So many masters gathered in the city, and they also fought a big fight, which caused the people to go to great enthusiasm.

   Xiao Feng glanced at the people approaching: "Let’s find a place to stay first, and come with me."


   Lin Hong responded, leading Xiaomei to follow.

   Not long, Xiao Zhai.

   "Ashamed to say, I have a house in every city in the Eastern Region." Xiao Feng showed off and led everyone into Xiao's house, "Of course, mine is yours, you can live anywhere."


   Lin Hong nodded at random, glanced around, and found that this place was almost a hundred times more luxurious than the City Lord’s Mansion.

   Xiao Feng raised his hand on his shoulder: "Hey, why are you a fairy king?"

   "Get it from Cthulhu."

   Lin Hong smiled, deliberately not explaining.

   "Huh?" For a moment, Xiao Feng's expression changed drastically, " do you get infected with the Demon God Contract?"

   That can be the same as the "poison" on the earth, it cannot be contaminated!

   Lin Hong was nervous when he saw him: "Don't be afraid, this storm is about to pass, and I will be fine."

   was also compelled to do so at the time, the weird power that the red god's eyes brought to him can be called mind control.

   In that case, it would be nice not to be enchanted.

   "That's okay... By the way, I'm giving priority to the development of the North Territory. When that happens, we will contact you by phone at any time."

   Xiao Feng remembered something, took out the phone and shook it in his hand.

   Lin Hong nodded, and then was taken to live in the room.

   When the others left, he raised his hand and released Fairy Baihua: "Thank you for these time."

   "It's okay, have you been busy these days?"

   Fairy Baihua shook his head slightly, then glanced around, what a big room.

   "Well, sorry, I didn't care about you." Lin Hong smiled bitterly.

   During these days of dealing with the looting regiment, he didn't care to see her at all, and at the same time, he hadn't rested for a long time.

   "It's okay..."

   Fairy Baihua shook his head again, pretending not to care.

   She turned to say, "I thought about it for a long time, wanting you to see my strong side."


   Lin Hong was a little dazed, especially when she saw her serious face, even more puzzled.

   "No matter how difficult the road in the future is, I have to walk, and I will be recognized by the world, even if...become a god." Fairy Baihua smiled lightly with her hands behind her back.

   This smile is so beautiful, without any flaws, it makes Lin Hong look a little stunned.

   Not long after, Fairy Baihua left.

  Lin Hong exhaled deeply: "Okay, everyone has their own way to go, and I am not the bird cage that trapped her."

   "Don't you be sorry? There are so many opportunities to turn her into her own."

   The heart demon laughed out loud.

   "...It can only be said that it is in debt." Lin Hong smiled bitterly.

   did so many excessive things to her, but couldn't bear the responsibility. Isn't this what a debt is?

   Time changes, late at night.

   Lin Hong was not sleepy: "What will he tell me in the negotiation tomorrow?"

   There is nothing to be afraid of. With the Donghuang Bell and the Martial Saint suit, even ten fairy monarchs can fight by themselves.

   "It's nothing more than using conditions in exchange for not telling the facts... this kind of thing."

   The heart demon thought about it, but guessed it wrong.

   Now, what Jiang Tao wants to negotiate on behalf of Duobaolou is that the two are not enemies of each other, and it is best to use them for their own purposes.

   A knock on the door suddenly came: "Brother Lin Hong?"

   Obviously, it's Xiaomei.

   "Come in, what's the matter?"

   Lin Hong responded.

   The door opened, and Xiao Mei walked in. It was no longer the kid, but the slim girl.

   "I feel that Brother Lin Hong is very unhappy, so...send something." Xiao Mei came closer and took out a piece of candy.

"this is?"

   "Don't reach out, open your mouth."

   Lin Hong raised his hand to fetch it, but Xiao Mei took a step back.

   No way, Lin Hong opened his mouth: "Don't poison me."

   This is just a joke.

   "That's possible, hold it in, don't swallow it."

   Xiaomei put sugar in his mouth, and then laughed.

   "This...haha, what is it...haha?" Lin Hong couldn't help but laughed as he spoke.

   "Interesting, isn't it? This is the happy candy that I researched out, physical."

   Xiaomei said, a little embarrassed.

   It’s hard to make people really happy on the spiritual level, but it’s much easier on the physical level.

   Lin Hong spit out the sugar: "Are you here to make a prank?"

   After spitting out the sugar, he stopped laughing.

   "No, I see Brother Lin Hong is unhappy, I want you to be happy."

   Xiaomei looked a little aggrieved.

   The scientific research task was completed late at night, and I was already very sleepy, but coming to help was regarded as a prank.

   "I misunderstood you." After Lin Hong learned this from the system, he raised his hand and rubbed her head.

   "Then...I'll go back to sleep first."

   Xiaomei smiled again, stretched her waist, and turned away.

   Lin Hong couldn't help but shook his head: "This girl, she has to bear so much at a young age, it seems to be worse than me."

   "People are doing at least what they like, how about you?"

   However, the inner demon is involuntarily starting to mock mode.

   "I like to escape." Lin Hong shrugged, "Of course, I will choose hard steel for things that cannot be avoided."

   Escape is troublesome, but what about troubles that cannot be avoided?

  Time passed, and finally, it was the next morning.

   There was a **** crowing faintly, Lin Hong walked out of the room and took out something to eat: "It's time."

   Solving these things is much simpler than I thought ~ ~ originally planned for a month, it is only the tenth day today.

   "Hey, I'm going to leave now. You don't feel sorry for you these days?"

   Suddenly, the Cthulhu appeared and flew in the air in front of him, holding his arms, as if a little disliked.

   No matter how you say... I have done that to myself.

   may never see me again, but for ten days, I haven't found myself.

   "Is there anything to regret, can't you give me a task in the future?" Lin Hong looked helpless.

   In fact, he now wishes he would never see the Cthulhu again, otherwise he would be bound by tasks.

   "Hmph, then I will give you a task now."

   As expected, the Cthulhu snorted coldly, and it was true that he hadn't boarded the Three Treasures Hall, only when there was a mission.

   Lin Hong nodded helplessly: "There are still twenty days, I hope this is the last task you give me."

   "To save the West China Sea, the foreign sea people are invading, and the West China Sea is about to miss. Can you take this task? If you don't take it, forget it."

   There was a smile on the face of Cthulhu, and there was a great deal of whether to accept the task or not.

   "Pick up!" Lin Hong's face condensed, and immediately said, "Is Camilla in any danger?"

   "Not yet, and it's hard to say what will happen afterwards. As the mainstay of the sea clan, the mermaid tribe can last a few days."

   Cthulhu answered like this, and then disappeared directly, as if he had never appeared before.

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