It's just that this time it wasn't as smooth as the last time.

Halfway through, a problem arose.

He found something.

"Looks like this time is not as simple as before!"

Looking at the fluctuating data that began to appear in front of him, Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh.

It is normal for the data to fluctuate, but if it fluctuates during the analysis process, and it is very secretive and special, then there are some problems.

Even, it can be said that the other party has discovered something, otherwise, there will be basically no such situation.

"How to do"

Hexi simply asked Lu Chen.

"Continue, now the data is about to reach the safety line. As long as this safety line is reached, then I can use force to continue the analysis process!"

Lu Chen didn't care how the analysis started and ended. All Lu Chen wanted to see was that the analysis was completed and all the data was obtained.

"Then, go on!"

Hexi also knew what Lu Chen was thinking, so he didn't pay more attention to other things, and focused on sorting out the data.

Hexi also wants to ensure that the progress of the analysis reaches that safety line.

The two worked together, and the effect was finally, Lu Chen got enough data.

Don't worry anymore! At least, that's what Lu Chen thinks! However, suddenly, the data in front of Lu Chen fluctuated on a large scale, and a kind of interference hindered the acquisition of Lu Chen's data. This situation is very special Just as Lu Chen was about to react, a feeling of being noticed suddenly appeared and fell on Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen immediately.

responded, looking to the source of this concern.

Seeing that... the being analyzed was staring at this place, and he discovered this place.

"It's really not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Lu Chen muttered to himself.

"What did he find"

Hexi also responded.

Hexi didn't feel that kind of feeling of being noticed just now, and that kind of feeling of being noticed couldn't be found at all with Hexi's strength.

The reason why Hexi found these.... was completely inferred from the large-scale fluctuations in the data and Lu Chen's words.

"That's right, and he even found this place directly!"

Lu Chen said.


"This guy is indeed a little different, you stay here, I'll take a look!"


"Don't worry, there won't be any big problems!"

"All right!"

Hexi also thought about something! "After I leave, you can change the location here and continue to analyze as we agreed in advance!"

Lu Chen instructed.

In order to deal with various situations, Lu Chen prepared various means, and there is a corresponding one for such situations.

Hexi knows it too! "Don't worry, I know what to do!"

"That's good, after I leave, immediately.

Move your position, don't stop for the slightest bit, I'll give you a chance!"


After Lu Chen finished speaking, he disappeared in front of He Xi.

Hexi followed suit! That guy............ wanted to pay attention too, but Lu Chen didn't give him the slightest chance at all, and a very powerful force directly cut it off. got his attention.

He didn't have time to see where Hexi went.

An opportunity just disappears out of thin air.

That guy also had a bad look on his face, but he didn't worry too much about it.... Instead, he turned his attention to Lu Chen and locked Lu Chen to prevent him from running away too. .

Lu Chen naturally couldn't run, he stepped out and appeared in front of that guy.

Looking at him! "Seriously, among so many people, you are the only one who has found a place!"

After a while, Lu Chen said to the guy.


The guy said, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It's not a description, but it really is... eyes lit up.

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