Episode 5

‘Beyond this wall is definitely…the inventory…not mine, but someone else’s…!’

After calming his pounding heart, Jung-min sat down on the floor and pondered.

‘Are all the inventories in one place close together? Right now clairvoyance…’

Jung-min was about to get up, but changed his mind and sat down again.

‘No… I don’t have much mana left… I’ll try it later when I have enough mana…’

Jeongmin was lost in thought while looking at the inventory wall.

‘Can I cross over to the next inventory? I think it would be possible if I use perspective and move in space, but…’

Suddenly, Jung-min thought about the skill of space movement again.

‘At first, I grumbled that it was a very restrictive skill… It’s a really fraudulent skill to use in this way, isn’t it?’

Recalling the memories of being rejected by large shelters and small guilds, Jung-min was able to feel proud of his skills for the first time.

Jeongmin stared at the inventory wall again.

‘Go over the wall and wait for the owner of that inventory to open the inventory gate… When the gate opens, go through that gate and move outward…!’

Jeong-min, who caught the clue to escape, could feel his anticipation rising.

‘Wherever that place is… it will be much safer than the place where my inventory gate is near the monster’s gate…’

Having made up his mind, Jeong-min waited patiently for the mana to fill up.

Current mana remaining is 2.

I was thinking of waiting until it reached 7 and then using perspective and teleportation to cross over to the next inventory.

Time passed and Jung-min, who was able to restore his mana to 7, stood up and stared at the wall in his inventory.

‘Okay…Let’s go…!…Clearance!’

There was a bluish aura in Jeongin’s eyes, and he began to see the other side of the wall in the inventory.

It was the same as the inventory we saw earlier.

‘..space movement!’

Jung-min’s figure disappeared in an instant and appeared in the inventory across the street.


Jung-min clenched his fists and was delighted.

“Okay, it’s a success.. Now all I have to do is wait for the owner of this inventory to open the gate…”

Jimin couldn’t help but stop what he was saying.

It was because the items in the inventory, which were vaguely visible through perspective, came into sight.


In the inventory, there were countless weapons, armors, books, and various other items, so there was no room for footsteps.

“..what’s so many…is this…sword…? Oh, that’s a spear…and a sledgehammer…is this…armor?”

Jung-min frantically looked inside the inventory.

“No, it’s someone’s inventory, so they piled up so many different weapons… Where did you get these? Did you make them yourself?”

Next, the first thing that caught Jung-min’s eyes was a box containing various trinkets.

Jung-min muttered as he saw the box full of necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

“Where is the inventory of the daughter of a conglomerate? Why are there so many trinkets…”

Jeongmin, who was examining the trinkets, picked up a sword lying nearby.

It was a sword that looked pretty good and cool even to Jeong-min, who was unfamiliar with weaponry.


The moment Jeongmin held the sword in his hand, he felt his body become very light.

“… What is it..? Why does my body feel so light..?”

Jeongmin jumped lightly in place a few times and swung the sword he was holding horizontally.


A horrifying roar was heard.

Jimin felt goose bumps on his arm.

Jung-min, who had been training by wielding the sword Jun-ki gave him, knew that this sound was something he could never make at his level.

Jeong-min looked at the sword as if possessed and then said to the air.

“..status window”

[Jungmin Choi

Strength: 14 (+30)

Stamina: 15

Agility: 15 (+40)

Intelligence: 10 [mp:1/18]

Possessed skills: gate (lv.1) space movement (lv.2) clairvoyance (lv.1) attack (lv.3)


A moan of unknown meaning escaped from Jimin’s mouth.

Jeongmin put down his sword and checked the status window again.

“..The status window is back to normal.. Then.. The fact that the strength and agility stats are raised, and even the skill called Assault is displayed is the effect of this sword… What a fraudulent item..”

Jung-min grabbed all the weapons around him at the thought that crossed his mind.

‘…this…this too…heh. This raises strength by 60.’

Jung-min looked at the status window alternately while picking up the weapons around him.

“All of the weapons here.. are amazing items.. with ridiculous morale-level specs..”

Jimin couldn’t understand.

“No, does this make sense…? It’s been less than a day since the [Trial of the Gods] started… Someone has a lot of fraudulent items like this in their inventory…?”

Jeong-min felt that his fear of the owner of the inventory grew more than his greed for great items.

“..Let’s take a look at the inventory some more.. Maybe we can find out about the owner of the inventory..”

Jung-min lifted a book piled up next to the arms.

Turning the pages one by one, Jeongmin muttered.

“..which country is this..? It looks like the alphabet.. but it doesn’t seem like English.. is it something like Spanish..?”

Unable to read at all, Jung-min put the book down.

“Isn’t it Korean?”

A large amount of potions and rolled papers piled on one side were investigated, but it was unknown what purpose they were used for.

Jung-min found a reasonably empty place and sat down.

‘Ah… I’m worried… I can’t guess the identity of the owner of this inventory at all… Couldn’t he get hacked after going out through the gate…?’

Concerned, Jungmin shook his head.

‘No way…I’m the same person, but I’m not going to try to kill them all at once…No matter who they are, it’s better than going to the place where there’s a monster gate.’

Jeongmin lay down on the floor and thought.

‘By the way… when will the inventory gate open… I wish I could open it sooner… Ah, mana hasn’t filled up yet.

Jung-min waited, hoping for the mana to kick up quickly and for the inventory gate to open.

A long time passed, and although Jung-min’s mana was already full, the inventory gate showed no sign of opening.

‘…Isn’t this why it won’t be open today…?’

When Jeong-Min, tired of waiting, gets nervous with impatience.

The inventory gate finally opened.

‘…It’s open.!’

Jung-min approached the opened inventory gate.

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

Beyond the gate, Jung-min could see the owner of the inventory that he had been curious about so much.

‘…a foreigner…a woman…?’

A blonde girl in shabby clothes caught my eye.

More than anything, it was the girl’s face that caught Jung-min’s eyes.

The girl, who appeared to be in her late teens or early twenties, had a beautiful appearance and blonde and green eyes.

Jeongmin was dazed for a moment.

‘…Ah…I thought I was looking at a celebrity…By the way, what are those clothes? It looks like a foreigner… but where is it? It’s a complete wasteland.

Jimin shook his head to clear his thoughts.

‘This isn’t the time to be like this… I have to get out…’

Jung-min stared at the place behind the girl and used the space movement skill.

The figure of Jung-min appeared in the place where Jung-min was watching.

Jung-min sat down in his seat, feeling extremely dizzy again.

‘Ugh… again…’

Jung-min, who was struggling with extreme dizziness, came to his senses.

It was because the sharp blade of the sword was touching Jung-min’s neck.


Jungmin swallowed his saliva.

The girl who quickly approached Jeong-min and aimed a sword at his neck exclaimed sharply.

“Kush je ti! zbuloni identitetin tuaj!”

As the blade pressed against his throat intensified, Jeong-min broke out in a cold sweat.

“That…I’m sorry…I’m not good at foreign languages. But I’m not your enemy!”

The girl’s eyes widened slightly in surprise when she heard Jeongmin’s words.

The girl muttered in a low voice as she held the knife to Jung-min’s neck.

“…Ndrico sytë e mi për të zbuluar fytyrën e vërtetë të armikut….syri i vëzhgimit!”

As the girl said something, her green eyes began to glow red.

Jeongmin looked at him and thought.


The girl glared at Jeongmin with red eyes.

After a while, the red light disappeared, and the girl’s eyes contained feelings of bewilderment.


Jung-min muttered something incomprehensible, and the girl took the knife from Jung-min’s neck.


Jimin let out a sigh of relief.

The girl who put down the knife said.

“A kishte ndonjë njeri tjetër të gjallë përveç meje…”

‘!!…Uh…Are you crying right now? Why..? Why are you crying..?’

The girl in shabby clothes shed tears, and then rushed to Jeong-min, hugged him, and began to cry.

Unaccustomed to women’s tears, Jeong-min stood in a panic, not knowing what to do.

‘Should I comfort you? No, why are you crying?! Should I even stroke his hair?’

While Jung-min was confused and flustered, the girl who had stopped crying let Jung-min go.

“Na vjen keq…Më dukej keq..Isha kaq e lumtur”

“…Ah…that’s…yes…as I said earlier, I’m not good at foreign languages…”

When Jung-min said it as if he was embarrassed, the girl who wiped away her tears smiled softly.

‘….pretty… keuheum!’

Jeongmin closed his eyes and shook his head to get rid of the thoughts that came to his mind.

The girl in armor, who was staring at Jung-min like that, spoke in a low voice.

“..Thyeni barrierat e komunikimit mes nesh..përgjigje mendore!”

As soon as the girl finished speaking, a white light rose from Jeongmin’s and the girl’s heads, connecting like a line and then disappearing.

When the light completely disappeared, the girl said.

“…can you understand me now?”


As Jung-min stared at the girl with surprised eyes, the girl tilted her head and spoke again.

“Are you still not understanding what I’m saying? The connection is clear…”

“Oh, no! I get it. I hear it right. What is…?”

Looking at Jung-min, who was surprised, the girl smiled and said,

“I used a skill that connects the minds of you and mine. Even if the language you speak is different, you will be able to understand it.”

“Skills…Ah, you mean your skills… To have a skill like this…It’s amazing…”

After hearing Jung-min’s words, the girl tilted her head once again and continued.

“I’m late in introducing myself. My name is Leah. I’m sorry earlier. I didn’t know that there were other people besides me… I’m glad I showed rudeness.”

“I’m sorry.. It’s okay. My name is Choi Jeong-min.”

“Choi Jung-min.. I guess this is a local name! It’s unusual. The clothes are also very unique..”

“You can just call me Jeongmin.. That…not the name and clothes of this place…I’m not from this country. Are you sure Leah isn’t from this place?”

“Oh, that’s right. I’m not from here either. I’m from the Kingdom of Kazan. It’s a small kingdom far away on the continent of Erenard, so you might not know.”

“…..The Elenard Continent?”

Jeongmin tilted his head at the unfamiliar place name.

Leia also tilted her head and asked again.

“Yes, the continent of Elenard… that… don’t you know?”

“Ah… I’m not very good at learning… No, it’s not that kind of problem…”

Jeongmin frowned and asked Leah.

“That…I’m from a country called Korea on the continent called Asia…by any chance…do you know?”

“Asia…? My knowledge is short, so I can’t name all the countries that exist in Elan… but I’ve never heard of the continent called Asia…”


Jung-min realized that the conversation with Leah was out of sync.

“That… it seems like the conversation keeps falling apart. Let me ask you one more thing.”

Leah looked nervously at Jeongman’s face as he asked with a serious expression.

“That…by any chance…is this…isn’t this world…the Earth…?”

Leah replied.

“Earth? Where is it?”

Episode 5

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