lifted his electric car parked next to the barbecue stall and threw it at another group of people!


The electric car drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground. The person missed, but the rearview mirror of the electric car was smashed to pieces!

"My young lady!"

"My favorite car! The ass is so fucking hot!"

At this moment, Xia Liang was furious!

Putting down the skewers in his hand, Xia Liang got up and twisted his neck, pinched his fingers, and his knuckles made a crisp sound.

He looked at a group of people who were still fighting in the distance, grinned, and said with a light smile.

"Everyone, it's officially announced that something has happened!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Liang rushed into the crowd quickly with his feet, and kicked one of them on the back with a flying kick in the air, knocking him to the ground.

Then he turned around and volleyed vigorously, and the sole of the size 43 shoe made full contact with another person's face.

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