This is good! Even, a little bit more than when I tested it.

Lu Chen is also very satisfied!

He Hee too!.

"Speaking of which, the new knowledge base seems to be more in line with everything now!"


"This is natural, the current treasure house of knowledge seems to be customized, specifically for the current situation, although the previous treasure house of knowledge can also be used for the current situation, but there are still some differences, and these are... . . The difference makes the difference now!"

Lu Chen said.

When Lu Chen and Hexi were preparing a new treasure house of knowledge, because they needed to analyze the relationship between these... Absolute domain-level existences, when preparing a new treasure house of knowledge, they had a purpose. develop in this direction.

The new knowledge treasury is obviously a customized version that has been specially customized, and now it can play a big role.

The effect is also good! Both Lu Chen and Hexi can be said to be very satisfied! If there are no problems in the future, maybe they can work harder in this regard.

Next, Hexi and Lu Chen didn't say anything more, and focused more on the things in front of them to ensure that there would be no mistakes in the future.

If there is no problem with the analysis, but instead you have made a mistake and caused problems in the entire analysis process, then it is really bad.

So, you must be careful! Both of them started working hard.

A large amount of data also appeared in front of Lu Chen.

All are the data of the target to be analyzed. It has to be said that the data of the target this time is really enough, and it is also a very special kind.

It takes a lot of time to analyze it! This is also a very troublesome thing.

The longer it takes, the more likely some problems will arise.

Lu Chen and Hexi were also worried that something really went wrong.

Fortunately, nothing really happened.

The entire analysis process can be said to be very stable, without even the slightest danger.

Perhaps, the strength of these... The target of the analysis has increased, but the level of Lu Chen's knowledge treasury has also increased a little, and some upgrades have been completed, and in the end, there is not much difference.

From the analysis, there are not many problems of course.

The whole process is stable! Go with the current trend and everything will be simple.

Time passes slowly and data keeps appearing.

In the end, Lu Chen also got enough data.

It's not that the analysis is over, but that the analysis has reached a safe stage. At this time, the data in Lu Chen's hands can already guarantee that even if there is any problem, Lu Chen can still ensure that the analysis will be carried out in the future.

Uh, to put it simply... Lu Chen can use force to ensure the continuation of the entire analysis process, just like in the beginning.

Now this analysis has nothing to worry about.

In this case, Lu Chen can be considered completely at ease.

Of course, the necessary attention to Lu Chen is still there, and it has never been reduced even a little bit.

Lu Chen felt that he still needed to pay attention! Lu Chen didn't particularly want to fight, he just wanted to end the current analysis stably.

Fighting has never been Lu Chen's pursuit, but data and strength! If he can get data without fighting, Lu Chen is naturally very satisfied.

With this current thinking, Lu Chen watched the data appear in front of him, and at the same time, he also made some more preparations and put various targeted protections on himself.

Who knows if there will be any accident, it is better to be careful, maybe, it may not be used really.

Even if you can't use it:, maybe you can use it in the future.

What happened last time proved to Lu Chen that there are a lot of protections that can really come into play when necessary.

A little more preparation is always good!!

Chapter 814 ━━━━━━━━━━

Lu Chen is getting ready! Time is also passing by in Lu Chen's preparation, and the progress of the analysis is also improving.

A large amount of data appeared in front of Lu Chen's eyes! In the end, no accidental analysis was completed.

All the existing data has appeared in Lu Chen's line of sight! He didn't find anything! "This time, are we going to upgrade some things in the treasure house of knowledge?"

After finishing the analysis, Hexi asked Lu Chen like this.

"this one"

Lu Chen pondered.

In fact, there is no need to upgrade again, the new knowledge treasury is also perfect, considering a lot of things.

But... "Forget it, let's upgrade it. Although the current knowledge treasury is still perfect, the new data may involve more things. Let's pay attention to it a little and try to see if it can be upgraded! "

Lu Chen still said.


Hexi naturally had no opinion at all! The two of them immediately started such a process! Although they didn't really find anything in the end, they did find something and made some additions.

The final result was also good! After that, there was nothing to hesitate, Lu Chen started to choose a new target and start a new analysis.

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