I Bound Aizen

Chapter 490:

"Did you escape..."

Kenpachi scratched his head, feeling a little regretful.

From the battle with Ichigo just now, he smelled a lot of Yu Mikami's shadow.

This kid is indeed related to his eldest brother, but I don’t know the details.

But... forget it, as long as you can play happily.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, the current eldest brother can no longer bring him the joy of fighting.

In this case, before you can grow to the level of your big brother, you have to find other people to fight with and continue to improve yourself.

Kurosaki Ichigo is a good choice.

I have to keep an eye on this guy and not let him die.

As for the big brother's order... Well, even a guy like me can see that there is something wrong with it, and it's impossible for the other members of the Mikami Group not to be able to see it.

Thinking of this, he looked not far away:

"Baqianliu, let's go."


The pink-haired girl happily ran over and jumped on Kenpachi's shoulders.

Under the setting sun, the two slowly walked back, dragging out long shadows.


Ichigo's figure suddenly appeared in a mountain forest.

No, if you continue like this, you are just wasting your time.

A vice-captain has made him so busy. He must outsmart him and not be so messy again.

Ichigo sat under a tree, recovering his strength and thinking about his next strategy.

First, he must find a way to sneak into the Seireitei.

Then, grab your tongue and ask where Mikami is from his mouth.

After finding Yu Mikami, he tried to find a way to cure his injuries.

Mikami Yuu's strength is at least captain level. As long as he heals his injuries and concentrates on escaping with his strength and his own, escaping from the Seireitei shouldn't be a problem.

After escaping to Rukongai, he tried his best to hide his spiritual pressure and blend into ordinary souls.

According to Urahara Kisuke, there are less than 10,000 Shinigami in the Seireitei. Rukongai is so big that it is impossible for them to search every house.

When the limelight is over, he will bring Mikami Yuu back to the living world. With the help of his parents, Ishida and others, Mikami will live in seclusion in the living world from now on, so he should be safe.

Thinking of this, Ichigo smiled reassuringly.

Just then, a voice sounded:

"It's similar, very similar."


Ichito was startled and stood up.

He looked towards the direction from which the sound came.

Then he saw a figure slowly walking out of the shadows of the woods.

This is a young man with black spiky hair, handsome appearance and a sunny smile.

The moment he saw this man, Ichigo was in a daze.

This person looks just like me.

If I were a few years older, I would probably look exactly like this person.

What's going on...the ability to imitate other people's looks?

This ability is very useful when sneaking into combat, but it doesn't seem to make sense when facing myself who is alone in another world.

He took off the watermelon knife from his back.


The young man raised his head:

"I am the third seat of the Thirteenth Division, Shiba Haiyan!"

Three seats?

It sounds weaker than the vice-captain.

That should be a quick fix.

Thinking of this, Ichigo squatted down slightly and prepared for a surprise attack.

Seeing his actions, Shiba Haiyan raised her hand:

"Ah, don't rush to fight yet, I'm not here to fight with you."

He raised his hand with a smile and pointed at his face:

"Boy, haven't you noticed that we look quite similar?"

"I heard this from people in the 11th Division, so I became interested in coming to see you."

"To be honest, I didn't capture your spiritual pressure at first, but I found you just by walking casually."

"You said, isn't this a coincidence and a lot of fate?"

Hearing this, Ichigo also discovered a problem.

Zhiba Haiyan came so close, but she didn't even react.

Normally, with Shiba Haiyan's strength, he should have reacted from a few hundred meters away.

Now that he felt it carefully, he found that Zhibo Haiyan's spiritual power had a strange sense of intimacy.

What's happening here?

Could it be the Zanpakutō ability?

As Ichigo observes Shiba Petrel, Petrel is also observing him.

The more he looked at the young man in front of him, the more pleasing he became.

There must be something wrong with this kid.

He touched his chin and said tentatively:

"Boy, I have already introduced myself, would you like to introduce yourself too?"

Ichigo was silent for two seconds.

Although he didn't want to answer, the education he received since childhood still made him speak:

"My name is Kurosaki Ichigo."


Zhibo Haiyan's pupils shrank.

He seemed to understand something.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he grinned and said:

"Your father, is his name Kurosaki Isshin?"

"You know my dad?"

Ichigo looked confused.

Shiba Haiyan burst into laughter.

"That's it...that's it!"

"Oh, I just said something is wrong, so that's what happened..."

After laughing, he looked at Ichigo:

"Ichigo, what are you doing in Soul Society?"

This guy is quite familiar.

Ichigo was speechless.

However, after finally meeting someone with whom he could talk normally, he didn't want to give up easily.

Under Shiba Haiyan's gaze, he recounted what he had encountered.

After hearing Ichigo's experience, Shiba Haiyan thought for a few seconds.

"I see...I understand completely."

Ichigo held Zangetsu and said warily:

"So? Do you want to start a war? Or let me go?"

"With all due respect, you can't beat me with your strength."

"If we have to start a war, I may kill you directly in order not to expose my position."

Hearing this, Zhibo Haiyan was stunned for a moment.

Then he couldn't help but smile and shake his head:

"Don't worry, Ichigo, I won't fight you."

"To be honest, I am also a loyal fan of Captain Mikami. Since you want to... uh, save him, then I will join you!"

"I am quite familiar with Seireitei. I can provide you with your food, drink, and shelter in Seireitei!"

"If you encounter enemies, I will help you fight them!"

"If you want to play LSP4, tell me and I'll buy it for you..."

Seeing Shiba Haiyan happily promising himself various benefits, Ichigo couldn't help but frown.

There must be nothing wrong with this guy's head...

Although he felt a little weird, considering his current situation and the pressure he was facing, he still nodded.

"Okay, I accept you as a companion."

His intuition told him that this guy named Shiba Haiyan would not harm him.

Mikami said that when you encounter problems that cannot be judged, leave it to your intuition!

Shiba Haiyan tore off her sleeves and made a simple masked outfit for Ichigo.

Taking Ichigo with him, he returned to Seireitei.

The guard raised his Changge and stopped the two of them:

"Stop! During this special period of invasion, everyone must undergo identity checks!"

Zhibo Haiyan grinned and said:

"It's me, Shiba Haiyan, third seat of the 13th Division!"

The two team members were shocked when they saw the appearance of the visitor.

"Lord Shiba Haiyan!"

The two of them bowed to Shiba Haiyan with a complete ninety-degree attitude, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

However, although Shiba Haiyan did not need to check his identity, Ichigo did not.

The two team members were sweating profusely and very nervous, but they still insisted on checking Ichigo.

"Sorry, Shiba-sama, the acting commander-in-chief has an order to check the identity of all those who enter the Seireitei... If anyone dares to miss it, he will educate the delinquent!"

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