I really can't control myself

Chapter 594 Destruction

As soon as he landed, Linton directly heard the sound of valuables reminder. I looked at the machine next to me that was emitting a blue beam of light. It didn't seem to be anyone's property now, so I prompted it directly.

Looking to the side, Natasha was not far from him, chatting with an old man lying on the ground. If I guessed correctly, this old man should be Dr. Eric who was captured before. Natasha Sha was probably asking how to turn off the machine, and there were sounds of fighting on the other side. Linton looked further away and found that Thor was actually fighting Loki here.

"Linton." Natasha also noticed that Linton was here and shouted directly to Linton: "We need Loki's scepter to close this machine, otherwise it cannot be closed. This machine has a protective shield. "

Linton looked at it and found that Loki's scepter was still in his hand, which was somewhat different from the original work. After looking at the battle between Thor and Loki, Loki actually has the upper hand now. Of course, Linton immediately knew the reason, because Thor didn't have a hammer now. This hammer was blown up by Linton before. His combat effectiveness has dropped a level directly, and he seems to have not yet discovered that he is not the God of Hammers. What Thor is holding now should be a weapon snatched from the hands of the Chitauri soldiers, a shining purple axe, but it seems that he can't defeat Loki holding the scepter with this.

While watching, Loki suddenly took out a knife and inserted it directly into Thor's abdomen. Thor, who was hit, dropped the weapon in his hand and half-knelt down, holding his abdomen.

"You have become weak, brother..." Loki held the scepter directly, pressed it against Thor's head, and said, "Where is the weapon your father gave you?"

"Sorry, I blew it up."

Loki turned his head when he heard the sound and saw Linton walking in. Loki was still a little panicked when he saw Linton. After all, he was almost strangled to death by Linton when he was in Asgard. Of course he still remembered this. of.

"Congratulations on your success in exhausting my patience." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Maybe it's time to talk about things between us." Loki kicked Thor away and said, "You ruined my perfect plan. I have become the king of Asgard. And your appearance ruined everything!"

"Loki... your plan is impossible to succeed!" Thor fell to the ground and said, "You don't understand how to become a king."

"You are the one who doesn't understand, my foolish brother!" said Loki.

"Okay, I'm not here to listen to the quarrel between you two brothers. I'm here to beat you." Linton interrupted.

"Oh, I almost forgot..." As soon as Loki finished speaking, his figure suddenly shook, and at the same time another Loki appeared next to Linton, holding a scepter and stabbing Linton directly in the chest. Yes, Loki's nonsense here was not to accuse him at all, he just wanted to attract the attention of the two people. His body had already started to act, and what was left was just a fantasy.

A burst of light flashed, and the scepter pierced Linton's chest directly. Seeing this, Loki was ecstatic: "Thank you for your contempt for me, but now the one who laughs last..."

Before Loki finished speaking, Linton raised his hand and grabbed Loki who was standing next to him, and then slammed him directly to the ground. Before the other party could react, he picked him up again, and then hit the ground again. " After bang bang bang, Loki lay on the ground with a look of doubt on his life.

"Why..." Loki asked confusedly, "The scepter is ineffective against you."

Linton answered him with a sudden kick, stepping directly on Loki's chest. There was a "click" and the whole room shook. The ground shattered and the two of them fell directly down one level. Loki's side Of course, he immediately lost his reaction.

"The battle is over."

"What a pity..." Linton spread his hands. Yes, the scepter is still effective. After all, it is made of the Mind Stone. Linton was indeed distracted for a moment. However, the problem was that what he was thinking had nothing to do with Battle Princess. The fight was still a success. Linton had encountered a similar situation before. When he saw Loki coming up, he knew what he wanted to do. He didn't need to worry about him at all. It would be easier to come up by himself.

Picking up the scepter next to him, Linton directly chose to upload. Of course, the upload was successful this time, and he received 2 million points, which was a little less than the Time Stone. It is estimated that the Infinity Stone points are around 2 million.

With the points in hand, Linton took the scepter and walked directly to the outside platform again, and then threw it directly to Natasha. Natasha took the scepter and then approached the wormhole generator with the scepter. Sure enough, the scepter was successfully inserted into the center and did not bounce away like before.

"Successful!" Natasha said, "Everyone, I succeeded. I can close the portal now."

"Turn it off now!" The captain's voice came from the earphones. The bottom can no longer hold it anymore. There are too many enemies.

"No, no, no, wait." Suddenly Tony stepped in and said, "I have a nuclear bomb here that is flying towards the city center and will explode in one minute."

"WHAT?" Everyone was shocked.

"What's wrong?" Linton asked as he looked at the surprised Natasha without a headset.

"Stark is flying towards here with a nuclear bomb." Natasha said simply.

"Thrown by the government? Are you planning to blow us up too?" Linton asked.

Natasha did not answer the question of who threw it, but said directly: "Stark is preparing to lead the nuclear bomb to the wormhole, just in time to attack the alien troops pouring out."

Linton squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and sure enough he saw that Tony had caught up with the nuclear bomb and was rushing toward them with the nuclear bomb in his hand. Yes, the entrance to the wormhole is right above Stark Tower, so it is indeed coming towards them.

It took less than a minute, and Linton was certainly aware of this situation. Although in the original work, Tony did successfully blow up the enemy's mothership with a nuclear bomb and returned successfully, but now the situation was obviously different from the original work. After all, he is his nephew, and Linton does not dare to gamble on the odds.

Susanoo appeared directly, grabbed Linton and threw him directly in the direction of Tony. Linton opened his hands and shouted directly to Tony: "Nephew! Pass the ball!"

"Are you sure? I have a nuclear bomb in my hand!" Tony shouted.

"Give me!"

Tony didn't have time to think about it. He directly adjusted the direction and threw the nuclear bomb towards Linton. An orange magic circle appeared under Linton's feet, allowing him to move point by point in the air, and then grabbed the flying nuclear bomb and hung it above. At the same time, Magneto's ability was directly activated to twist the entire nuclear bomb's flight direction upwards, directly aiming at the wormhole above.

Although the nuclear bomb has been aimed at the location, Linton is also preparing to penetrate directly into the wormhole. Now the plot has changed. There is no guarantee that the Chitauri mothership will indeed be blown up. If it is not blown up, these invading soldiers will Will continue to move, this is too troublesome.

Of course, Linton doesn't know what will happen to his body if he directly enters space. Although his body is very hard now, but... he has never tried it. After all, there is more than just a question of whether it is hard or not in space.

To be on the safe side, Linton also opened the store directly. There was a very good choice here, which was Sol's bloodline. The bloodline of the Aesir protoss can not only give you the ability to survive in space, but also enhance your physical fitness in all aspects, and you should also be able to gain Thor's ability to control thunder and lightning.

It has many functions and is quite suitable for me. Linton also bought it directly and spent more than one million points to upgrade to A level. Before he could adapt, the nuclear bomb had already rushed into the wormhole.

Linton suddenly felt that the surroundings suddenly became quiet, as if his ears were deafened. However, I didn't feel any particular discomfort in my body, which should be due to the Asa clan blood.

Looking up, Linton had already seen the huge mothership. At this time, the glowing mothership was very obvious in the dark universe. And it is surrounded by a large number of small battleships, Leviathan attack ships and mothership frigates. At the same time, the other party seemed to have discovered Linton and the missiles below him, and some surrounding ships pressed directly in Linton's direction.

To be honest, Linton didn't know how the nuclear warhead missile hit the opponent's mothership. Did the opponent have no defense at all? But as long as the original book tells you, Linton can only believe it. As soon as he raised his hand, a huge beam of lightning suddenly shot out from Linton's arm, directly hitting a Leviathan that rushed towards him.

Linton gave it a try. The power of the thunder and lightning was quite strong, a bit beyond his expectation. One shot could kill a Leviathan and a lot of small spaceships around him. After thinking about it, Linton exerted another force, and a large amount of lightning shot out from his arms, and the Leviathan warships that were hit exploded one after another. Linton mainly tested the maximum output, and it seems to be quite good so far.

Linton's attack seemed to have attracted some of the enemy's attention. At this time, the nuclear bomb here had already drawn a straight line and rushed straight towards the enemy's mothership, and the opponent seemed to be unprepared.

The next second, a strange cyan light lit up, and then a huge fireball rushed out of the mothership. The fireball spread in a perfect circle, and soon engulfed the entire mothership. At this time, the attack ships and Leviathan warships that were rushing towards Linton seemed to have suddenly lost control. They stopped moving one after another and just continued to move forward according to inertia.

On the other side of the New York battlefield, the same thing happened. All the Chitauri troops instantly lost their response. The spaceships fell one after another. Even ordinary soldiers fell on the spot as if they had lost consciousness.

Seeing this situation, everyone understood that Linton succeeded.

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