
   Lin Hong pursed his lips, and left Xiao's house directly to the agreed place.

   After a short while, I arrived at the place.

   Although it was only early in the morning, Jiang Tao had already waited for a long time: "Is there just Brother Lin alone?"

   "If you have anything to say, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

   Lin Hong said directly, turning his eyes to the Drunken Immortal Building that was being rebuilt in the distance.

"That's our Duobaolou property... Don't worry, no one was injured or killed yesterday, so I went into the house for a while?" Jiang Tao stepped aside, behind him is a big hotel, even though it is not as well-known as Zuixianlou .

   "I'm in a hurry, so I don't want to waste time."

   Lin Hong frowned slightly, a little annoyed, this is the Eastern Region, how can it take one day to get from here to the Western Region.

   Jingtao heard the words: "Then say it here, we want to keep peace with you, nothing more, if you are willing to join our Duobaolou, we don't mind having one more deputy host."

   "Aren't you afraid of me telling things?"

  Lin Hong is a little puzzled. It stands to reason that there should be a hush fee.

   "Don't be afraid...In this storage ring, there are three trillion celestial stones. This is a sign of peace." Jiang Tao took out a storage ring.

  In the fairy world, the storage ring is the most rare space magic weapon, and it is very valuable in itself.

   "In other words, as long as I take it, I will keep peace with your Duobaolou?"

   Lin Hong rubbed his chin and thought about it. This seemed to be a profitable business, after all, he didn't even want to deal with them.

   Jiang Tao nodded: "Yes, Brother Lin, this is our sincerity in Duobaolou."

  Three trillion immortal stones, even the three major sects combined may not be comparable.

   "I agree. I and the forces that I may have are not against you, but there is only a three-year period."

   Lin Hong took the storage ring and said with a chuckle.

   "Three years...okay." Jiang Tao frowned and thought, then nodded.

   It is worthwhile to exchange money for a short peace with a fairy king.

   As everyone knows, Lin Hong is not a real fairy king, so doing this is just a simple stroke on them.

   "Then let's go first, please write down what happened today, brother Lin, and don't be an enemy of our Duobaolou within three years."

   Jiang Tao arched his hands, and at this point, the agreement was formally reached.

   Lin Hong nodded gently: "If you do it first, don't blame me."

   After he finished speaking, he left directly. Peace is always mutual. If one party breaks, it will be gone.

   "The order goes on... Within three years, no one is allowed to be an enemy of Yuehua Immortal Palace, let alone hurt people related to him."

   Jiang Tao saw him walking away, and turned to look at the fairy prince Qingfeng aside.



   Lin Hong went straight to the Western Regions. On the way, he received a call from Xiao Feng.

   "Fuck, why did you go straight away?"

   "There is something to deal with..."

   "I have prepared a meal of millions of immortal stones for you!"

   "Next time, next time definitely."

   "It's all wasted, where are you? Do you need my help?"

   "Just arrived in Zhongyu..."

   Lin Hong said, and found that the signal was gone, so he put the phone in the storage ring, and concentrated on the journey.

   On the other side, Xiao Feng sullenly eats chicken legs: "This guy, I really won't enjoy it. When he arrives in the fairy world, he is still running for various things."

   What is living for? Isn’t it just eating, drinking, and having fun?

   I'm so busy, running around for others, I really don't know what the picture is.


   is exactly this kind of character that made him today, right?

   Time changes, and one day passes quickly.

  Lin Hong came to the Western Regions and joined Lin Yi: "It's a beautiful job."

   The village has been found and killed, and the captured girls have been sent back to the city.

   was praised, Lin Yi looked very happy.

   "Let's go to the sea, to the sea clan."

   Lin Hong took him into the storage ring and went straight to the sea.

   At this time, the heart demon said: "I have used the system to detect many times, but I just don't understand the fragments of the sky."

   "That thing... leave it alone."

   Lin Hong smiled bitterly, and looked up at the sky. Beyond the sky, there is a vast space, but when the sky is torn apart, there is such a terrifying existence.

   "That may be the nature of the world, don't be too desperate." The inner demon hesitated for a moment, and then said.

   "Essence, materialized?"

   Lin Hong muttered, and turned to no longer care, and he had already come to the beach.

   The sea breeze is blowing, with a little salty taste.

  Vaguely, a few fishes exuding black air were swimming in the water, their pupils were blood red.

   Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Is that the foreign sea clan that the evil **** said?"

   "Well... they live in an abyss, and now they want to seize territory and occupy the sea."

   The demon replied.

   "Abyss?" Lin Hong was a little surprised.

   "No one knows how deep the abyss is."

   The demon explained it.

   Lin Hong gently shook his head, jumped into the sea, killed the fishes and transformed them.

   got some celestial power values, but did not get treasures.

   This is a restricted area for the marine clan, there are few fish, he swims deep and heads straight to the Mermaid Palace.

   "The blood red treasure chest is about to be unsealed." The heart demon suddenly said.


   Lin Hong nodded lightly, didn't care too much, speeded up.

   With today's advanced realm, he was already so fast that he couldn't see the shadow, and it didn't take long for him to reach the surroundings of the Mermaid Palace.

   I saw that this place is being attacked by foreign sea people.

  Those alien sea races seem to be born for battle, and they are so cruel and cruel, some of the mermaids are not opponents.

   At this moment, the mermaid horn was sounded.

   is Camilla!

   Lin Hong knew took out the Shadow-Changing Sword and began to kill the alien sea races.

  It was a little inconvenient to be in the sea, but he was still like a big killer, unable to stop it, only in a short time, he killed the enemy in all directions.

   After a short while, the foreign sea people withdrew their troops.

   while Lin Hong was surrounded by mermaids: "You are..."

   "Don't get me wrong, I am not your cohort, I am your twin brother."

   Lin Hong rubbed his nose, then said.

   "How is it possible?" Someone was puzzled.

   "It's a bit of a joke, but it's a fact. How can you guys have the strength of mine?"

   Lin Hong didn't bother to explain at all, and he didn't even bother to make up casually.

  At this time, the injured mermaid swam over: "Follow me and go to the hall."

   Lin Hong responded and followed him all the way to the main hall in the Mermaid Palace.

   "Huh?" Camilla was resting here. Seeing him, she was very surprised, "Why are you here?"

   "I heard that there is danger here, so come and help."

   Lin Hong chuckled, and he was relieved to see that she had nothing to do with her.

   The mermaid king took off the crown: "Where does your kid come from such a strong strength?"

   "The origin is a bit wrong, but in short, I am the fairy king in a short time."

   Lin Hong arched his hands, as the immortal king, he can already breathe on the bottom of the sea, without a pill like mermaid pill.

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