I really can't control myself

Chapter 595 Safekeeping

The massive Battle of New York was finally over, and of course Linton got the Cosmic Cube, the Space Stone, as he wished. Because it was an ownerless thing, Linton directly uploaded it and once again received 2.2 million points.

Linton couldn't help but want to shout that he was happy after getting more than 6 million points at once. He didn't expect that the Marvel world could earn points so much. I really underestimated him before. Of course, Linton also thought of the other three gems at this time, and there were still 6 million over there.

However, after thinking about it carefully, the other 6 gems are really a bit difficult. If the Power Stone remembers correctly, it is still on Morag, existing as a cosmic spiritual ball, and has not yet been discovered by Star-Lord. The Reality Stone is now sealed as an ether particle and should not have awakened yet. As for the soul gem, it is a trap. Of course, you can get it as long as you reach Vormir, but you need to make a sacrifice.

Speaking of sacrifice, Linton subconsciously looked at Tony next to him. Tony suddenly felt a chill and turned to look at Linton: "What do you want to do?"

"Huh?" Linton spread his hands.

"You definitely wanted to do something just now, right?" Tony said.

"You're overthinking." Linton shook his head. Although he always took advantage of Tony, he was indeed not his uncle. It seemed impossible to sacrifice him forcefully, and he couldn't lie to himself. Of course, he doesn't have to offer it himself. He can just find two people and let them offer sacrifices, and then grab it himself and that's it.

Thinking of this, Linton looked at Natasha and Hawkeye next to him. Natasha here also suddenly turned her head: "What do you want to do?"

"What?" Linton spread his hands again.

"You were definitely thinking about something bad just now." Natasha said.

"Hey, hey, why are you all having your sixth sense bursting out right now?" Linton said.

Of course, thinking about it, it is quite troublesome to actually execute this matter. After all, you don’t throw it away by yourself. You need help from others. But how could the two people who already have a deep relationship sacrifice each other if they had no other choice? Natasha and Barton At that time, it was because Thanos made them really have no choice but to make this choice. Under normal circumstances, it was simply not possible.

"It's so difficult. I feel like it's easier to grab Thanos." Linton thought for a moment, spread his hands and said.

The matter of the Soul Stone is temporarily abandoned, but the Power Stone and Reality Stone can still be thought about for a while, after all, they are now sealed. The place where the Power Stone is located is the Morag planet. Linton doesn't know where it is and can't open the door. He needs to ask at least a cosmic person. The place where the Reality Stone is currently sealed should only be known to Odin. However, this guy Those who were beaten by him did not know whether they were alive or dead.

"I have a headache, just take it one step at a time." Linton rubbed his head. Although he really wanted to get the 6 million, it seems that it is not that easy now.

While Linton was thinking about those few gems, several other Avengers were finishing the finishing work. The first thing was to capture Loki. Of course, Loki was still lying on the ground in a coma at this time, and was easily captured. However, the issue of how to deal with it has caused controversy.

Of course Saul was prepared to take the man back, after all, he was his younger brother. As for this decision, I don’t know why no one else raised any objections. Maybe no one knew what to do with this alien. Of course, Linton didn't care, because he suddenly felt that Asgardians were still useful.

No one cares about Loki, but what about the remaining problem of the Cosmic Cube. No one particularly cares about Loki's scepter. They don't know that it is also one of the Infinity Stones. They don't even know the concept of Infinity Stones, so they just think that this thing is just an ordinary alien weapon. , As for the alien weapons, a lot of them fell outside, and someone will naturally come to clean them up later. But the Cosmic Cube is very dangerous. NA has used it to develop dangerous weapons, and now S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to be following the old path of NA, preparing to use it to develop weapons. Regarding this, the Avengers are all opposing.

So Thor here expressed his intention to use the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to go back. When he kept this thing later, others did not object. After all, Thor is an alien, and it would be more troublesome to leave this thing on the earth. Originally, Thor was an alien. They are from aliens, just send them back wherever they come from. No one knew that in a few years someone would use this thing to wipe out half of the population in the universe.

However, Linton stepped in at this time: "This thing belongs to me, I will just send you back."

"What do you want this for?" Tony asked.

"It's better to leave it here. You think even if I want to destroy the earth, I don't need the help of this thing, so I definitely won't use it for anything." Linton said.

There is some truth in what he said, because they really didn’t understand the importance of this thing, and no one raised any objections. Anyway, they felt that it was absolutely impossible for Linton to use this thing to develop weapons. If there was anything good to develop, they didn’t need it. .

To be honest, Linton didn't really want to use this thing for anything, he just wanted to test whether he could control the power of the infinite stones. The approximate ability of the space gem is to open a portal, and Linton has already mastered this ability. In fact, he doesn't really need it. What he wants to test is whether he can use the power of the gem.

He had tried to use the power of the Time Stone before, but it didn't come with an instruction manual, so even if he couldn't use it, it would be a big problem. It's like you get a nuclear bomb, but you can't launch it, so you can only watch it. What Linton wants now is to try it with a gem first, otherwise he would not be interested in getting it. Although this thing is very important, the points have been passed on. If you don't know how to use it, what's the point of getting it.

In short, no one objected to Linton's proposal again, but just when Linton was about to buy something, someone came to trouble him. As soon as the elevator rang, a group of people came up. The leader was a white-haired middle-aged man. This guy looked like a politician at first glance, with a sense of confidence of a high-ranking person and a fake smile on his face.

"Can you hand the prisoner over to me?" the middle-aged man said as he came up.

"I'm sorry, are you..." Sol asked directly.

"Alexander Pierce."

"He's Nick Fury's boss." Tony, who was next to him, seemed to have passed Pierce and helped explain.

"Usually they call me Minister," Pierce said. "I'm here to take over the prisoner. Can you hand the prisoner over to me? He must face trial."

"Asgard will handle the matter of trial ourselves," Thor said.

"Sorry, he has to give an explanation to our people first, and then let you Asgard deal with it." Pierce said.

Of course Linton had recognized Pierce at this time. To be honest, Linton felt that Pierce had nothing wrong with at least this point. He also wondered why no one objected to Thor taking Loki away. This alien is running around the earth. Is it true that if you commit crimes on earth, you don’t have to abide by the laws of the earth? I always feel like Pierce's statement is more normal.

However, before Linton could develop a good impression of Pierce, Pierce himself came to commit suicide. Before Loki's matter was settled, Pierce pointed to the Cosmic Cube in Linton's hand and said, "This thing must be returned to us."

"Oh?" Linton smiled. Someone actually dared to grab something from his hand. Although Linton didn't really want this thing, but he could still make him spit it out after getting it?

"Why should I leave it to you?" Linton asked with a smile.

"This thing has been a SHIELD thing for more than seventy years." Pierce replied calmly.

"Oh? So whoever bought this thing first belongs to whom? It was more than seventy years ago. If I remember correctly, this thing should be the NA's. Is it necessary to return this thing to the NA's to return it to its original state? Lord?" Linton said, "Hey, when you say this, Director Pierce seems to be really qualified. I'm talking about you, not SHIELD..."

"What do you mean?" Pierce was suddenly stunned.

"Don't you understand? Can I just tell you straight?" Linton asked.

Pierce was a little panicked, because of course he knew about Linton. After all, he was the minister of SHIELD, and Nick Fury didn't hide it from him. He knows that Linton seems to be able to foresee some things, and sometimes the information he gives is very accurate, so this guy knows my identity?

It would certainly not be a good thing for Pierce if his identity was exposed now. Pierce thought for a moment, and then said to Linton: "Don't think that you alone can threaten the entire government."

"It's useless for you to drag the entire Magnesium government." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Then let's go and see." Pierce didn't want to stay here any longer. After saying this, he left directly with the others. To be honest, he was very panicked now. He probably guessed that Linton had seen through his As for why the identity has not been revealed, it is probably because there is no evidence yet. Of course, Pierce is very confident about this. The other party should not be able to find any evidence, so what if the other party knows his identity? Without evidence, he is still the director of SHIELD. How can Linton kill himself? No.

Of course, he must deal with this matter immediately. Since the other party already knows, he must be looking for evidence now and is preparing to bring him down. He must not give them such a chance. Pierce thought about it for a moment. Among the people who participated in this incident, Linton was one of them. Tony should also have participated. Of course... Nick Fury may have also participated. As for the other Avengers members...

"Strike first." Pierce turned to look at the Avengers, and then left.

"Giving up so quickly?" Tony said with some surprise.

"Let's send you back first." Of course Linton didn't care and said directly to Saul.

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